Reputation: 123
I'm doing a very simple 2D platform game project, you can see here how it is so far:
But I can't detect the collision between the enemy (the chainsaw) and the player.
I have this code to detect if the two bodies are colliding, but it only prints the Enemy
when the player is moving:
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
for i in get_slide_count():
var collision = get_slide_collision(i)
if collision.collider.is_in_group("Enemy"): print("Enemy")
Thanks any help : )
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Views: 582
Reputation: 123
The answer:
But basically the player, it’s not moving, so it's not colliding 🤦
Here it's the changes that I made to fix:
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Reputation: 1
I did plenty of 2d games using pygame and i used this two.
You can use sprite.spritecollideany() which takes 2 arguments. The sprite u want to collide, in your case the chainsaw with another group of sprites. this requires a loop, which will look like this:
for swordman in swordsmen1_army:
# Swordsman1 attackin Swordsman2
colliding_sword2 = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(swordman, swordsmen2_army)
if colliding_sword2:
swordman.attacking = True
swordman.unleash = False
if swordman.index == 3: -= SWORD_HIT
If you want to collide just two sprites you can use pygame.Rect.colliderect() which checks for detection of 2 sprites with each other. This one requires no loop and looks like this:
if pygame.Rect.colliderect(ball.rect, border1.rect):
ball.down_collision = True
ball_y_speed *= -1
Both of them will return a boolean value and from there, you can use an if statement and continue with the code.
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