Reputation: 8337
I need to send the key combo ^⌘C to a background app with the bundle identifier
. The key combo should then activate a menu item in that application.
Unfortunately, I have no clue how to do that. Some research pointed me to the NSEvent and CGEvent API using CGEventPostToPSN()
, but I was unable to get it work correctly, as I don't know how to set up the key combo. CGEventPost()
didn't seem to work with the events I created, even if the desired app is the active one.
Here is the code I eventually came up with but that doesn't work:
CGWindowID windowNumber;
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyUp
modifierFlags:(NSControlKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask)
timestamp:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime]
context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
CGEventRef eventRef = [event CGEvent];
What am I supposed to do with that event now? Why is there no NSEvent
equivalent for CGEventPost()
? Is there even an easier way to activate that menu item than posting an event? I can easily get an instance of NSRunningApplication
, but there is no suitable API to accomplish my task.
Update: I got it working:
- (void) postFakedKeyboardEventForCopyScreenToPasteboardToPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn {
CGEventSourceRef source = CGEventSourceCreate(kCGEventSourceStatePrivate);
CGEventRef keyDownEvent = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode)8, true);
CGEventSetFlags(keyDownEvent, (kCGEventFlagMaskControl | kCGEventFlagMaskCommand));
CGEventRef keyUpEvent = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode)8, false);
CGEventSetFlags(keyUpEvent, (kCGEventFlagMaskControl | kCGEventFlagMaskCommand));
CGEventPostToPSN(&psn, keyDownEvent);
CGEventPostToPSN(&psn, keyUpEvent);
OSStatus err = noErr;
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
err = GetProcessForPID([simulator processIdentifier], &psn);
if (err == noErr)
[self postFakedKeyboardEventForCopyScreenToPasteboardToPSN:psn];
Upvotes: 7
Views: 2508
Reputation: 8843
A few notes:
Send a keyDown event, too, not just keyUp. That way, it will be more like a real keypress.
You need to call CGEventPostToPSN with that CGEvent, or at least SOME call that posts the event.
Upvotes: 1