Reputation: 1
I develop a discord bot in javascript and added the bot to a server. The bot has the permissions to view the channel, view message history and send messages. Sadly, it only replys in DMs.
require("dotenv").config(); //to start process from .env file
const {Client, Intents}=require("discord.js");
const client=new Client({
Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS,//adds server functionality
client.once("ready", () =>{
console.log(` READY - Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`); //message when bot is online
// messages
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.content.toLocaleLowerCase()==='hello') {
msg.reply('hello there!')
I tried to play around with the permissions on the discord website and to change msg.reply to msg.send and many others. I've gone thru a minimum of 10 tutorials and docs but it still only replies to DMs.
I expected that I get some error codes and informations about why it doesn't respond but nothing happend. Thank you for your help.
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Views: 185