In a CloudFormation template I want to create both a VPC Endpoint and a Route53 Record pointing to it.
This is the record definition:
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
DNSName: ---- NEED THIS VALUE ----
HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId
HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId
Name: !Ref DomainName
Type: A
According to the docs, the VPC Endpoint has an output DnsEntries
which returns a list like ["", "", ""]
In that example, I would need for the DNSName
the value
, that is, the first item in the list without the Hosted Zone ID.
But I don't know how to fetch that within a CloudFormation template.
I was trying the following: !Select ['1', !Split [':', [!Select ['0', !GetAtt VPCEndpoint.DnsEntries]]]]
, but I'm getting the following error: "[cfn-lint] E1018: Split has to be of type string or valid function for Resources/Domain/Properties/AliasTarget/DNSName/Fn::Select/1/Fn::Split"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1684
Found the issue.
The second argument of Split
was wrong. It has to be a String, not a list.
This is the correct one:
!Select ['1', !Split [':', !Select ['0', !GetAtt VPCEndpoint.DnsEntries]]]
Notice there is no [
between ,
and !Select
Upvotes: 3