Reputation: 1437
In Flutter, I want to create a class that serves as a service to Firebase Firestore DB.
So that instead of listening to a document change directly from my controller / model like so:
StreamSubscription<DocumentSnapshot> listener = FirebaseFirestore.instance
I'll have a method in my service, that will delegate that stream, like so:
Stream<Product> listenToProduct(String productId) {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('products')
.map((snapshot) => Product.fromJson(!));
And my controller / model will use it like so:
My only issue is that I don't know how to cancel the subscription listener in the second case.
I mean, when listening directly to Firestore, I can use:
How do I achieve this using my Firestore service?
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Views: 194
Reputation: 111
Create a variable of static StreamSubscription? subscription;
and reference the listen to that variable, subscription = reference.onValue.listen...
and then you can use
if (subscription != null) {
to cancel it
Upvotes: 1