Reputation: 310
I have a C# class library project (.Net Framework 4.5) that I use it in VB6 as a type library (.tlb).
Everything works fine with properties with non-collection objects as attributes or returns.
As far as I know, it's not possible to expose a collection (Array/List) of a user-type object such as Product []
in a C# project and export it to tlb file, but Object []
I heard it's okay. So, I changed:
Public List<Product> ListOfProducts( get; set; )
Object [] _productList;
public Object [] ListOfProducts
return _productList;
_productList = value;
I also tried:
public void SetListOfProducts(Object [] products)
_productList= products;
That done, ListOfProducts
or SetListOfProducts
now are visible in Visual Basic 6 project, but in VB6, when I run:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Sell as new SellProducts
Dim prodct(1) As New TlbProj.Product 'Product is a class inside of the tlb file
prodct(0).EAN = "7894900011517"
prodct(1).EAN = "7894900017011"
Dim prodctVariant(1) As Variant
'Set prodctVariant = prodct or prodctVariant = prodct throws "Can't assign to array error"
prodctVariant(0) = prodct(0) 'one by one was the only way I managed to do this. That's not the major problem.
prodctVariant(1) = prodct(1)
Sell.ListOfProducts = prodctVariant
'The object browser shows: 'Property ListOfProducts As Variant()
'it throws the message: "Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic"
Sell.SetListOfProducts prodctVariant
'The object browser shows: 'Sub SetListOfProducts(products() As Variant)
'it throws the message: "Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic"
End Sub
My classes:
public Class SellProducts
Object [] _productList;
public Object [] ListOfProducts
return _productList;
_productList = value;
public void SetListOfProducts(Object [] products)
_productList= products;
public class Product
public string EAN { get; set; }
I have tried with no success:
That said, is there a way to get and set Array of Object (preferably to Array of Product type) from C# to COM, even using .Net 5+? Thank you all!
Upvotes: 5
Views: 269
Reputation: 1
You can transfer an Array of Objects by passing as a method parameter instead of using properties
//C# .Net-Code
public class Product
public string Name { get; set; }
public Product()
Name = "";
public class TransferHandler
List<Product> Products {get; set;}
public TransferHandler()
Products = new List<Product>();
public void Send(ref Product[] products)
Products = products.ToList()
Dim products(1) As MyNameSpace.Product
Set products(0) = new MyNameSpace.Product
products(0).Name = "foo"
Set products(1) = new MyNameSpace.Product
products(1).Name = "bar"
Dim transferHandler As MyNameSpace.TransferHandler
Set transferHandler = new MyNameSpace.TransferHandler
Call transferHandler.Send(products)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 139187
Although .NET creates valid type libraries, they are not all supported by VB6. .NET generics cannot be used at all at boundaries.
One solution is to use ArrayList as a collection type usable in C# and VB6 but it's untyped. It works with .NET Framework, but not sure it still works (registered?) with .NET Core3+.
Here is a solution that works and is typed for reading the list, but is untyped for write operations:
public class SellProducts
private readonly List<Product> _products = new List<Product>();
public SellProducts()
_products.Add(new Product { EAN = ".NET1234" });
_products.Add(new Product { EAN = ".NET5678" });
// read only mode
public Product[] Products => _products.ToArray();
// write mode, untyped :-(
public void SetProducts(object products)
if (products is IEnumerable enumerable)
public class Product
public string EAN { get; set; }
VB6 doesn't understand type libs created with object[]
or Product[]
parameters for SetProducts.
Upvotes: 5