Reputation: 25
I beg for your help. For my project,, module jobkit, I can't pass 4 tests who pretend to validate calls via @Aspect.
Ok with Eclipse (the last version). Ko with Maven, the last version too.
How to reproduce:
git clone
git checkout issue51
mvn install -DskipTests && mvn test -rf :jobkit
# or just mvn test
void testWithDefaultName() throws Exception {
verify(runnableWithException, times(1)).run(); //OK
verify(supervisableServiceSupplier, times(1)).createAndStart("TestWithSupervisable.aSupervisableMethod"); // KO
verify(supervisableServiceSupplier, times(1)).end(supervisable, Optional.empty());
public Object manageSupervisable(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
/* [...] */
// THIS code run with Eclipse Test, but not with Maven... WHY ?
final var supervisable = supervisableServiceSupplier.createAndStart(jobName);
final var result = joinPoint.proceed(joinPoint.getArgs());
supervisableServiceSupplier.end(supervisable, Optional.empty());
return result;
public void annotationWithSupervisable() {
Class to "aspect" as test:
public class TestWithSupervisable {
void aSupervisableMethod(final RunnableWithException toTest) throws Exception {;
You can see the error
[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR] SupervisableAspectTest.testWithDefaultName:76
Wanted but not invoked:
getSupervisableSupplier bean.createAndStart(
-> at tv.hd3g.jobkit.engine.SupervisableServiceSupplier.createAndStart(
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
See the main pom: and project pom
See the THIRD-PARTY.txt file to know the deps versions (all seem the lasts, too):
Thanks for you help, or ideas!
All is working fine in Eclipse, but not in Maven test (surefire).
I want to know if my code/approach is wrong, or if my maven setup/pom is wrong!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 117
Reputation: 67437
Your test also fails in the IDE, if you run it together in the same session with SupervisableServiceSupplierTest
in this order:
Calling sss.end
in the first test like this fixes the problem:
void end() {
verifyNoMoreInteractions(supervisableManager, supervisable, exception);
sss.end(supervisable, Optional.empty());
This is a classical case of a test not cleaning up a fixture, bleeding over context to another test. It has nothing to do with Maven at all.
P.S.: Your MCVE link was key for me to solve this case. You did yourself the greatest favour by providing it. Every newbie and many more experienced developers here can learn from this. Without a complete, reproducible example nobody would have had the slightest chance to debug this and provide a correct answer with the information given in the question as such, because like so often
Upvotes: 1