Reputation: 19
I have a QML OSM map and a MapQuickItem with Text source item:
MapQuickItem {
property alias rulerRotationAngle: rulerRotation.angle
id: rulerTextMapItem
visible: false
width: 2
height: 2
transform: Rotation {
id: rulerRotation
origin.x: rulerText.width/2;
origin.y: rulerText.height/2;
angle: 0
anchorPoint.x: rulerText.width/2
anchorPoint.y: rulerText.height/2
sourceItem: Text {
id: rulerText; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
color: Material.color(Material.Amber, Material.Shade100)
text: "0.0 km";
I also have two points (QtPositioning.coordinate) and I want the text to rotate depending on the angle of the straight line (MapPolyLine) drawn between those points:
function drawRuler()
rulerLine.path = [];
rulerTextMapItem.visible = true;
rulerTextMapItem.coordinate = QtPositioning.coordinate((r_firstpoint.latitude+r_secondpoint.latitude)/2, (r_firstpoint.longitude+r_secondpoint.longitude)/2);
var atan = Math.atan2(r_secondpoint.longitude-r_firstpoint.longitude, r_secondpoint.latitude-r_firstpoint.latitude);
var angle = ((atan*180)/Math.PI); //used by another MapItem
var textAngle = angle+270;
if(textAngle>90 & textAngle<270) { textAngle+=180 }
if(angle>90 & angle<270) { angle +=180 }
rulerTextMapItem.rulerRotationAngle = textAngle;
However, text rotates correctly only at angles that are multiples of 90 degrees. At an angle of 45 degrees, the text deviates from the mappolyline by about 10-20 degrees. I have no clue why it happens and appreciate any help.
Tried to move transform.origin of MapQuickItem - angle difference only gets bigger. Tried to use Math.Atan instead of Math.Atan2 - no difference.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 269
Reputation: 25956
The main issue is this line and the order of inputs:
var atan = Math.atan2(
should come before longitude
, i.e.
var atan = Math.atan2(
Generally speaking, to use Math.atan2()
to convert to an angle, you need to use one of the following patterns:
let radians = Math.atan2(vectorY, vectorX)
let degrees = Math.atan2(vectorY, vectorX) * 180 / Math.PI
Also over large angles, you definitely should use project your angular coordinates to a flat projection, e.g. QtPositioning.coordToMercator. (This point was raised in one of the earlier comments).
For very small angles you can get away with it because the earth can be approximated to a flat earth directly from angular coordinates, but, as the area goes, this fact quickly disappears.
The following code demonstrates Math.atan2()
and how it must work with (vectorY, vectorX) inputs. It has two draggable squares and you watch that the text will always follow the direction of the blue line no matter where the squares are:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Shapes
Page {
id: page
width: 200; height: 200
property int startX: rect1.x + rect1.width / 2
property int startY: rect1.y + rect1.height / 2
property int finishX: rect2.x + rect2.width / 2
property int finishY: rect2.y + rect2.height / 2
Rectangle {
id: rect1
x: 40; y: 40
width: 40; height: 40
color: "red"
Drag.hotSpot.x: 20
Drag.hotSpot.y: 20
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent parent
Rectangle {
id: rect2
x: 400; y: 250
width: 40; height: 40
color: "red"
Drag.hotSpot.x: 20
Drag.hotSpot.y: 20
MouseArea {
id: dragArea2
anchors.fill: parent parent
Shape {
id: shape
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: 4
strokeColor: "blue"
startX: page.startX
startY: page.startY
PathLine {
x: page.finishX
y: page.finishY
Item {
x: (startX + finishX) / 2
y: (startY + finishY) / 2
rotation: Math.atan2(finishY - startY, finishX - startX) * 180 / Math.PI
Frame {
anchors.centerIn: parent
background: Rectangle {
border.color: "black"
Text {
text: "Hello World"
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