Reputation: 3
I am extracting data from a large pdf file using regex using python in databricks. This data is in form of a long string and I am using string split function to convert this into a pandas dataframe as I want the final data as csv file. But while doing line.split command it takes about 5 hours for the command to run and I am looking for ways to optimize this. I am new to python and I am not sure which part of the code should I look at for reducing this time of running the command.
for pdf in os.listdir(data_directory):
# creating an object
file = open(data_directory + pdf, 'rb')
# creating file reader object
fileReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file)
num_pages = fileReader.numPages
#print("total pages = " + str(num_pages))
extracted_string = "start of file"
current_page = 0
while current_page < num_pages:
#print("adding page " + str(current_page) + " to the file")
extracted_string += (fileReader.getPage(current_page).extract_text())
current_page = current_page + 1
regex_date = "\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}[^\n]*"
table_lines = re.findall(regex_date, extracted_string)
Above code is to get the data from PDF
#create dataframe out of extracted string and load into a single dataframe
for line in table_lines:
df = pd.DataFrame([x.split(' ') for x in line.split('\n')])
df.rename(columns={0: 'date_of_import', 1: 'entry_num', 2: 'warehouse_code_num', 3: 'declarant_ref_num', 4: 'declarant_EORI_num', 5: 'VAT_due'}, inplace=True)
table = pd.concat([table,df],sort= False)
This part of the code is what is taking up huge time. I have tried different ways to get a dataframe out of this data but the above has worked best for me. I am looking for faster way to run this code. pdf file for reference
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Views: 68
Reputation: 149085
There are 2 immediate optimization steps in your code.
Pre-compile regex if they are used many times. It may or not be relevant here, because I could not guess how many times table_lines = re.findall(regex_date, extracted_string)
is executed. But this if often more efficient:
# before any loop
regex_date = re.compile("\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}[^\n]*")
# inside the loop
table_lines = regex_date.findall(extracted_string)
Do not repeatedly append to a dataframe. A dataframe is a rather complex container, and appending rows is a costly operation. It is generally much more efficient do build a Python container (list or dict) first and then convert it as a whole to a dataframe
data = [[x.split(' ') for x in line.split('\n')] for line in table_lines]
table = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['date_of_import', 'entry_num',
'warehouse_code_num', 'declarant_ref_num',
'declarant_EORI_num', 'VAT_due'])
Upvotes: 1