Reputation: 1
I have NO return on child_window when the program is in its state i expect to work in. I need a way to edit the text field but literally all examples and google searches i have done show no examples of implementation EXCEPT when using child_window
this should put Test into the edit field
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(title="DaVinci Resolve Studio - Template")
Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object()
it returns a syntax error
I have read teh documentation and i HONESTLY have no idea how to initiate the return with out a child window. Googing "no child_window" with multiple iterations has yielded me hours wasted and NOT ONE solution.
if text is entered the child_window appears in returns, but that isnt how the program start's
please, explain it for me how im supposed to seach/grab/interact with out child window? with a example please because this has me at a loss
Upvotes: 0
Views: 384
Reputation: 34
Syntax error is in line Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object()
This line should be written as either Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object()
or Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.Edit8.wrapper_object()
Upvotes: 1