Reputation: 9
I already tried some possible solutions and even created and wrote the code again but I am still getting errors. I have created a diminute version of my whole code which connects to the database using Mongoose but after the Schema is created and I import the model in places-controllers my data that I write in POSTMAN goes directly to:
FYI: In this case I want POST request from createPlace to properly work.
Data entry: URL: http://localhost:5000/api/places/
"title": "Punta Arena Stfdsfdsfsdfop",
"description": "One stop Stop. Does not have tr12affic lights.",
"busrespect": "12ysdfdsfsfes",
"address": "Avenida Solunna",
"creator": "52peru soiflsdjf36"
"status": "error caught"
which is what I told the program to define if the try did not work.
IN app.js I have the following code:
const express= require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const placesRoutes = require("./routes/places-routes");
const HttpError = require ("./models/http-error");
const app = express();
app.use('/api/places', placesRoutes);
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const error= new HttpError('Route not available. Try something different?', 404);
throw error;
app.use((error, req, res, next) =>{
if (res.headerSent) {
return next(error);
res.status(error.code || 500)
res.json({message: error.message || "An unknown error occured! Sorry" });
url = '<mongo_url>'
mongoose.connect(url, {useNewUrlParser: true}).then(()=>{
console.log("Connected to database")
}).catch(erro => {
In places-routes.js I have the following code:
const express = require('express');
const {check} = require('express-validator')
const placesControllers=require('../controllers/places-controllers');
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/:pid', placesControllers.getPlaceById );
router.get('/user/:uid',placesControllers.getPlacesByCreatorId );'/' ,[
check('description').isLength({ min: 5 }),
router.patch('/:pid', [
check('description').isLength({ min: 5 })
] , placesControllers.updatePlace );
router.delete('/:pid', placesControllers.deletePlace);
In places-controllers.js I have the following code:
const HttpError = require('../models/http-error');
const { validationResult } = require('express-validator');
//const getCoordsForAddress= require('../util/location');
const BusStop = require('../models/place');
id: "p1",
title: "Samoa Stop",
description: "My first bus stop in Lima",
//location: {
// lat: 40.1382,
// lng:-23.23
// },
address: "Av. La Molina interseccion con calle Samoa",
busrespect: "yes",
creator: "u1"
const getPlaceById = (req, res, next) => {
const placeId = // Accessing the p1 in pid URL scrapping {pid:'p1'}
const place= INITIAL_DATA.find(p => { //find method goes over each element in the array, the argument p represents the element where find loop is
return ===placeId
if (!place) {
const error= new HttpError('No bus stop found for the provided ID.', 404);
throw error;
res.json({place: place});
const getPlacesByCreatorId = (req, res, next)=> {
const userId = req.params.uid;
const places = INITIAL_DATA.filter(p=>{ //filter to retrieve multiple places, not only the first one
return p.creator ===userId;
if (!places || places.length===0) {
return next(
new HttpError('Could not find bus stops for the provide user id', 404)
const createPlace = async (req, res,next) => {
const errors = validationResult(req);
if (!errors.isEmpty()){
return next(new HttpError ('Invalid bus stop please check your data', 422));
//const { title, description, busrespect, address, creator } = req.body; //erased location for now.
/* let place = new BusStop({
title: req.body.title,
description: req.body.description,
busrespect: req.body.busrespect,
address : req.body.address,
creator: req.body.creator
message : "Employee added sucessfully!"
message : "An error has occured!"
} */
const { title, description, busrespect, address, creator } = req.body;
try {
await BusStop.create({
description: description,
address: address,
creator: creator
res.send({status: "ok"});
} catch(error) {
res.send({status:"error caught"});
const updatePlace = (req, res, next) => {
const errors = validationResult(req);
if (!errors.isEmpty()){
throw new HttpError ("Invalid inputs passed, please check your data ", 422);
const { title, description } = req.body;
const placeId =;
const updatedPlace = { ...INITIAL_DATA.find(p => === placeId)};
const placeIndex = INITIAL_DATA.findIndex(p => === placeId);
updatedPlace.title = title;
updatedPlace.description = description;
INITIAL_DATA[placeIndex] = updatedPlace;
res.status(200).json({place: updatedPlace});
const deletePlace = (req, res, next) => {
const placeId =;
if (!INITIAL_DATA.find(p=> ===placesId))
throw new HttpError('Could not find a bus stop for that ID ')
INITIAL_DATA = INITIAL_DATA.filter(p=> !== placeId)
res.status(200).json({message: 'Deleted Place'});
exports.getPlaceById= getPlaceById;
exports.getPlacesByCreatorId = getPlacesByCreatorId;
exports.createPlace = createPlace;
exports.updatePlace = updatePlace;
exports.deletePlace = deletePlace;
Inside models folder I have two files: http-error.js which has this code:
class HttpError extends Error {
constructor(message, errorCode) {
super (message);
this.code = errorCode;
module.exports = HttpError;
The other file inside is the schema which is place.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const placeSchema = new Schema({
title: {
type: String
description: {
type: String
address: {
type: String
busrespect: {
type: String
creator: {
type: String
const BusStop = mongoose.model('BusStop', placeSchema)
module.exports= BusStop
Summary: somewhere in the try catch part from createPlace something is going wrong since my data entry is always going to the error status I indicated in that part.
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Views: 210