
Reputation: 1

FreePascal exit code 201

I’m able to compile the program but not able to run it. I need to plug in the N = 11, dtmax = 0.0003 and do trials with M = 11, 21, 41 and 61. I tried to input values using constants and also by stating them in the writeln but it does not work.

Below in my writeln statements, the values of 11 is where I tried to input them. I don’t know what’s wrong.

  crt, printer;

  N = 11;       {radial nodes}
  M = 21;       {axial nodes}
  k = 40.0;     {thermal conductivity (W/mK)}
  alpha = 1e-5; {thermal diffusivity (m^2/s)}
  Rs = 0.025;   {disk radius (m)}
  Zs = 0.005;   {disk thickness (m)}
  qmax = 3.0e6; {peak flux (W/m^2)}
  Ro = 0.05;    {parameter in flux equation (m)}
  Tinit = 20.0; {initial temperature (C)}
  Tmax = 300.0; {maximum desired temperature at top of axis (C)}

  dr, dz, rhoC, dtMax, dt, time : real;
  i, j : Longint;
  C, R, L, U, D : array [1..N,1..M] of real;
  q, V, Aco, Aci, Af : array [1..N] of real;
  Told, Tnew : array [1..N+1,1..M+1] of real;

  {Size of the control volumes}
  dr := Rs/(N - 1);
  dz := Zs/(M - 1);
  rhoC:= k/alpha;
  {Control volume surface areas and volumes}
  Af[1] := pi*dr*dr/4.0;
  Af[N] := pi*dr*(Rs - dr/4.0);

  for i := 2 to N - 1 do 
    Af[i] := 2.0*pi*dr*dr*(i - 1);

  for i := 1 to N do 
    V[i] := Af[i]*dz;

  Aco[N] := 2.0*pi*Rs*dz;

  for i := 1 to N - 1 do 
    Aco[i] := 2.0*pi*dr*dz*(i - 0.5);

  Aci[1] := 0.0;

  for i := 2 to N do 
    Aci[i] := 2.0*pi*dr*dz*(i - 1.5);
  {Absorbed flux as function of i}
  q [1] := pi/4.0*qmax*dr*dr*(1.0 - 0.9/8.0*sqr(dr/Ro));
  q [N] := pi*qmax*dr*dr*(N - 1.25-0.9/8.0*sqr(dr/Ro)*(2.0*N*N*N -7.5*N*N
+ 9.5*N - 65.0/16.0));

  for i := 2 to N - 1 do
    q [i] := pi*qmax*dr*dr*(2.0*(1 - 1.0) - 0.9/4.0*sqr(dr/Ro)*(4.0*i*i*i - 12.0*i*

  i + 13.0*i - 5.0));
  {Coefficient matrices}
  for i := 1 to N do 
    for j := 1 to M do
      R[i, j] := 0.0;
      L[i, j] := 0.0;
      U[i, j] := 0.0;
      D[i, j] := 0.0;
      C[i, j] := 0.0;

  For i := 2 to N - 1 do
    For j := 2 to M - 1 do
      R[i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
      L[i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
      U[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
      D[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;

  i := 1;
  for j := 2 to M - 1 do
    R[i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
    U[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
    D[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
  i := 1;
  j := M;
  R[i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
  D[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
  i := 1;
  j := 1;
  R[i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
  U[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;

  i := N;
  for j := 2 to M - 1 do
    L[i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
    U[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
    D[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;

  i := N;
  j := M;
  L[i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
  D[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
  i := N;
  j := 1;
  L[i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
  U[i, j] := Af[i]/dz;
  j := M;
  for I := 2 to N - 1 do
    R[i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
    L[i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
    D [i, j] := Af[i]/dz;

  j := 1;
  for I := 2 to N - 1 do
    R [i, j] := Aco[i]/dr;
    L [i, j] := Aci[i]/dr;
    U [i, j] := Af[i]/dz;

  {Maximum permissible dt}
  dtMax := 0.0;
  for i := 1 to N do
    for j := 1 to M do
      dt := V[i]/alpha/(R[i, j] + L[i, j] + U[i, j] + D[i, j]);
      if dt > dtMax then 
        dtMax := dt;

  dt := 0.5*dtMax; {actual value}
  {fill in the cij matrix}
  for i := 1 to N do 
    C[1, M] := dt*q [i]/rhoC/V[i];

  {Initial conditions}
  for i := 1 to N do
    for j := 1 to M do
      Told [i, j] := Tinit;
  {carry out the solution}
  time := 0.0;
    time:= time + dt;
    writeln (time: 10:5);

    for i:= 1 to N do
      for j:= 1 to M do
        Tnew [i,j] := Told [i,j]*(1.0 - alpha*dt/V[i]*(R[i,j]+ L[i,j]+ U[i,j]+
+ alpha*dt/V[i]*(R[i, j]*Told [i + 1, j] + L[i, j]*Told [i - 1, j] + U[i, j]*Told
[i, j + 1] + D[i, j]*Told [i, j - 1]) + C[i, j]);

    if Tnew[1,m] > Tmax then {print out distribution and quit}
      writeln(11, time : 8 : 4, 'sec dt =', dt : 15 : 10);
      write(11,' ');

      for i := 1 to N do 
        write (11, 1 : 10);


      for j := M downto 1 do
        write(11, j : 4);

        for i := 1 to N do 
          write(11, Tnew[i,j]: 10 : 5);

    for i := 1 to N do
      for j := 1 to M do
        Told[i, j]:= Tnew[i, j];
  until time < - 1.0;


I looked up how to debug exit code 201 and changed the integer to Longint but it didn’t solve it. I tried to plug in values in the writeln statements but it doesn’t work. I’m able to see a screen pop up but I can’t read it since it disappears.

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Views: 99

Answers (1)

Kai Burghardt
Kai Burghardt

Reputation: 1560

Pascal exit code 201

The programming language Pascal does not define any exit codes, but rather your implementation (FreePascal in this case). A different Pascal implementation may report different exit codes, if at all.

[…] I looked up how to debug exit code 201 and changed the integer to Longin but it [didn’t] solve it. […]

The FreePascal Compiler defines RTE 201 to be a range‑check error. You must have enabled them, and in general you should always enable them, or at least during the development phase if speed matters.

As Stuart already pointed out, the expression of the tNew assignment in line 157 and following accesses, or ''attempts'' to access if range‑checking is turned on, non‑existent array elements. This is caused by your + 1 and − 1 calculations.

In the spirit of your coding style, a quick‑and‑dirty fix is to replace

  • i + 1 with i + ord(i < N),
  • i ‑ 1 with i ‑ ord(i > 1),
  • j + 1 with j + ord(j < M) and
  • j ‑ 1 with j ‑ ord(j > 1).

Another wasteful pseudo‑solution is to extend your table by the necessary additional row and column.

  Told, Tnew : array [0..N+1,0..M+1] of real;

Note the new minimum is zero for both dimensions. This works well if you have initialized the additional row and column to values that do not impact your calculations (e. g. neutral element of addition or multiplication as appropriate).


  • You do not appear to use your cathode‑ray tube or printer. The entire uses clause can be removed. It reduces the size of the executable binary.
  • You write a lot of 11s (argument to writeLn). This appears to be a “magic” constant, so better declare and use a constant for this.
  • Your main loop’s termination condition is time < −1.0. Unless you invented a time machine, I recommend that you strictly progress forward in time, i. e. ensure that dt (for time ≔ time + dt) cannot be but positive.
  • There are too many single‑character identifiers. Use at least awfully generic row or columnMaximum identifiers if you cannot come up with better names that reveal their meaning at a glance.
  • You do not use any routines. You stuffed everything into the main part of your program. Splitting the tasks into routines may seem to introduce complexity, but at the benefit of increasing readability. Remember, you program for humans; the fact that a computer may want to process your code, too, is (almost) none of your concern. Or at least use big‑ass comments visually dividing your code, which is something I do when programming in assembly.

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