Reputation: 21
I am currently using SAP CPI to achieve this conversion. I have tried the regular XML to JSON converter available but was not able to achieve this requirement. I then set out to try and see if XSLT can help.
I am trying to convert the following XML payload:
<AddressLine>Kharghar,navi mumbai</AddressLine>
<Degree>Under Graduate Degree</Degree>
<CollegeName>Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)</CollegeName>
<UniversityName>Mumbai University</UniversityName>
<AdditionalRemarks>10th/12th/Undergrad etc</AdditionalRemarks>
<EmployerName>Stravis Solutions</EmployerName>
<EmployerName>Stravis Solutions</EmployerName>
<OrganizationName>Com 1</OrganizationName>
<OrganizationName>Com 1</OrganizationName>
<ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar Yadav</ApplicantName>
<AddressLine>Kharghar,navi mumbai</AddressLine>
<HouseNo>Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,</HouseNo>
<ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar Yadav</ApplicantName>
<UniqueIDCode>Pan Number</UniqueIDCode>
<ApplicantName>Test Candidate</ApplicantName>
<ApplicantName>Sunil Kumar Yadav</ApplicantName>
<NameInPassport>Sunil Kumar Yadav</NameInPassport>
To the below JSON payload, which as you can see has multiple array elements for even single payloads:
"ClientID": "1",
"PackageID": "650",
"SBUID": "2187",
"CandidateID": "456",
"AssociateId": "789",
"FirstName": "Meghana",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Rao",
"FatherName": "Satish",
"ContactNo": "7530001169",
"EmailID": "",
"AddressHistory": {
"Address": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"PinCode": "410210",
"Country": "India",
"Landmark": "",
"StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
"StayTo": "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress": false,
"IsPermanentAddress": false,
"HouseNo": "",
"AddressType": "Current",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"EducationList": {
"Education": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"Qualification": "",
"Degree": "Under Graduate Degree",
"CollegeName": "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
"Location": "",
"RollNumber": "123123",
"UniversityName": "Mumbai University",
"UniversityAddress": "",
"PeriodFrom": "",
"PeriodTo": "",
"YearOfPassing": "2014",
"Zipcode": "",
"Percentage": "",
"AdditionalRemarks": "10th/12th/Undergrad etc",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"EmploymentList": {
"Employment": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo": "",
"Designation": "SDE",
"EmployeeID": "asdas",
"FixedSalary": "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment": false,
"RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
"Zipcode": "",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"PFNumber": "",
"UANNumber": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
"SequenceNo": "0",
"EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo": "",
"Designation": "SDE",
"EmployeeID": "asdas",
"FixedSalary": "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment": false,
"RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
"Zipcode": "",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"PFNumber": "",
"UANNumber": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
"AddressReferencesList": {
"ListofReferences": [
"OrganizationName": "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks": "",
"NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
"RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress": ""
"OrganizationName": "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks": "",
"NameOfReferee": "Ref2",
"RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress": ""
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"DLDetails": {
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName": "Test",
"FatherName": "Test",
"UniqueIDCode": "1231231",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"PanDetails": {
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"UniqueIDCode": "23123131",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"PVWDetails": {
"AddressList": {
"Address": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"PinCode": "410210",
"Country": "India",
"Landmark": "",
"StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
"StayTo": "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress": false,
"IsPermanentAddress": false,
"HouseNo": "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
"AddressType": "Current",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar Yadav"
"CreditDetail": {
"ApplicantName": "Test",
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Test",
"Gender": "Male",
"UniqueIDCode": "Pan Number",
"EmailID": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"PassportCheckDetails": {
"NameInPassport": "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"PassportNo": "1231231",
"MachineReadableZone": "",
"CandidateFirstName": "Sunil",
"CandidateLastName": "Yadav",
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
As you can see, there is an array created for every part of the data. How can I achieve this with XSLT?
Whatever code i have tried with so far, the converted JSON has not had any arrays barring cases where there are multiple records under a root.
I have tried variations of the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns0="http://use your namespace">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="/ns0:Account_Resp">{
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/> }
<!-- Object or Element Property-->
<xsl:template match="*">
"<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>" : <xsl:call-template name="Properties"/>
<!-- Array Element -->
<xsl:template match="*" mode="ArrayElement">
<xsl:call-template name="Properties"/>
<!-- Object Properties -->
<xsl:template name="Properties">
<xsl:variable name="childName" select="name(*[1])"/>
<xsl:when test="not(*|@*)">"<xsl:value-of select="."/>"</xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1">{ "<xsl:value-of select="$childName"/>" :[<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="ArrayElement"/>] }</xsl:when>
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">,</xsl:if>
<!-- Attribute Property -->
<xsl:template `enter code here`match="@*">"<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>" : "<xsl:value-of select="."/>",
And received the following output - in which you can see that for single payloads, an array is not getting created:
"ClientID" : "1",
"PackageID" : "650",
"SBUID" : "2187",
"CandidateID" : "456",
"AssociateId" : "789",
"FirstName" : "Meghana",
"MiddleName" : "",
"LastName" : "Rao",
"FatherName" : "Satish",
"ContactNo" : "7530001169",
"EmailID" : "",
"AddressHistory" : { "Address" :[{
"SequenceNo" : "0",
"AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State" : "Maharashtra",
"PinCode" : "410210",
"Country" : "India",
"Landmark" : "",
"StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
"StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
"IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
"HouseNo" : "",
"AddressType" : "Current",
"DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
"SequenceNo" : "1",
"AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State" : "Maharashtra",
"PinCode" : "410210",
"Country" : "India",
"Landmark" : "",
"StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
"StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
"IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
"HouseNo" : "",
"AddressType" : "Current",
"DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
"DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
}] },
"EducationList" : {
"Education" : {
"SequenceNo" : "0",
"Qualification" : "",
"Degree" : "Under Graduate Degree",
"CollegeName" : "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
"Location" : "",
"RollNumber" : "123123",
"UniversityName" : "Mumbai University",
"UniversityAddress" : "",
"PeriodFrom" : "",
"PeriodTo" : "",
"YearOfPassing" : "2014",
"Percentage" : "",
"AdditionalRemarks" : "10th/12th/Undergrad etc",
"International" : "false",
"Country" : "",
"DocList" : { "listofdocs" :[{
"DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
}] }
"EmploymentList" : { "Employment" :[{
"SequenceNo" : "0",
"EmployerName" : "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress" : "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo" : "",
"Designation" : "SDE",
"EmployeeID" : "asdas",
"FixedSalary" : "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment" : "false",
"RelievingDate" : "15-10-2021",
"Zipcode" : "",
"International" : "false",
"Country" : "",
"PFNumber" : "",
"UANNumber" : "",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
"DateOfJoining" : "18-03-2015"
"SequenceNo" : "1",
"EmployerName" : "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress" : "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo" : "",
"Designation" : "SDE",
"EmployeeID" : "asdas",
"FixedSalary" : "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment" : "false",
"RelievingDate" : "15-10-2021",
"Zipcode" : "",
"International" : "false",
"Country" : "",
"PFNumber" : "",
"UANNumber" : "",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "def.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
"DateOfJoining" : "18-03-2015"
}] },
"AddressReferencesList" : { "ListofReferences" :[{
"OrganizationName" : "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks" : "",
"NameOfReferee" : "Ref1",
"RefereeOccupation" : "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber" : "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress" : ""
"OrganizationName" : "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks" : "",
"NameOfReferee" : "Ref2",
"RefereeOccupation" : "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber" : "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress" : ""
}] },
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"DLDetails" : {
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName" : "Test",
"FatherName" : "Test",
"UniqueIDCode" : "1231231",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
"PanDetails" : {
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"FatherName" : "Sunil",
"UniqueIDCode" : "23123131",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
"PVWDetails" : {
"AddressList" : {
"Address" : {
"SequenceNo" : "0",
"AddressLine" : "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City" : "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State" : "Maharashtra",
"PinCode" : "410210",
"Country" : "India",
"Landmark" : "",
"StayFrom" : "01-08-2013",
"StayTo" : "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress" : "false",
"IsPermanentAddress" : "false",
"HouseNo" : "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
"AddressType" : "Current"
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"FatherName" : "Sunil",
"ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar Yadav"
"CreditDetail" : {
"ApplicantName" : "Test",
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"FatherName" : "Test",
"Gender" : "Male",
"UniqueIDCode" : "Pan Number",
"EmailID" : "",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
}, "DrugTestPanelCheck" : {
"DrugTestPanel" : "DrugTestPanel5",
"ApplicantName" : "Test Candidate"
"GDCDetails" : {
"ApplicantName" : "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"FatherName" : "Sunil"
"PassportCheckDetails" : {
"NameInPassport" : "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"PassportNo" : "1231231",
"MachineReadableZone" : "",
"CandidateFirstName" : "Sunil",
"CandidateLastName" : "Yadav",
"DOB" : "03-08-2021",
"FatherName" : "Sunil",
"DocList" : {
"listofdocs" : {
"DocumentName" : "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath" : "base64"
Really need some help on this. Thanks
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1101
Reputation: 2256
The standard xml-to-json
XSLT 3.0 function can meet your requirement. The complexity lies in establishing the transform rules for when to use JSON maps and arrays.
I inferred the transform rules from the supplied input XML and output JSON. These rules may need adjustment to cover cases not tested by your sample. Here's the main xsl:template
<xsl:template match="*[*]" mode="outer">
<xsl:param name="key" as="xs:string?"/>
<xsl:variable name="distinctChildNames" as="xs:string*" select="*!name() => distinct-values()"/>
<xsl:when test="count($distinctChildNames) gt 1 and exists($key)">
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer">
<xsl:with-param name="key" select="name()"/>
<xsl:when test="count(*) gt 1 and count($distinctChildNames) eq 1">
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<array key="{name(*[1])}">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer"/>
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer">
<xsl:with-param name="key" select="name()"/>
The JSON output:
"ClientID": "1",
"PackageID": "650",
"SBUID": "2187",
"CandidateID": "456",
"AssociateId": "789",
"FirstName": "Meghana",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Rao",
"FatherName": "Satish",
"ContactNo": "7530001169",
"EmailID": "",
"AddressHistory": {
"Address": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"PinCode": "410210",
"Country": "India",
"Landmark": "",
"StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
"StayTo": "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress": false,
"IsPermanentAddress": false,
"HouseNo": "",
"AddressType": "Current",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"EducationList": {
"Education": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"Qualification": "",
"Degree": "Under Graduate Degree",
"CollegeName": "Amrutvahini College of engineering, Sangamner (Pune University)",
"Location": "",
"RollNumber": "123123",
"UniversityName": "Mumbai University",
"UniversityAddress": "",
"PeriodFrom": "",
"PeriodTo": "",
"YearOfPassing": "2014",
"Zipcode": "",
"Percentage": "",
"AdditionalRemarks": "10th\/12th\/Undergrad etc",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"EmploymentList": {
"Employment": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo": "",
"Designation": "SDE",
"EmployeeID": "asdas",
"FixedSalary": "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment": false,
"RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
"State": "",
"City": "",
"Zipcode": "",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"PFNumber": "",
"UANNumber": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
"SequenceNo": "0",
"EmployerName": "Stravis Solutions",
"EmployerAddress": "Bangalore",
"EmployerContactNo": "",
"Designation": "SDE",
"EmployeeID": "asdas",
"FixedSalary": "0",
"IsCurrentEmployment": false,
"RelievingDate": "15-10-2021",
"International": false,
"Country": "",
"PFNumber": "",
"UANNumber": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DateOfJoining": "18-03-2015"
"AddressReferencesList": {
"ListofReferences": [
"OrganizationName": "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks": "",
"NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
"RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress": ""
"OrganizationName": "Com 1",
"AdditionalRemarks": "",
"NameOfReferee": "Ref1",
"RefereeOccupation": "SDE",
"RefereePhoneNumber": "123456",
"RefereeEmailAddress": ""
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"DLDetails": {
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName": "Test",
"FatherName": "Test",
"dl_remarks": "",
"UniqueIDCode": "1231231",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"PanDetails": {
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"pan_remarks": "",
"UniqueIDCode": "23123131",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"PVWDetails": {
"AddressList": {
"Address": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
"City": "Maharashtra-Mumbai",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"PinCode": "410210",
"Country": "India",
"Landmark": "",
"StayFrom": "01-08-2013",
"StayTo": "06-08-2021",
"IsCurrentAddress": false,
"IsPermanentAddress": false,
"HouseNo": "Sai shradha CHS.Sector-11,",
"AddressType": "Current",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar Yadav"
"CreditDetail": {
"ApplicantName": "Test",
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Test",
"Gender": "Male",
"UniqueIDCode": "Pan Number",
"EmailID": "",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
"DrugTestPanelCheck": {
"DrugTestPanel": "DrugTestPanel5",
"ApplicantName": "Test Candidate"
"GDCDetails": {
"ApplicantName": "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Sunil"
"PassportCheckDetails": {
"NameInPassport": "Sunil Kumar Yadav",
"PassportNo": "1231231",
"MachineReadableZone": "",
"CandidateFirstName": "Sunil",
"CandidateLastName": "Yadav",
"DOB": "03-08-2021",
"FatherName": "Sunil",
"DocList": {
"listofdocs": [
"DocumentName": "abc.jpg",
"DocumentPath": "base64"
There are minor differences in the result:
in the JSON outputHere's the full XSLT used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:output method="text" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>
<xsl:mode name="outer" on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>
<xsl:template match="/*">
<xsl:variable name="result" as="node()*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer"/>
<xsl:sequence select="xml-to-json($result)"/>
<xsl:template match="*[*]" mode="outer">
<xsl:param name="key" as="xs:string?"/>
<xsl:variable name="distinctChildNames" as="xs:string*" select="*!name() => distinct-values()"/>
<xsl:when test="count($distinctChildNames) gt 1 and exists($key)">
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer">
<xsl:with-param name="key" select="name()"/>
<xsl:when test="count(*) gt 1 and count($distinctChildNames) eq 1">
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<array key="{name(*[1])}">
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer"/>
<xsl:sequence select="fn:keyAttribute(name())"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="outer">
<xsl:with-param name="key" select="name()"/>
<xsl:template match="*[empty(*) and exists(text())]" mode="outer">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()" mode="outer">
<xsl:with-param name="key" select="name()"/>
<xsl:template match="*[empty(*) and empty(text())]" mode="outer">
<string key="{name()}"/>
<xsl:template match="text()[. = ('true', 'false')]" mode="outer">
<xsl:param name="key" as="xs:string?"/>
<boolean key="{$key}">{.}</boolean>
<xsl:template match="text()" mode="outer">
<xsl:param name="key" as="xs:string?"/>
<xsl:if test="exists($key)">
<string key="{$key}">{.}</string>
<xsl:function name="fn:keyAttribute" as="attribute()?">
<xsl:param name="key" as="xs:string?"/>
<xsl:if test="$key">
<xsl:attribute name="key" select="$key"/>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2210
With the YAML processor mikefarah/yq, you can convert XML to JSON and make some custom adoptions to the conversion:
yq --input-format xml --output-format json '
.AddressHistory.Address |= select(type == "!!map") |= [.] |
.EducationList.Education |= select(type == "!!map") |= [.] |
.EmploymentList.Employment |= select(type == "!!map") |= [.] |
.AddressReferencesList.ListofReferences |= select(type == "!!map") |= [.] |
.PVWDetails.AddressList.Address |= select(type == "!!map") |= [.]
' input.xml
For given paths the update operator |=
wraps an object (select(type == "!!map")
) into an array ([.]
Add all elements that should be an array to the code.
With kislyuk/xq, you can solve it this way:
xq --argjson paths "$ARRAY_PATHS" '
. as $input
| reduce ($paths
| map(split(".") # split given paths by "."
| . as $p
| select($input | getpath($p) | type == "object")))[] # process only objects at the given paths (ignore arrays)
as $path
(.; setpath($path; [getpath($path)])) # wrap objects at the given paths in an array
' input.xml
All given paths are checked if the value is an object: select($input | getpath($p) | type == "object")
Objects are wrapped into an array setpath($path; [getpath($path)])
This solution is more generic and failsafe, if a given path is missing in the input.
Output (both versions)
"root": {
"ClientID": "1",
"PackageID": "650",
"SBUID": "2187",
"CandidateID": "456",
"AssociateId": "789",
"FirstName": "Meghana",
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": "Rao",
"FatherName": "Satish",
"ContactNo": "7530001169",
"EmailID": "",
"AddressHistory": {
"Address": [
"SequenceNo": "0",
"AddressLine": "Kharghar,navi mumbai",
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"RollNumber": "123123",
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"PeriodFrom": null,
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"DOB": "03-08-2021",
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Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17517
In order to determine which XML elements can occur with cardinality 0..*, you look only at the actual cardinality in the payload by testing whether count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1
. By this, you miss the fact that the <EducationList>
is allowed to contain more than one <Education>
(even if it contains only one in this particular payload instance).
A clean solution would require you to look at the XML schema (in the WSDL document, probably). But in this case, the following heuristics might suffice: If an element name ends with List
, it contains children with cardinality 0..*. Therefore, replace the test count(*[name()=$childName]) > 1
substring(name(), string-length(name()) - 3, 4) = 'List'
Upvotes: 1