Reputation: 731
I'm trying to write a form that allows users to upload a file to my server. I saw Yesod uses fileAFormReq for such a functionality but was unable to get it to work, running into compilation errors, the latest of which was: "No instance for (RenderMessage MySite t)" Any stripped down example for how to use it will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Uri
Upvotes: 9
Views: 2208
Reputation: 10547
Update 13-Sep-2012:
There is an official maintained help page for file uploading here
Googling on the function fileAFormReq
gave me this example.
I Made a minimal version of it with only the relevant parts.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Form
import Yesod.Form.MassInput
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Data.Time (utctDay, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
mkYesod "HelloForms" [parseRoutes|
/file FileR GET POST
data HelloForms = HelloForms
instance RenderMessage HelloForms FormMessage where
renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
instance Yesod HelloForms where
approot _ = ""
main = toWaiApp HelloForms >>= run 3000
fileForm = renderTable $ pure (,)
<*> fileAFormReq "Required file"
<*> fileAFormOpt "Optional file"
getFileR = do
((res, form), enctype) <- runFormPost fileForm
defaultLayout [whamlet|
<p>Result: #{show res}
<form method=post enctype=#{enctype}>
<input type=submit>
postFileR = getFileR
this and then visit http://localhost:3000/file
in your browser.
Hope this helps. :)
Oh wait, it's obvious what you're missing. As the compilation error just said, you're missing a RenderMessage
instance for your Foundation.
I know recent efforts for i18n have changed the forms-package slightly. If you're using the latest version of yesod, check this out.
The code I pasted uses the old non-i18n (default means english) version of yesod-forms
Upvotes: 13