Reputation: 323
I have a page allows users to upload some video and document use, is there any way to do that: when users quit upload form (refresh, close tab, browser, or click another url), its automatic delete the file that user have just uploaded. Please help me.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1587
Reputation: 1
You can restrict the total size of uploaded file. By pasting this in jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js
and delete it on the cancel button click
if (jQuery) {
(function (a) {
a.extend(a.fn, { uploadify: function (b) {
a(this).each(function () {
var total = "0";
var f = a.extend({ id: a(this).attr("id"), uploader: "uploadify.swf", script: "uploadify.php", expressInstall: null, folder: "", height: 30, width: 120, cancelImg: "cancel.png", wmode: "opaque", scriptAccess: "sameDomain", fileDataName: "Filedata", method: "POST", queueSizeLimit: 999, simUploadLimit: 999, queueID: false, displayData: "percentage", removeCompleted: false, onInit: function () { }, onSelect: function () { }, onSelectOnce: function () { }, onQueueFull: function () { }, onCheck: function () { }, onCancel: function () { }, onClearQueue: function () { }, onError: function () { }, onProgress: function () { }, onComplete: function () { }, onAllComplete: function () { } }, b); a(this).data("settings", f); var e = location.pathname; e = e.split("/"); e.pop(); e = e.join("/") + "/"; var g = {}; g.uploadifyID =; g.pagepath = e; if (f.buttonImg) { g.buttonImg = escape(f.buttonImg) } if (f.buttonText) { g.buttonText = escape(f.buttonText) } if (f.rollover) { g.rollover = true } g.script = f.script; g.folder = escape(f.folder); if (f.scriptData) { var h = ""; for (var d in f.scriptData) { h += "&" + d + "=" + f.scriptData[d] } g.scriptData = escape(h.substr(1)) } g.width = f.width; g.height = f.height; g.wmode = f.wmode; g.method = f.method; g.queueSizeLimit = f.queueSizeLimit; g.simUploadLimit = f.simUploadLimit; if (f.hideButton) { g.hideButton = true } if (f.fileDesc) { g.fileDesc = f.fileDesc } if (f.fileExt) { g.fileExt = f.fileExt } if (f.multi) { g.multi = true } if ( { = true } if (f.sizeLimit) { g.sizeLimit = f.sizeLimit } if (f.checkScript) { g.checkScript = f.checkScript } if (f.fileDataName) { g.fileDataName = f.fileDataName } if (f.queueID) { g.queueID = f.queueID } if (f.onInit() !== false) { a(this).css("display", "none"); a(this).after('<div id="' + a(this).attr("id") + 'Uploader"></div>'); swfobject.embedSWF(f.uploader, + "Uploader", f.width, f.height, "9.0.24", f.expressInstall, g, { quality: "high", wmode: f.wmode, allowScriptAccess: f.scriptAccess }, {}, function (i) { if (typeof (f.onSWFReady) == "function" && i.success) { f.onSWFReady() } }); if (f.queueID == false) { a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").after('<div id="' + a(this).attr("id") + 'Queue" class="uploadifyQueue"></div>') } else { a("#" + f.queueID).addClass("uploadifyQueue") } } if (typeof (f.onOpen) == "function") { a(this).bind("uploadifyOpen", f.onOpen) } a(this).bind("uploadifySelect", { action: f.onSelect, queueID: f.queueID },
function (k, i, j) {
if (, i, j) !== false) {
var l = Math.round(j.size / 1024 * 100) * 0.01; var m = "KB"; /*if (l > 1000) { l = Math.round(l * 0.001 * 100) * 0.01; m = "MB" }*/
var n = l.toString().split("."); if (n.length > 1) { l = n[0] + "." + n[1].substr(0, 2) } else { l = n[0] } if ( > 100) { fileName =, 100) + "..." } else { fileName = } queue = "#" + a(this).attr("id") + "Queue"; if ( { queue = "#" + }
total = parseFloat(total) + parseFloat(l);
if (total <= 4000) {
a(queue).append('<div id="' + a(this).attr("id") + i + '" class="uploadifyQueueItem" ><div class="cancel"><a href="javascript:jQuery(\'#' + a(this).attr("id") + "').uploadifyCancel('" + i + '\')"><img src="' + f.cancelImg + '" border="0" style="width:18px;height:18px;" /></a></div><span class="fileName">' + fileName + '</span><span class="percentage"></span><div class="uploadifyProgress"><div id="' + a(this).attr("id") + i + 'ProgressBar" class="uploadifyProgressBar"><!--Progress Bar--></div></div></div>')
else {
total = parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(l);
alert("Total attachment size can not exceed 4Mb.");
}); a(this).bind("uploadifySelectOnce", { action: f.onSelectOnce }, function (i, j) {, j); if ( { if (f.checkScript) { a(this).uploadifyUpload(null, false) } else { a(this).uploadifyUpload(null, true) } } }); a(this).bind("uploadifyQueueFull", { action: f.onQueueFull }, function (i, j) { if (, j) !== false) { alert("The queue is full. The max size is " + j + ".") } }); a(this).bind("uploadifyCheckExist", { action: f.onCheck }, function (n, m, l, k, p) { var j = new Object(); j = l; j.folder = (k.substr(0, 1) == "/") ? k : e + k; if (p) { for (var i in l) { var o = i } }, j, function (s) { for (var q in s) { if (, s, q) !== false) { var r = confirm("Do you want to replace the file " + s[q] + "?"); if (!r) { document.getElementById(a("id") + "Uploader").cancelFileUpload(q, true, true) } } } if (p) { document.getElementById(a("id") + "Uploader").startFileUpload(o, true) } else { document.getElementById(a("id") + "Uploader").startFileUpload(null, true) } }, "json") });
a(this).bind("uploadifyCancel", { action: f.onCancel }, function (n, j, m, o, i, l) {
if (, j, m, o, l) !== false) {
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
url: "../CommonService.asmx/DeleteFileAttachment",
data: "{FileNameTOBeDeleted: '" + (a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + j)[0].innerText) + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json", success: function (data) {
if (data.d != 0) {
// alert("Deleted Successfully");
total = parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(data.d);
if (total < 0) { total = 0; }
else if (data.d == 0) {
// if not deleted.
if (i) { var k = (l == true) ? 0 : 250; a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + j).fadeOut(k, function () { a(this).remove() }) }
}); a(this).bind("uploadifyClearQueue", { action: f.onClearQueue }, function (k, j) { var i = (f.queueID) ? f.queueID : a(this).attr("id") + "Queue"; if (j) { a("#" + i).find(".uploadifyQueueItem").remove() } if (, j) !== false) { a("#" + i).find(".uploadifyQueueItem").each(function () { var l = a(".uploadifyQueueItem").index(this); a(this).delay(l * 100).fadeOut(250, function () { a(this).remove() }) }) } }); var c = []; a(this).bind("uploadifyError", { action: f.onError }, function (m, i, l, k) { if (, i, l, k) !== false) { var j = new Array(i, l, k); c.push(j); a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i).find(".percentage").text(" - " + k.type + " Error"); a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i).find(".uploadifyProgress").hide(); a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i).addClass("uploadifyError") } }); if (typeof (f.onUpload) == "function") { a(this).bind("uploadifyUpload", f.onUpload) } a(this).bind("uploadifyProgress", { action: f.onProgress, toDisplay: f.displayData }, function (k, i, j, l) { if (, i, j, l) !== false) { a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i + "ProgressBar").animate({ width: l.percentage + "%" }, 250, function () { if (l.percentage == 100) { a(this).closest(".uploadifyProgress").fadeOut(250, function () { a(this).remove() }) } }); if ( == "percentage") { displayData = " - " + l.percentage + "%" } if ( == "speed") { displayData = " - " + l.speed + "KB/s" } if ( == null) { displayData = " " } a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i).find(".percentage").text(displayData) } }); a(this).bind("uploadifyComplete", { action: f.onComplete }, function (l, i, k, j, m) { if (, i, k, unescape(j), m) !== false) { a("#" + a(this).attr("id") + i).find(".percentage").text(" - Completed"); if (f.removeCompleted) { a("#" + a("id") + i).fadeOut(250, function () { a(this).remove() }) } a("#" + a("id") + i).addClass("completed") } }); if (typeof (f.onAllComplete) == "function") { a(this).bind("uploadifyAllComplete", { action: f.onAllComplete }, function (i, j) { if (, j) !== false) { c = [] } }) }
}, uploadifySettings: function (f, j, c) { var g = false; a(this).each(function () { if (f == "scriptData" && j != null) { if (c) { var i = j } else { var i = a.extend(a(this).data("settings").scriptData, j) } var l = ""; for (var k in i) { l += "&" + k + "=" + i[k] } j = escape(l.substr(1)) } g = document.getElementById(a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").updateSettings(f, j) }); if (j == null) { if (f == "scriptData") { var b = unescape(g).split("&"); var e = new Object(); for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { var h = b[d].split("="); e[h[0]] = h[1] } g = e } } return g }, uploadifyUpload: function (b, c) { a(this).each(function () { if (!c) { c = false } document.getElementById(a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").startFileUpload(b, c) }) }, uploadifyCancel: function (b) { a(this).each(function () { document.getElementById(a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").cancelFileUpload(b, true, true, false) }) }, uploadifyClearQueue: function () { a(this).each(function () { document.getElementById(a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").clearFileUploadQueue(false) }) }
This method is called on cancel button and delete the file uploaded in directory.
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public decimal DeleteFileAttachment(string FileNameTOBeDeleted)
string foldername = Convert.ToString(Session["DestinationPath"]);
FileNameTOBeDeleted = FileNameTOBeDeleted.Replace("- Completed", "");
FileNameTOBeDeleted = FileNameTOBeDeleted.Replace("\r\n", "");
string FilePath = foldername + "\\" + FileNameTOBeDeleted;
FileInfo FName = new FileInfo(FilePath);
decimal s1 = FName.Length;
decimal size = s1 / 1000;
File.Delete(foldername + "\\" + FileNameTOBeDeleted);
return size;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
contains path of folder to save the documents uploaded.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3541
It could be done manually. Once the file is uploaded on the server, you will know the file name. Now you could make an ajax call on the required Event
when it is fired, which will delete the file using php's unlink()
Upvotes: 1