Reputation: 11
The link to that repository is here. After creating the next.js environment using "npx create-next-app@latest ./" and running "npm run dev". The very basic commands to run, This error pops up:- `
../../../#React Projects/My projects/causs/styles/global.css
Global CSS cannot be imported from files other than your Custom <App>. Due to the Global nature of stylesheets, and to avoid conflicts, Please move all first-party global CSS imports to pages/_app.js. Or convert the import to Component-Level CSS (CSS Modules).
Read more:
Location: ..\..\..\#React Projects\My projects\causs\pages\_app.js
The code in _app.js is default that comes while creating next.js
import '../styles/global.css'
export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return <Component {...pageProps} />
the code in index.js is same, which comes as default:
import Head from 'next/head'
import Image from 'next/image'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
export default function Home() {
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<title>Create Next App</title>
<meta name="description" content="Generated by create next app" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<main className={styles.main}>
<h1 className={styles.title}>
Welcome to <a href="">Next.js!</a>
<p className={styles.description}>
Get started by editing{' '}
<code className={styles.code}>pages/index.js</code>
<div className={styles.grid}>
<a href="" className={styles.card}>
<h2>Documentation →</h2>
<p>Find in-depth information about Next.js features and API.</p>
<a href="" className={styles.card}>
<h2>Learn →</h2>
<p>Learn about Next.js in an interactive course with quizzes!</p>
<h2>Examples →</h2>
<p>Discover and deploy boilerplate example Next.js projects.</p>
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<h2>Deploy →</h2>
Instantly deploy your Next.js site to a public URL with Vercel.
<footer className={styles.footer}>
rel="noopener noreferrer"
Powered by{' '}
<span className={styles.logo}>
<Image src="/vercel.svg" alt="Vercel Logo" width={72} height={16} />
` Anything else you can see by going through the repository.
The next.config.js file is also default one. `
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
module.exports = nextConfig
I have installed latest version of node - v18.12.1 and npm - 8.19.2 Please help, I've no idea what to do. except adding and removing
import '../styles/global.css'
` in pages/_app.js file.
In conclusion, a newbie with next.js who has only created two projects, tried "npx create-next-app@latest ./" and then when I ran the environment it resulted with `
../../../#React Projects/My projects/causs/styles/global.css
Global CSS cannot be imported from files other than your Custom <App>. Due to the Global nature of stylesheets, and to avoid conflicts, Please move all first-party global CSS imports to pages/_app.js. Or convert the import to Component-Level CSS (CSS Modules).
Read more:
Location: ..\..\..\#React Projects\My projects\causs\pages\_app.js
` I haven't made any changes at all, the code and files in the project was by default. Note: I tried running my previous project too on my pc, which resulted in same error while it seems to do just fine where I've published.
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Views: 1285
Reputation: 11
As it turns out the problem was in parent directory name;
Global CSS cannot be imported from files other than your Custom <App>. Due to the Global nature of stylesheets, and to avoid conflicts, Please move all first-party global CSS imports to pages/_app.js. Or convert the import to Component-Level CSS (CSS Modules).
The cause of this error is peculiar, which I can't fathom. The parent directory as over here -
/#React Projects/My projects/causs/styles/global.css;
"React Projects" has a special character in it which caused the error to pop up once I removed it, the problem was over and my new and old projects are working just fine now.
Upvotes: 0