Reputation: 145
I am working on a project that involves automating a video game using computer vision. My next task involves separating the game's UI elements from the actual game's field of view. For instance:
We would take a screenshot of the entire client window like so:
Then we would locate the various UI elements on screen (this is accomplished with template matching, see: Template matching with transparent image templates using OpenCV Python).
Then, we would need to subtract the matched templates from the client screenshot to end up with something like this:
This allows me to perform computer vision functions on the game's field of view without the risk of the UI elements interfering.
Let's say we have the following code:
# Let's assume we have already taken a screenshot of the client window
client_window = cv2.imread('client_window.png')
# Here are the three UI areas I'd like to remove/blackout from the above image
ui_chatbox = {'left': 0, 'top': 746, 'width': 520, 'height': 167}
ui_minimap = {'left': 878, 'top': 31, 'width': 212, 'height': 207}
ui_inventory = {'left': 849, 'top': 576, 'width': 241, 'height': 337}
How can we blackout the pixels of the UI element bounding boxes from the client_window
Upvotes: 1
Views: 392
Reputation: 145
I ended up solving this by using slicing to set all pixels in a range to black. I thought of this because I knew that cropping an image was a similar process, and both involved selecting a range of pixels:
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Let's assume we have already taken a screenshot of the client window
client_window = cv2.imread('client_window.png')
cv2.imshow('client_window', client_window)
# Here are the three UI areas I'd like to remove/blackout from the above image
ui_chatbox = {'left': 0, 'top': 746, 'width': 520, 'height': 167}
ui_minimap = {'left': 878, 'top': 31, 'width': 212, 'height': 207}
ui_inventory = {'left': 849, 'top': 576, 'width': 241, 'height': 337}
client_window[ui_chatbox['top']:ui_chatbox['top'] + ui_chatbox['height'],
ui_chatbox['left']:ui_chatbox['left'] + ui_chatbox['width']] = np.array([0,0,0])
client_window[ui_minimap['top']:ui_minimap['top'] + ui_minimap['height'],
ui_minimap['left']:ui_minimap['left'] + ui_minimap['width']] = np.array([0,0,0])
client_window[ui_inventory['top']:ui_inventory['top'] + ui_inventory['height'],
ui_inventory['left']:ui_inventory['left'] + ui_inventory['width']] = np.array([0,0,0])
cv2.imshow('result', client_window)
Upvotes: 1