I need to perform calculations using a calendar table, whose specifications I present below:
ref_date : days of the year - (the date we need to calc...)
civil_util : '0' -> holydays and weekends --- '1' are workdays
target_util : '0' -> weekends --- '1' are workdays
ano : correspondent year.
prev_wkday : previous ref_date, using Lag() function
next_wkday : next ref_date, using Lead() function.
SQL that generates the example below:
select *, LAG (to_date(ref_date),1) OVER (ORDER BY to_date(ref_date)) AS prev_wkday, Lead (to_date(ref_date),1) OVER (ORDER BY to_date(ref_date)) AS next_wkday
from cd_estruturais.calendario_datas
where ano = 2022 and ref_date between '2022-11-30' and date_add('2022-11-30',5) --and civil_util = 1 --limit 1
I need to answer both questions 1) and 2), using SQL Impala/Oracle.
Regarding question 1), to get the next (1) workday from '2022-11-30', we could add in the above query, the both criteria (civil_util = 1
with limit 1
), because civil_util = 1 selects only workdays, excluding weekends and holydays. The answer is '2022-12-02'.
I need the most efficient sql to calc the (n) workdays after and before '2022-11-30'.
Regarding question 2), to get the last workday from previous month from '2022-11-30', we must get the ref_date '2022-10-31'. this was the last workday of previous month.
Can anyone help please?
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with calendar(ref_date, civil_util, target_util) as (
select to_date('2022-11-30','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1, 1 from dual union all
select to_date('2022-12-01','yyyy-mm-dd'), 0, 1 from dual union all
select to_date('2022-12-02','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1, 1 from dual union all
select to_date('2022-12-03','yyyy-mm-dd'), 0, 0 from dual union all
select to_date('2022-12-04','yyyy-mm-dd'), 0, 0 from dual union all
select to_date('2022-12-05','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1, 1 from dual -- union all
newcalendar(ref_date, civil_util, target_util, workday, workday_rnk, last_wd_month) as (
select ref_date, civil_util, target_util, workday, workday_rnk,
last_value(last_wd_month) ignore nulls over(partition by trunc(ref_date,'MM')) as last_wd_month
from (
select ref_date, civil_util, target_util, workday, /*nvl2(workday,workday_rnk,null) as*/ workday_rnk,
max(nvl2(workday,ref_date,null)) over(partition by trunc(ref_date,'MM'), workday) as last_wd_month
from (
select c.*, sum(workday) over(order by ref_date) as workday_rnk
from (
select c.*, case when civil_util+target_util>0 then 1 end as workday
from calendar c
) c
select * from newcalendar
order by ref_date
For the point 1, you just add/substract from workday_rnk, and the ref_date of the corresponding row is your answer. Note that this version with the "nvl2(workday,workday_rnk,null)" commented out works also if the day is an off day, if you don't want that just remove the comment.
For the point 2, all rows have "last_wd_month" set, so it's just a matter of where clause on it (with trunc(last_wd_month,'MM') = target).
-------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- --------
30/11/22 1 1 1 1 30/11/22
01/12/22 0 1 1 2 05/12/22
02/12/22 1 1 1 3 05/12/22
03/12/22 0 0 3 05/12/22
04/12/22 0 0 3 05/12/22
05/12/22 1 1 1 4 05/12/22
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