Reputation: 2811

How to improve Julia's performance using just in time compilation (JIT)

I have been playing with JAX (automatic differentiation library in Python) and Zygote (the automatic differentiation library in Julia) to implement Gauss-Newton minimisation method. I came upon the @jit macro in Jax that runs my Python code in around 0.6 seconds compared to ~60 seconds for the version that does not use @jit. Julia ran the code in around 40 seconds. Is there an equivalent of @jit in Julia or Zygote that results is a better performance?

Here are the codes I used:


from jax import grad, jit, jacfwd
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import time

def gaussian(x, params):
    amp = params[0]
    mu  = params[1]
    sigma = params[2]
    amplitude = amp/(jnp.abs(sigma)*jnp.sqrt(2*np.pi))
    arg = ((x-mu)/sigma)
    return amplitude*jnp.exp(-0.5*(arg**2))

def myjacobian(x, params):
    return jacfwd(gaussian, argnums = 1)(x, params)

def op(jac):
    return jnp.matmul(
def res(x, data, params):
    return data - gaussian(x, params)
def step(x, data, params):
    residuals = res(x, data, params)
    jacobian_operation = op(myjacobian(x, params))
    temp = jnp.matmul(jacobian_operation, residuals)
    return params + temp

N = 2000
x = np.linspace(start = -100, stop = 100, num= N)
data = gaussian(x, [5.65, 25.5, 37.23])

ini = jnp.array([0.9, 5., 5.0])
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(5000):
    ini = step(x, data, ini)
t2 = time.time()
print('t2-t1: ', t2-t1)


using Zygote

function gaussian(x::Union{Vector{Float64}, Float64}, params::Vector{Float64})
    amp = params[1]
    mu  = params[2]
    sigma = params[3]
    amplitude = amp/(abs(sigma)*sqrt(2*pi))
    arg = ((x.-mu)./sigma)
    return amplitude.*exp.(-0.5.*(arg.^2))

function myjacobian(x::Vector{Float64}, params::Vector{Float64})
    output = zeros(length(x), length(params))
    for (index, ele) in enumerate(x)
        output[index,:] = collect(gradient((params)->gaussian(ele, params), params))[1]
    return output

function op(jac::Matrix{Float64})
    return inv(jac'*jac)*jac'

function res(x::Vector{Float64}, data::Vector{Float64}, params::Vector{Float64})
    return data - gaussian(x, params)

function step(x::Vector{Float64}, data::Vector{Float64}, params::Vector{Float64})
    residuals = res(x, data, params)
    jacobian_operation = op(myjacobian(x, params))
    temp = jacobian_operation*residuals
    return params + temp

N = 2000
x = collect(range(start = -100, stop = 100, length= N))
params = vec([5.65, 25.5, 37.23])
data = gaussian(x, params)

ini = vec([0.9, 5., 5.0])
@time for i in range(start = 1, step = 1, length = 5000)
    ini = step(x, data, ini)

Upvotes: 4

Views: 582

Answers (2)


Reputation: 2590

One straightforward way to speed this up is to use ForwardDiff not Zygote, since you are taking a gradient of a vector of length 3, many times. Here this gets me from 16 to 3.5 seconds, with the last factor of 2 involving Chunk(3) to improve type-stability. Perhaps this can be improved further.

function myjacobian(x::Vector, params)
    # return rand(eltype(x), length(x), length(params))  # with no gradient, takes 0.5s
    output = zeros(eltype(x), length(x), length(params))
    config = ForwardDiff.GradientConfig(nothing, params, ForwardDiff.Chunk(3))
    for (i, xi) in enumerate(x)
        # grad = gradient(p->gaussian(xi, p), params)[1]       # original, takes 16s
        # grad = ForwardDiff.gradient(p-> gaussian(xi, p))     # ForwardDiff, takes 7s
        grad = ForwardDiff.gradient(p-> gaussian(xi, p), params, config)  # takes 3.5s
        copyto!(view(output,i,:), grad)  # this allows params::Tuple, OK for Zygote, no help
    return output
# This needs gaussian.(x, Ref(params)) elsewhere to use on many x, same params
function gaussian(x::Real, params)
    # amp, mu, sigma = params  # with params::Vector this is slower, 19 sec
    amp = params[1]
    mu  = params[2]
    sigma = params[3]  # like this, 16 sec
    T = typeof(x)  # avoids having (2*pi)::Float64 promote everything
    amplitude = amp/(abs(sigma)*sqrt(2*T(pi)))
    arg = (x-mu)/sigma
    return amplitude * exp(-(arg^2)/2)

However, this is still computing many small gradient arrays in a loop. It could easily compute one big gradient array instead.

While in general Julia is happy to compile loops to something fast, loops that make individual arrays tend to be a bad idea. And this is especially true for Zygote, which is fastest on matlab-ish whole-array code.

Here's how this looks, it gets me under 1s for the whole program:

function gaussian(x::Real, amp::Real, mu::Real, sigma::Real)
    T = typeof(x)
    amplitude = amp/(abs(sigma)*sqrt(2*T(pi)))
    arg = (x-mu)/sigma
    return amplitude * exp(-(arg^2)/2)
function myjacobian2(x::Vector, params)  # with this, 0.9s
    amp = fill(params[1], length(x))
    mu  = fill(params[2], length(x))
    sigma = fill(params[3], length(x))  # use same sigma & different x value at each row:
    grads = gradient((amp, mu, sigma) -> sum(gaussian.(x, amp, mu, sigma)), amp, mu, sigma)
# Check that it agrees:
myjacobian2(x, params) ≈ myjacobian(x, params)

While this has little effect on the speed, I think you probably also want op(jac::Matrix) = Hermitian(jac'*jac) \ jac' rather than inv.

Upvotes: 4

Oscar Smith
Oscar Smith

Reputation: 6398

Your Julia code doing a number of things that aren't idiomatic and are worsening your performance. This won't be a full overview, but it should give you a good idea to start.

The first thing is passing params as a Vector is a bad idea. This means it will have to be heap allocated, and the compiler doesn't know how long it is. Instead, use a Tuple which will allow for a lot more optimization. Secondly, don't make gaussian act on a Vector of xs. Instead, write the scalar version and broadcast it. Specifically, with these changes, you will have

function gaussian(x::Number, params::NTuple{3, Float64})
    amp, mu, sigma = params
    # The next 2 lines should probably be done outside this function, but I'll leave them here for now.
    amplitude = amp/(abs(sigma)*sqrt(2*pi))
    arg = ((x-mu)/sigma)
    return amplitude*exp(-0.5*(arg^2))

Upvotes: 6

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