Reputation: 83645
I've seen several questions/discussions here about the best way to handle and persist enum-like values (e.g. Persisting data suited for enums , How to persist an enum using NHibernate ), and I'd like to ask what the general consenus is.
In particular:
Note: I moved the explanations originally included in this question to an answer.
Upvotes: 80
Views: 32310
Reputation: 83645
I've tried to summarize my understanding. Feel free to edit this if you have any corrections. So here it goes:
In the code
In the code, enums should be handled using either the language's native enum type (at least in Java and C#), or using something like the "typesafe enum pattern". Using plain constants (Integer or similar) is discouraged, as you lose type safety (and make it hard to understand which values are legal input for e.g. a method).
The choice between these two depends on how much additional functionality is to be attached to the enum:
In particular, at least in Java an enum cannot inherit from another class, so if you have several enums with similar behavior which you'd like to put into a superclass, you cannot use Java's enums.
Persisting enums
To persist enums, each enum value should be assigned a unique ID. This can be either an integer, or a short string. A short string is preferred, since it can be mnemonic (makes it easier for DBAs etc. to understand the raw data in the db).
One problem with this approach is that the list of legal enum values exists in two places (code and database). This is hard to avoid and therefore often considered acceptable, but there are two alternatives:
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 1642
I know this is an old forum, what if the database might have other things integrating directly to it? E.g. when the resulting DB is the SOLE purpose of the code. Then, you will be defining the enums at every integration. Better then to have them in the DB. Otherwise, I agree with the original post.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39520
I agree with much of what you say. One thing I'd like to append, though, about the persistence of enums: I don't believe the generation of the enums at build time from the DB values is acceptable, but I also think that the runtime check is not a good solution. I'd define a third means: have a unit test which will check the values of the enum against the database. This prevents "casual" divergence, and avoids the overhead of checking the enums against the database every time the code is run.
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 121
The initial article looks fine to me. Still, based on the comments, it seems some comments concerning Java enums might clarify few things.
Enum type in Java is a class by definition, but many programmers tend to forget this, because they rather relate it to "a list of allowed values" as in some other languages. It's more than that.
So, to avoid those switch statements it might be reasonable to put some code and additional methods in the enum class. There's almost never a need to create a separate "enum-like real class".
Consider also the point of documentation - do you want to document the actual meaning of your enum in the database? In the source code reflecting the values (your enum type) or in some external documentation? I personally prefer the source code.
If you want to present enum values as integers in the database due to speed or whatever reason, that mapping should also reside in the Java enum. You'll get string-name mapping by default, and I've been content with that. There's an ordinal number associated with each enum value, but using that directly as a mapping between code and database is not very bright, because that ordinal number will change if someone reorders the values in the source code. Or adds additional enum values in between existing values. Or removes some value.
(Of course, if someone changes the name of the enum in the source code, the default string-mapping goes sour too, but that's less likely to happen accidentally. And you can more easily protect against that if necessary by putting some runtime-checking and check constraints in the database as suggested here already. )
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 5460
Each time you find your self using "magic numbers" in code change to enums. Besides time savings ( since magic will disappear when the bugs come ...) it will save your eyes and memory (meaningful enums make code more readable and self-documenting), since guess what - you are most probably the person to maintain and develop your own code
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 51302
Well, from my experience, using enums for anything other than for passing options (as flags) to an immediate method call, results in switch
-ing at some point.
-es in your extension methods if not elsewhere.So for an enum-like entity with a bit more of functionality you should take some time and create it as a class, with several things in mind:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 25429
In the code handling for C# you've missed out defining delcaring the 0 value. I almost without fail always declare my first value as:
public enum SomeEnum
None = 0,
So as to serve as a null value. Because the backing type is an integer and an integer defaults to 0 so it is massively useful in a lot of places to know if an enum has actually been programatically set or not.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 18645
Java or C# should always use enums in code. Disclaimer: My background is C#.
If the value is to be persisted to a database, the integral values of each enumeration member should be explicitly defined so that a later change in code does not accidentally alter translated enum values and thus application behavior.
Values should always be persisted to a database as integral values, to protect against enum name refactoring. Keep documentation on each enumeration in a wiki and add a comment to the database field pointing to the wiki page documenting the type. Also add XML documentation to the enum type containing a link to the wiki entry so that it is available through Intellisense.
If you use a tool to generate CRUD code it should be capable of defining an enumeration type to use for a column so that generated code objects always use enumerated members.
If custom logic needs to be applied for an enumeration member, you have some options:
I have not tried this, but with SQL Server 2005 or later, you could theoretically register C# code with the database that would contain enum information and the ability to convert values to enums for use in views or other constructs, making a method of translating the data in a manner easier for DBAs to use.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 46475
Storing the text value of an enum in a database is less preferred to storing an integer, due to the additional space required and slower searching. It is valuable in that it has more meaning than a number, however the database is for storage, and the presentation layer is for making things look nice.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11194
Imho, as for the code part:
You should always use the 'enum' type for your enumerations, basically you get alot of freebies if you do: Type safety, encapsulation and switch avoidance, the support of some collections such as EnumSet
and EnumMap
and code clarity.
as for the persistence part you can always persist the string representation of the enum and load it back using the enum.valueOf(String) method.
Upvotes: 3