Reputation: 1
I am new to xl-driver library
can not find any example code on xl-driver library
is there anyone who know how to send uds on c# via xl-driver library?
have checked xl-driver library docu.
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Views: 1347
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The XL-Driver-Library allows you to access different Bussystems (CAN/LIN/MOST/... - corresponding to the Data-Link-Layer). However it will not handle UDS directly for you; you will need to implement the logic for the Transport Layer (i.e. ISOTP) and Application Layer (i.e. UDS) using the XL Driver Library by yourself. This includes:
An simple example to initialize the CAN channels is as following:
static int Main(string[] args) {
XLDefine.XL_Status status = xlDriver.XL_OpenDriver();
status = xlDriver.XL_GetDriverConfig(ref driverConfig);
// If the application name cannot be found in VCANCONF...
if ((xlDriver.XL_GetApplConfig(appName, 0, ref hwType, ref hwIndex, ref hwChannel, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN) != XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_SUCCESS) ||
(xlDriver.XL_GetApplConfig(appName, 1, ref hwType, ref hwIndex, ref hwChannel, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN) != XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_SUCCESS)) {
//...create the item with two CAN channels
xlDriver.XL_SetApplConfig(appName, 0, XLDefine.XL_HardwareType.XL_HWTYPE_NONE, 0, 0, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN);
xlDriver.XL_SetApplConfig(appName, 1, XLDefine.XL_HardwareType.XL_HWTYPE_NONE, 0, 0, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN);
// Request the user to assign channels until both CAN1 (Tx) and CAN2 (Rx) are assigned to usable channels
while (!GetAppChannelAndTestIsOk(0, ref txMask, ref txCi) || !GetAppChannelAndTestIsOk(1, ref rxMask, ref rxCi)) {
UInt64 accessMask = txMask | rxMask;
UInt64 permissionMask = accessMask;
status = xlDriver.XL_OpenPort(ref portHandle, appName, accessMask, ref permissionMask, 1024, XLDefine.XL_InterfaceVersion.XL_INTERFACE_VERSION, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN);
status = xlDriver.XL_CanRequestChipState(portHandle, accessMask);
status = xlDriver.XL_ActivateChannel(portHandle, accessMask, XLDefine.XL_BusTypes.XL_BUS_TYPE_CAN, XLDefine.XL_AC_Flags.XL_ACTIVATE_NONE);
int tempInt = -1;
status = xlDriver.XL_SetNotification(portHandle, ref tempInt, 1);
xlEvWaitHandle.SafeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(new IntPtr(tempInt), true);
status = xlDriver.XL_ResetClock(portHandle);
Thread rxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RXThread));
while (true) {
string str = Console.ReadLine();
// extend here to transmit Messages
return 0;
The RxThread could be defined like this:
public static void RXThread() {
// Create new object containing received data
XLClass.xl_event receivedEvent = new XLClass.xl_event();
// Result of XL Driver function calls
XLDefine.XL_Status xlStatus = XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_SUCCESS;
// Note: this thread will be destroyed by MAIN
while (true) {
// Wait for hardware events
if (xlEvWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000)) {
// ...init xlStatus first
xlStatus = XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_SUCCESS;
// afterwards: while hw queue is not empty...
while (xlStatus != XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) {
// ...block RX thread to generate RX-Queue overflows
while (blockRxThread) { Thread.Sleep(1000); }
// ...receive data from hardware.
xlStatus = xlDriver.XL_Receive(portHandle, ref receivedEvent);
// If receiving succeed....
if (xlStatus == XLDefine.XL_Status.XL_SUCCESS) {
if ((receivedEvent.flags & XLDefine.XL_MessageFlags.XL_EVENT_FLAG_OVERRUN) != 0) {
// ...and data is a Rx msg...
if (receivedEvent.tag == XLDefine.XL_EventTags.XL_RECEIVE_MSG) {
if ((receivedEvent.tagData.can_Msg.flags & XLDefine.XL_MessageFlags.XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_OVERRUN) != 0) {
// ...check various flags
if ((receivedEvent.tagData.can_Msg.flags & XLDefine.XL_MessageFlags.XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_ERROR_FRAME)
== XLDefine.XL_MessageFlags.XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_ERROR_FRAME) {
} else if ((receivedEvent.tagData.can_Msg.flags & XLDefine.XL_MessageFlags.XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME)
else {
// No event occurred
The XL Driver Library contains a number of samples in C# to get started in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\XL Driver Library xx.xx.xx\samples\NET
directory. If you want to use UDS-on-CAN i.e. xlCANdemo_Csharp
If you rather want to use UDS directly you would need to use other APIs like SAE J2534 or D-PDU API which can abstract the Transport Protocol Handling if an channel of such protocol is being used.
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