Reputation: 87
I want to optimize my matrix computation.
My code generates an array (p x q x n x n).
Let x
: n x p matrix, v
: q x 1 vector
f1 <- function(i){
sapply(seq_along(1:n), function(j) outer(x[i,]-x[j,], v, "*")^2, simplify = "array")
sapply(seq_along(1:n), FUN = f1, simplify = "array")
Due to the large size of the array, I found this code should spend much memory space.
Then, improving its performance is limited by parallel computing or other apply
How can I improve the computation performance?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 53
Reputation: 335
Before you even get to parallel computing with multiple cores and/or multiple machines, consider simplifying your calculation.
require( purrr )
# --- For illustration, let
p <- 3
q <- 4
n <- 5
x <- array( data = 1:( n * p ), dim = c( n, p ) )
V <- matrix( q:1, nrow = q )
# --- The answer you seek is a multi-dimensional array, such as this
X <- array( data = NA, dim = c( p, q, n, n ) )
Note that wherever i == j
, the difference X[ i, ] - X[ j, ]
will be a matrix of zeroes, e.g., matrix_of_zeroes <- matrix( data = 0, nrow = n, ncol = p )
outer( matrix_of_zeroes, V, "*" )^2
will be a vector of length q containing all zeros, e.g.,
zero_vector <- matrix( 0, ncol = q )
So you can take care of n calculations all at once as follows:
seq( n ) %>% walk( ~{ X[ , , .x, .x ] <<- zero_vector })
Note that, since the last thing your function does is to square the result
f1( i, j ) == f1( j, i )
so if you calculate the upper triangle, you can use the results in the corresponding elements of the lower triangle, that is, set X[ , , j, i ] equal to element X[ , , i, j ]
index <- matrix( c( 1:n ), n, n, byrow = TRUE )
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#[1,] 1 2 3 4 5
#[2,] 1 2 3 4 5
#[3,] 1 2 3 4 5
#[4,] 1 2 3 4 5
#[5,] 1 2 3 4 5
# --- For index j, take everything above the diagonal
j <- index[ upper.tri( index, diag = FALSE ) ]
# j
# [1] 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
# --- For index i, build sequences 1, 12, 123, 1234, ...
2:( n - 1 ) %>%
map( ~seq( from = 1, to = .x )) %>%
unlist -> i
# --- Prepend the first i
i <- c( 1, i )
# [1] 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
elements <- data.frame( i = i, j = j )
# i j
#1 1 2
#2 1 3
#3 2 3
#4 1 4
#5 2 4
#6 3 4
#7 1 5
#8 2 5
#9 3 5
#10 4 5
# --- The function that does the work
fij <- function( i, j ) ( ( x[ i, ] - x[ j, ] ) %o% V )^2
# --- Show what will happen when we walk along these elements.
walk2( elements$i, elements$j, ~cat( sprintf( "fij( %d, %d )\n", .x, .y ) ))
#fij( 1, 2 )
#fij( 1, 3 )
#fij( 2, 3 )
#fij( 1, 4 )
#fij( 2, 4 )
#fij( 3, 4 )
#fij( 1, 5 )
#fij( 2, 5 )
#fij( 3, 5 )
#fij( 4, 5 )
# --- Now actually walk along and calculate, updating the result outside of the function
# by using the parent environment assignment operator, `<<-`
# --- To calculate the results and store them in the upper triangle:
# walk2( elements$i, elements$j, ~( X[ , , .x, .y ] <<- fij( .x, .y ) ))
# --- To calculate the results and store them in both upper and lower triangles:
elements$i # Take one index i
, elements$j # and one index j
, ~{
fij( .x, .y ) ->> # Calculate the results for i,j
X[ , , .x, .y ] ->> # Assign the result for upper-triangle
X[ , , .y, .x ] # Assign the result for lower-triangle
require( purrr )
# --- For illustration, let
p <- 3
q <- 4
n <- 5
x <- array( data = 1:( n * p ), dim = c( n, p ) )
V <- matrix( q:1, nrow = q )
# --- The answer you seek is a multi-dimensional array, such as this
X <- array( data = NA, dim = c( p, q, n, n ) )
# --- Take care of cases where i == j
zero_vector <- matrix( 0, ncol = q )
seq( n ) %>% walk( ~{ X[ , , .x, .x ] <<- zero_vector })
index <- matrix( c( 1:n ), n, n, byrow = TRUE )
# --- For index j, take everything above the diagonal
j <- index[ upper.tri( index, diag = FALSE ) ]
# --- For index i, build sequences 1, 12, 123, 1234, ...
2:( n - 1 ) %>%
map( ~seq( from = 1, to = .x )) %>%
unlist -> i
# --- Prepend the first i
i <- c( 1, i )
elements <- data.frame( i = i, j = j )
# --- The function that does the work
fij <- function( i, j ) ( ( x[ i, ] - x[ j, ] ) %o% V )^2
# --- To calculate the results and store them in both upper and lower triangles:
elements$i # Take one index i
, elements$j # and one index j
, ~{
fij( .x, .y ) ->> # Calculate the results for i,j
X[ , , .x, .y ] ->> # Assign the result for upper-triangle
X[ , , .y, .x ] # Assign the result for lower-triangle
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6911
The following cut down execution time by 40% on my machine by:
or v. v. enters the equation)i == j
original function:
f_original <- function(){
f1 <- function(i){
sapply(seq_along(1:n), function(j) outer(x[i,]-x[j,], v, "*")^2,
simplify = "array")
sapply(seq_along(1:n), FUN = f1, simplify = "array")
f_alternative <- function(){
## dimension the resulting array in advance:
res = array(NA, c(p, q, n, n))
## these are the possible outcomes, because
## the order of i and j does not matter:
values <- combn(1:n,
m = 2,
FUN = function(ab){
a = ab[1]; b = ab[2]
outer(x[a,] - x[b,], v, '*')^2
## create all combinations of i and j, where i != j
indices <- t(combn(1:n, m = 2))
## fill the result array at the positions ,,i,j and ,,j,i:
for(r in 1:nrow(indices)){
a = indices[r, 1]
b = indices[r, 2]
res[, , a, b] = res[ , , b , a] = values[ , , r]
## fill the positions ,,i,j and ,,j,i with a zero matrix,
## (results from i == j):
for(r in 1:n) res[, , r, r] = array(0, p * q)
## initialize:
n = 30
p = 2
q = 5
x = matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
v = rnorm(q)
microbenchmark(f_original(), times = 1e3)
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval
## f_original() 7.4636 8.10685 9.274144 9.08785 9.97285 74.976 1000
microbenchmark(f_alternative(), times = 1e3)
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval
## f_alternative() 4.7369 5.08235 5.941499 5.3563 6.7484 60.7656 1000
Upvotes: 1