Reputation: 195
I'm getting started with inter-task communication with FreeRTOS on an esp32 by following this tutorial from pcbreflux but I can't build the example with esp-idf in VS Code because two of the header files raise a No such file or directory
#include "esp_heap_alloc_caps.h"
#include "freertos/heap_regions.h"
After some research, I found that "esp_heap_caps.h"
can replace "esp_heap_alloc_caps.h"
(Can someone confirm that?) and this indeed removes the part of the compilation errors. But "freertos/heap_regions.h"
is still giving me problems. Even if I add this header file manually I get an undefined reference to xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged
compilation error. I guess that means this function has been dropped in favor of another implementation. What should I be using instead?
Here is my c_cpp_properties.json
"configurations": [
"name": "Win32",
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"intelliSenseMode": "windows-msvc-x64",
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json"
"name": "ESP-IDF",
"compilerPath": "c:\\Users\\arthu\\.espressif\\tools\\xtensa-esp32-elf\\esp-2021r2-patch5-8.4.0\\xtensa-esp32-elf\\bin\\xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe",
"cStandard": "c11",
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"includePath": [
"browse": {
"path": [
"limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders": false
"configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.makefile-tools"
"version": 4
My CMakeLists.txt
inside of my main folder:
idf_component_register(SRCS "queue_main.c" INCLUDE_DIRS ".")
My CMakeLists.txt
inside of my project folder:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
And the queue_main
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "freertos/heap_regions.h"
#define COLOR_PRINT_BLACK "30"
#define COLOR_PRINT_RED "31"
#define COLOR_PRINT_GREEN "32"
#define COLOR_PRINT_BROWN "33"
#define COLOR_PRINT_BLUE "34"
#define COLOR_PRINT_CYAN "36"
#define color_printf(COLOR, format, ...) \
{ \
printf("\033[0;" COLOR "m" format "\033[0m\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
xQueueHandle demo_queue;
void tx_task1(void *arg)
uint32_t txpos = 0;
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_BLUE, "tx_task1");
while (1)
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_BLUE, "free DRAM %u IRAM %u", esp_get_free_heap_size(), xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_BLUE, "tx_task1 notify %d", txpos);
if (xQueueSendToBack(demo_queue, &txpos, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE)
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_RED, "tx_task1 fail to queue value %d", txpos);
vTaskDelay(10000 / portTICK_RATE_MS); // delay 10s
void tx_task2(void *arg)
uint32_t txpos = 0;
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_CYAN, "\ttx_task2");
while (1)
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_CYAN, "\tfree DRAM %u IRAM %u", esp_get_free_heap_size(), xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_CYAN, "\ttx_task2 notify %d", txpos);
if (xQueueSendToBack(demo_queue, &txpos, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE)
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_RED, "\ttx_task2 fail to queue value %d", txpos);
vTaskDelay(7000 / portTICK_RATE_MS); // delay 7s
void rx_task(void *arg)
uint32_t rxpos;
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_GREEN, "\t\trx_task");
while (1)
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_GREEN, "\t\trx_task queue yield");
if (xQueueReceive(demo_queue, &rxpos, 60000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE)
{ // max wait 60s
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_RED, "\t\tfail to receive queued value");
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_GREEN, "\t\tfree DRAM %u IRAM %u", esp_get_free_heap_size(), xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_GREEN, "\t\trx_task get queued value %d", rxpos);
if (uxQueueMessagesWaiting(demo_queue) == 0)
{ // no message? take a break
vTaskDelay(15000 / portTICK_RATE_MS); // delay 15s
void app_main()
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_PURPLE, "start ESP32");
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_PURPLE, "free DRAM %u IRAM %u", esp_get_free_heap_size(), xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
demo_queue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(uint32_t));
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_PURPLE, "free DRAM %u IRAM %u", esp_get_free_heap_size(), xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(MALLOC_CAP_32BIT));
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_PURPLE, "create three tasks");
xTaskCreate(tx_task1, "tx_task1", CONFIG_SYSTEM_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 5, NULL);
xTaskCreate(tx_task2, "tx_task2", CONFIG_SYSTEM_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 5, NULL);
xTaskCreate(rx_task, "rx_task", CONFIG_SYSTEM_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 5, NULL);
color_printf(COLOR_PRINT_PURPLE, "end of main");
Please let me know if I should provide more details.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 855
Reputation: 677
According to old documentation for xPortGetFreeHeapSizeTagged(BaseType_t tag)
Get the amount of free bytes in a certain tagged region.
Works like `xPortGetFreeHeapSize` but allows the user to specify a specific tag
According to the documentation for 4.4.3 you could use heap_caps_get_free_size(uint32_t caps)
instead of xPortGetFreeHeapSize
Parameters: caps – Bitwise OR of MALLOC_CAP_* flags indicating the type of memory
Returns: Amount of free bytes in the regions
Those capabilities are defined in esp_heap_caps.h
You could give heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_IRAM_8BIT)
a try.
Upvotes: 1