Reputation: 538
Is there a way to make sure the numbers are exported as numbers using openxlsx
using the example below, the cells with numbers are exported as text. I believe part of it is that columns contain both text and numbers (ie read as character columns). if I change it to numeric, it will cause loss of data.
any suggestions? I tried to read through the package documentation but cannot find a specific argument that can do this function.
dff = data.frame(var1 = c("a", "b", "c", "1"), var2=c("1", "c", 2, "1/1/2020"))
wb22= createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb22, "sheet1")
writeData(wb22, sheet="sheet1", x=dff, startRow = 1,
startCol = 1, colNames = TRUE)
file = "example22.xlsx",
overwrite = TRUE
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Views: 1305
Reputation: 2318
As per stefan's comment, a dataframe
column can only have one datatype.
A workaround might be adding a dummy formula in Excel to convert numbers (that are stored as characters) back to numbers then leave everything else as is.
For example:
dff = data.frame(var1 = c("a", "b", "c", "1"), var2=c("1", "c", 2, "1/1/2020"))
wb22= createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb22, "sheet1")
writeData(wb22, sheet="sheet1", x=dff, startRow = 1,
startCol = 1, colNames = TRUE)
## New column will be added with header called var2_new
writeData(wb22, sheet="sheet1", x= "var2_new", startRow = 1, startCol = 3)
## Excel formula to convert numbers back to numbers and everything else as is.
## by multiplying by 1. If there is an error use the column value as is.
xl_formula <- paste0('IFERROR(B', 2:(nrow(dff) + 1), '*1, B', 2:(nrow(dff) + 1), ')')
writeFormula(wb22, sheet = "sheet1", xl_formula, startRow = 2,startCol = 3)
file = "example22_new.xlsx",
overwrite = TRUE
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