Reputation: 2033
The data provided shows the count of each variable (1-10) for each district. For example, let's say the total/sum of each variable value for district 1 is x
(100%). Now, I want to add the percentage of each categorical variable with respect to the sum of that district in new columns (10 new columns) (say pct1
, pct2
and etc.) for each district (so, sum of percentages of pct1
- pct10
would be a 100%
). I would like to do this for each district.
How can I do this?
df = structure(list(LONGNAME = c("District 1", "District 2", "District 3",
"District 4", "District 5", "District 6", "District 7", "District 8",
"District 9"), `1` = c(42065L, 49367L, 37063L, 27360L, 36424L,
26415L, 28010L, 35001L, 30510L), `2` = c(1667L, 3598L, 3989L,
6762L, 2125L, 2660L, 3912L, 4258L, 4089L), `3` = c(6004L, 7672L,
9245L, 10118L, 5554L, 5520L, 7853L, 8716L, 7554L), `4` = c(6712L,
2656L, 4700L, 6868L, 2560L, 3452L, 4838L, 4656L, 3458L), `5` = c(5626L,
4823L, 5086L, 10852L, 4700L, 4239L, 5032L, 7864L, 5623L), `6` = c(5737L,
9123L, 10042L, 20704L, 10119L, 13243L, 11144L, 12049L, 14064L
), `7` = c(4669L, 4338L, 3859L, 12530L, 4453L, 8099L, 3658L,
4049L, 6360L), `8` = c(2212L, 2980L, 1647L, 11298L, 4611L, 13664L,
1139L, 2132L, 6879L), `9` = c(302L, 830L, 700L, 6476L, 675L,
20224L, 357L, 588L, 907L), `10` = c(14L, 25L, 12L, 1087L, 6L,
2916L, 2L, 23L, 5L)), row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
Upvotes: 1
Views: 50
Reputation: 887971
We may use across
to loop over the integer columns and apply proportions
. To create the new columns, modify the .names
by appending pct
before the {.col}
- stands for the column name
df <- df %>%
mutate(across(-LONGNAME, ~ proportions(.x) * 100, .names = "pct{.col}"))
# A tibble: 9 × 21
LONGNAME `1` `2` `3` `4` `5` `6` `7` `8` `9` `10` pct1 pct2 pct3 pct4 pct5 pct6 pct7 pct8 pct9 pct10
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 District 1 42065 1667 6004 6712 5626 5737 4669 2212 302 14 13.5 5.04 8.80 16.8 10.4 5.40 8.98 4.75 0.972 0.342
2 District 2 49367 3598 7672 2656 4823 9123 4338 2980 830 25 15.8 10.9 11.2 6.66 8.96 8.59 8.34 6.40 2.67 0.611
3 District 3 37063 3989 9245 4700 5086 10042 3859 1647 700 12 11.9 12.1 13.5 11.8 9.45 9.45 7.42 3.54 2.25 0.293
4 District 4 27360 6762 10118 6868 10852 20704 12530 11298 6476 1087 8.76 20.5 14.8 17.2 20.2 19.5 24.1 24.3 20.9 26.6
5 District 5 36424 2125 5554 2560 4700 10119 4453 4611 675 6 11.7 6.43 8.14 6.42 8.73 9.53 8.56 9.90 2.17 0.147
6 District 6 26415 2660 5520 3452 4239 13243 8099 13664 20224 2916 8.46 8.05 8.09 8.65 7.87 12.5 15.6 29.3 65.1 71.3
7 District 7 28010 3912 7853 4838 5032 11144 3658 1139 357 2 8.97 11.8 11.5 12.1 9.35 10.5 7.03 2.45 1.15 0.0489
8 District 8 35001 4258 8716 4656 7864 12049 4049 2132 588 23 11.2 12.9 12.8 11.7 14.6 11.3 7.78 4.58 1.89 0.562
9 District 9 30510 4089 7554 3458 5623 14064 6360 6879 907 5 9.77 12.4 11.1 8.67 10.4 13.2 12.2 14.8 2.92 0.122
If we want by row, then use the margin 1
df[paste0("pct", names(df)[-1])] <- proportions(as.matrix(df[-1]), 1) * 100
> df
# A tibble: 9 × 21
LONGNAME `1` `2` `3` `4` `5` `6` `7` `8` `9` `10` pct1 pct2 pct3 pct4 pct5 pct6 pct7 pct8 pct9 pct10
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 District 1 42065 1667 6004 6712 5626 5737 4669 2212 302 14 56.1 2.22 8.00 8.95 7.50 7.65 6.22 2.95 0.403 0.0187
2 District 2 49367 3598 7672 2656 4823 9123 4338 2980 830 25 57.8 4.21 8.98 3.11 5.65 10.7 5.08 3.49 0.972 0.0293
3 District 3 37063 3989 9245 4700 5086 10042 3859 1647 700 12 48.5 5.23 12.1 6.16 6.66 13.2 5.05 2.16 0.917 0.0157
4 District 4 27360 6762 10118 6868 10852 20704 12530 11298 6476 1087 24.0 5.93 8.87 6.02 9.51 18.2 11.0 9.91 5.68 0.953
5 District 5 36424 2125 5554 2560 4700 10119 4453 4611 675 6 51.1 2.98 7.80 3.59 6.60 14.2 6.25 6.47 0.948 0.00842
6 District 6 26415 2660 5520 3452 4239 13243 8099 13664 20224 2916 26.3 2.65 5.50 3.44 4.22 13.2 8.06 13.6 20.1 2.90
7 District 7 28010 3912 7853 4838 5032 11144 3658 1139 357 2 42.5 5.93 11.9 7.34 7.63 16.9 5.55 1.73 0.541 0.00303
8 District 8 35001 4258 8716 4656 7864 12049 4049 2132 588 23 44.1 5.37 11.0 5.87 9.91 15.2 5.10 2.69 0.741 0.0290
9 District 9 30510 4089 7554 3458 5623 14064 6360 6879 907 5 38.4 5.15 9.51 4.35 7.08 17.7 8.01 8.66 1.14 0.00629
> rowSums(df[-(1:11)])
[1] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Upvotes: 2