Reputation: 1
I am developing a RHEL 7 Qt application and need to connect to an Oracle database. When calling QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QOCI"), I am prompted with the following:
QSqlDatabase: QOCI driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE
I have Oracle Install Client v11.2 installed, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I've done extensive research and cannot find a solution.
Based on what I saw online, I tried creating an oci directory within my Qt dir (/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/sqldrivers) and then created an file. Its contents are below:
LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/lib -lclntsh
TEMPLATE = subdirs
I ran qmake-qt5 on this to generate a Makefile, but when I run make, the necessary QOCI .so file is not generated.
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Views: 336