Reputation: 129
I'm trying to build some SvelteKit page with a button to get an ID generated randomly from the server side. As load system works for a page loading, I tried :
EDIT: I have corrected my code according to HB's comment.
// src/routes/test/+page.js
const generateID = () => {
let key = '00:12:34:56:63'
/* randomize an array of length N with with 64-digits */
/* and join it with ':' to build a string */
return key
// EDIT: track affeced/attributed keys
const lookups = new Map ()
// EDIT: added 'depends' parameter
export const load = async ({ params, depends }) => {
let uid
do {
uid = generateID ()
} while (lookups.has (uid))
lookups.set (uid, 1)
// EDIT: ddepends usage
depends ('app:randomkey')
return {
props: {
and the client side looks like:
<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
// -- import { goto } from '$app/navigation'
import { invalidate } from '$app/navigation'
import { page } from '$app/stores'
export let data
const handler = () => {
// EDIT: do not use 'goto' anymore
// goto ($page.url.pathname)
// EDIT: use 'depends key' instead
invalidate ('app:randomkey')
<p> Click button to refresh UID from server </p>
<button on:click={ handler }> refresh UID </button>
{ data.props.key }
At page reload 'F5 on keyboard) ut refresh the UID "key" value, but NOT when cluicking the button
So what's wring ? and I could fix it, while persisiting application layout and internal state ?
EDIT: et voilà !
Enjoy coding !
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2257
Reputation: 185300
The URL is the same, hence nothing changes.
You should use invalidate
Upvotes: 2