Reputation: 995
I am trying to use a tasty inspector to convert method params to case classes but I get a classcast exception at runtime.
My code:
import{PackageDef, Template}
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.tasty.inspector.*
class MyInspector extends Inspector:
def inspect(using Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]): Unit =
for tasty <- tastys do
import tasty.quotes.reflect.*
tasty.ast match {
case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
stats.collect { case TypeDef(typeName, Template(constr, parentsOrDerived, self, preBody: List[_])) =>
preBody.collect { case DefDef(name, paramss: List[List[_]] @unchecked, tpt, preRhs) =>
val params = { case ValDef(name, tpt, preRhs) =>
s"$name : ${}"
|case class ${typeName}_${name}_ccIn(${params.mkString(", ")})
@main def tryit() =
val tastyFiles = List("../example-commands/classpath-1/target/scala-3.2.1/classes/cp1/Cp1Exports.tasty")
TastyInspector.inspectTastyFiles(tastyFiles)(new MyInspector)
I run this against this class (after I compile it and the compiler creates a .tasty file):
package cp1
import java.time.LocalDate
trait Cp1Exports:
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int
def subtract(a: Int, b: Int): Int
def friends(p: Person, from: LocalDate): Seq[Person]
case class Person(id: Int, name: String)
But I get this exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class$Import cannot be cast to class$TypeDef ($Import and$TypeDef are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl$reflect$TypeDef$.unapply(QuotesImpl.scala:339)
at console.macros.MyInspector$$anon$1.applyOrElse(MyInspector.scala:15)
The line causing the issue is this:
stats.collect { case TypeDef(typeName, Template(constr, parentsOrDerived, self, preBody: List[_])) =>
But it shouldn't because this is a collect. The error is caused because there is an import in Cp1Exports. If I remove the import, it works.
Also any advice to simplify the code would be appreciated.
I am using scala 3.2.1 (incl scala-compiler with that version)
Ok after following the advice from below, I ended up with this code which works (but seems rather complicated):
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.tasty.inspector.*
class MyInspector extends Inspector:
def inspect(using Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]): Unit =
for tasty <- tastys do
given = scala.quoted.quotes.asInstanceOf[scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl].ctx
tasty.ast match {
case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
stats.collect { case TypeDef(typeName, Template(constr, parentsOrDerived, self, preBody: List[_])) =>
preBody.collect { case DefDef(name, paramss: List[List[_]] @unchecked, tpt, preRhs) =>
val params = { case ValDef(name, tpt, preRhs) =>
s"$name : ${}"
|case class ${typeName}_${name}_ccIn(${params.mkString(", ")})
@main def tryit() =
val tastyFiles = List("../example-commands/classpath-1/target/scala-3.2.1/classes/cp1/Cp1Exports.tasty")
TastyInspector.inspectTastyFiles(tastyFiles)(new MyInspector)
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Views: 467
Reputation: 27595
Casting and inspecting runtime types of Quotes is over-complicating. I understand that it comes from poor IDE support, so I'll explain how to avoid it.
Then you import you project into IntelliJ, it will not handle path-dependent types well, and macros - both in Scala 2 and in Scala 3 - rely on them, so the IDE support is poor. However, in Scala 3 you can learn how to work around it.
You are starting with this:
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.tasty.inspector.*
These imports will allow you to create the Inspector
class PrintInspector extends Inspector {
override def inspect(using quotes: Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]): Unit = ???
Pay attention to the fact that Quotes
is named and we are referring to it in second argument list. It allow us to express that for each tasty: Tasty[quotes.type]
will be of type quotes.reflect.Tree
is the same type as quote
(so we might import the latter everywhere)To work with Quotes
and reflect
you should do 2 wildcard imports:
// same type as content of each Tasty[quotes.type].quotes
import quotes.*
import quotes.reflect.*
Here IDE support will start getting poor:
in your IDE you will see all the companion objects and extension methods that you should be able to accessHow do I work with it? An example:
tastys.foreach { tasty =>
val path = tasty.path
val tree: Tree = tasty.ast
val symbol: Symbol = tree.symbol
I saw in Tasty
's source code that I should have access to tasty.ast
method and that is should be Tree
(imported from quotes.reflect.*
). IntelliJ will assume it's Any
so I will annotate it myself.
Similarly I can see in Quotes
source code that Tree
has .symbol
extension method.
This way I am avoiding the madness in which I am casting things to internal compiler types and figuring our implicits to pass that were never intended for API user to pass manually. (And opening Quotes.tasty
, Inspector.tasty
, Tasty.tasty
etc to preview methods can be done in IntelliJ with double shift, typing the name and then double shift again to search in dependencies. Once opened I keep e.g. Quotes.tasty
on the right side of the screen and a file which use the API on the left side).
Once we are working with sane-but-not-intellisense supported API we can write this:
//> using scala "3.2.1"
//> using lib "org.scala-lang::scala3-tasty-inspector:3.2.1"
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.tasty.inspector.*
class PrintInspector extends Inspector {
override def inspect(using quotes: Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]): Unit = {
// same type as content of each Tasty[quotes.type].quotes
import quotes.*
import quotes.reflect.*
def processSymbol(sym: Symbol): Vector[String] = {
if (sym == Symbol.noSymbol) {
} else if (sym.isPackageDef) {
// it's a package
val name: String = s"package ${}"
val decl: List[Symbol] = sym.declarations
name +: decl.view.flatMap(processSymbol).map(" " + _).toVector
} else if (sym.isClassDef) {
// it's a class
val name: String = s"class ${}"
val decl: List[Symbol] = sym.declarations
name +: decl.view.flatMap(processSymbol).map(" " + _).toVector
} else if (sym.isDefDef) {
// it's a def (not val)
val name: String = s"def ${}"
val decl: List[Symbol] = sym.paramSymss.flatten // parameter lists of this method
name +: decl.view.flatMap(processSymbol).map(" " + _).toVector
} else if (sym.isValDef) {
// it's a val
val name: String = s"val ${}"
} else if (sym.isType) {
// it's type
val name: String = s"type ${}"
} else {
// it's another symbol (binding, etd)
tastys.foreach { tasty =>
val path = tasty.path
val tree: Tree = tasty.ast
val symbol: Symbol = tree.symbol
val result = processSymbol(symbol)
object PrintInspector {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
TastyInspector.inspectTastyFiles(args.toList)(new PrintInspector)
I wrote this quickly as a demo of the IDEa how to traverse Tasty using symbols API. When I compiled it with scala-cli
and run against it's own tasty I got
# create Tasty files somewhere
> scala-cli compile .
Compiling project (Scala 3.2.1, JVM)
Compiled project (Scala 3.2.1, JVM)
# pass Tasty files from previpus compilation into the script to print itself
> scala-cli run PrintInspector.scala -- .scala-build/project_eb4be2fafa/classes/main/PrintInspector.tasty
Compiling project (Scala 3.2.1, JVM)
Compiled project (Scala 3.2.1, JVM)
package <empty>
class PrintInspector
def <init>
def inspect
val quotes
val tastys
val PrintInspector
class PrintInspector$
def <init>
def writeReplace
def main
val args
def apply
I believe this would be relatively easy for you to adapt to use extracted information to print case classes
for each method or whatever you like.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51703
I noticed that
stats.collect { case, _) => }
doesn't throw while
stats.collect { TypeDef(_, _) => }
stats.collect { tasty.quotes.reflect.TypeDef(_, _) => }
The difference seems to be that
is a case class while tasty.quotes.reflect.TypeDef
is an abstract type.
The reason seems to be type erasure
Understanding why inlining function fixes runtime crash when collecting
Simpler reproduction:
import scala.reflect.TypeTest
trait X {
type A
type B <: A
trait BModule {
def unapply(b: B): Option[Int]
val B: BModule
given BTypeTest: TypeTest[A, B]
type C <: A
trait CModule {
def unapply(c: C): Option[String]
val C: CModule
given CTypeTest: TypeTest[A, C]
object XImpl extends X {
sealed trait A
case class B(i: Int) extends A
object B extends BModule {
def unapply(b: B): Option[Int] = Some(b.i)
object BTypeTest extends TypeTest[A, B] {
override def unapply(x: A): Option[x.type & B] = x match {
case x: (B & x.type) => Some(x)
case _ => None
case class C(s: String) extends A
object C extends CModule {
def unapply(c: C): Option[String] = Some(c.s)
object CTypeTest extends TypeTest[A, C] {
override def unapply(x: A): Option[x.type & C] = x match {
case x: (C & x.type) => Some(x)
case _ => None
def foo()(using x: X) = {
import x.*
List(XImpl.B(1), XImpl.C("a")).collect { case C(s) => println(s) }
given X = XImpl
foo() // ClassCastException: XImpl$B cannot be cast to XImpl$C
Here X
, A
, B
, C
are similar to Quotes
, Tree
, ValDef
, TypeDef
Upvotes: 1