I am trying to create a For Loop in R to fill a Vector with Forecasted values, generated via the auto.arima function.
I am new to R, so I am not sure if this is done correctly.
The code I am using is the following:
dfts <- ts(df$Price_REG1)
for (i in 0:7) {
modArima <- auto.arima(dfts[0+(i*24):168+(i*24)])
forecast <- forecast(modArima, h=24)
forecast_values <- forecast$mean
fc <- append(fc, forecast_values)
I use longer sets in reality, but made it smaller here to make it more understandable.
What I am trying to achieve is to use the first week of data (168 hours in one week) to estimate the coefficients for the model. Then I want to put the generated predictions for the first 24 hours after the training set in the Vector fc
I then want to move the window one day, reestimate the coefficients and generate the forecasts for the following day and saving them into the Vector.
I am a bit unsure on the dfts[0+(i*24):168+(i*24)]
part, since df <- df[0:168]
, doesn't work, but needs the df <- df[0:168,]
. But if I put dfts[0+(i*24):168+(i*24)]
I get
Error in [.default(dfts, 0 + (i * 24):874 + (i * 24), ) : incorrect number of dimensions
EDIT : Sample of Data:
structure(c(28.78, 28.45, 27.9, 27.52, 27.54, 26.55, 25.83, 25.07,
25.65, 26.15, 26.77, 27.4, 28.08, 28.69, 29.37, 29.97, 30.46,
30.39, 30.06, 29.38, 27.65, 27.33, 25.88, 24.81, 12.07, 13.13,
19.07, 21.12, 24.29, 26.27, 27.74, 28.39, 29.37, 29.95, 29.91,
29.96, 29.94, 29.94, 30.18, 30.96, 31.2, 30.98, 30.35, 29.27,
28.17, 28.02, 27.69, 24.39, 18.93, 9.98, 1.53, 0.14, 0.85, 9.92,
24.48, 26.68, 28.12, 28.58, 28.16, 28.78, 28.31, 28.44, 28.96,
29.86, 30.15, 30.07, 29.54, 29.11, 27.91, 27.03, 25.7, 22.04,
21.73, 15.95, 16.23, 6.45, 3.83, 4.03, 4.04, 19.07, 17.49, 24.18,
24.94, 25.11, 24.94, 24.95, 25.25, 26.33, 27.36, 28.88, 29.58,
29.42, 27.71, 27.4, 27.37, 25.77, 26.65, 27.13, 27.11, 27.42), tsp = c(1,
5.125, 24), class = "ts")
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Here is an example with built-in data set AirPassengers
on how to run a rolling forecast with package forecast
The code below makes use of time series functions
to subset objects of class "ts"
and start
to get those attributes.The output vector is created beforehand, not extended in the loop with append
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> zoo
data("AirPassengers", package = "datasets")
fc <- ts(
data = rep(NA, length(AirPassengers)),
start = start(AirPassengers),
frequency = frequency(AirPassengers)
start <- start(AirPassengers)[1]
freq <- frequency(AirPassengers)
i_fc <- seq_len(freq)
fc[i_fc] <- AirPassengers[i_fc]
for(i in 1:11) {
w <- window(AirPassengers, start = start + i - 1L, end = c(start + i - 1L, freq))
modArima <- auto.arima(w)
y <- forecast(modArima, h = freq)$mean
i_fc <- i_fc + freq
fc[i_fc] <- y
plot(cbind(AirPassengers, fc))
Created on 2022-12-20 with reprex v2.0.2
I believe that the code below forecasts the next day given a certain initial number of days.
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> zoo
fill_first_periods <- function(x, weeks = 1L, week_days) {
if(missing(week_days)) week_days <- 7L
fc <- ts(
data = rep(NA, length(x)),
start = start(x),
frequency = frequency(x)
i_fc <- seq_len(frequency(x) * week_days * weeks)
fc[i_fc] <- x[i_fc]
# not enough data to run an example for 1 week
# three days only
weeks <- 1L
week_days <- 3L
fc <- fill_first_periods(dfts, weeks = weeks, week_days)
n <- length(fc)
i_last <- length(fc[!])
h <- frequency(fc)
curr_start <- start(fc)
curr_end <- c(curr_start[1] + weeks*week_days - 1L, frequency(fc))
for(i in 2:(end(fc)[1] - 1L)) {
if(n - i_last < h) {
h <- end(fc)[2]
i_fc <- tail(seq_len(n), h)
} else {
i_fc <- (i_last + 1L):(i_last + h)
i_last <- i_last + h
w <- window(dfts, start = curr_start, end = curr_end)
modArima <- auto.arima(w)
fc[i_fc] <- forecast(modArima, h = h)$mean
curr_start[1] <- curr_start[1L] + 1L
curr_end <- c(curr_end[1L] + 1L, h)
plot(cbind(dfts, fc))
Created on 2022-12-21 with reprex v2.0.2
Upvotes: 2