
Reputation: 55

How to change the content in specified GridView element with index number

i am building a project's front-end side with QtQuick2. I am having a trouble with popup styled elements. I created a ListElement first, then created a GridView and put ListElement elements into that by using model. That is a 3x3 grid and what i am trying to do is when user clicked on an element, i want the change background image of that element.

default state

default state

expected state

expected state

It happens but it stays under the other elements of grid. I tried to set visibility of element which stays upper on z-index but i was not able to reach grid[index]'s properties. Here is what happens

my build

tested version of state

Here is my code

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12

Item {

Text {
    id: textDevice
    x: 312
    y: 69
    text: "CİHAZ AYARLARI"
    color: "#4A4A4A"
    font.pixelSize: 22
    font.weight: 400
    font.family: "SF Pro Text"

ListModel {
    id: deviceSettings
    ListElement { name: "DİL SEÇİMİ";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png"; status:"disabled" }
    ListElement { name: "WIFI AYARLARI";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "GÜÇ KORUMASI";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "TARİH AYARI"; src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "KAYIT PERİYODU"; src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "E-POSTA AYARLARI";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png"}
    ListElement { name: "SAAT AYARI";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "RAKIM"; src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }
    ListElement { name: "SMS AYARLARI";  src:"/images/deviceSettingsRect.png" }

GridView {
    id: deviceGrid
    anchors.fill: parent
    anchors.leftMargin: 104
    anchors.topMargin: 152
    model: deviceSettings
    cellHeight: 75
    cellWidth: 205
    delegate: Rectangle {
        id: deviceRects
        width: 182
        height: 68
        color: "transparent"
        z: 900

            color: "#4A4A4A"
            text: name
            font.family: "SF Pro Text"
            font.weight: 400
            font.pixelSize: 14
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.topMargin: 25
            z: 999

        Image {
            id: deviceBackground
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: src

            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: {
                deviceGrid.currentIndex = index;

                if(name==="DİL SEÇİMİ"){
                        deviceRects.width = 182
                        deviceRects.height = 143
                        deviceBackground.source = "/images/langSelect.png"
                        deviceRects.width = 182
                        deviceRects.height = 68
                        deviceBackground.source = "/images/deviceSettingsRect.png"
                }else if(name==="WIFI AYARLARI"){
                        deviceRects.width = 182
                        deviceRects.height = 143
                        deviceBackground.source = "/images/langSelect.png"
                        deviceRects.width = 182
                        deviceRects.height = 68
                        deviceBackground.source = "/images/deviceSettingsRect.png"





I reviewed this How to access the property of a GridView - or ListView - element but still wasn't able to figure it out. Any suggestions? If i can reach the index number of 2nd row 1st column, i would hide it by visibility property but i could not.

Extra quick question(later edit) I want to create a timer setter in one of these pop-ups. When user click they should see this inside 3rd row 1st column.

enter image description here

I've created a timer which takes the current time from computer. I want user to be able to change it by this pop-up. Here is my timer

    interval : 500
    running : true
    repeat : true

    onTriggered: {
        var date = new Date()
        clockText.text = date.toLocaleTimeString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "hh:mm")

I can use up/down arrows or something else instead of upper or lower number previews but how can i set it in ListElement and save as original value. I checked on

Time input field in QML

Time Picker in QML

How to add Date and Time picker in qt qml

Upvotes: 0

Views: 407

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3924

I wouldn't increase the size of the elements inside the cells, but use a popup which opens on top. I've changed your code in order for it to work as expected without using the images, because they are not available to us. Have a look at how the z property of the Rectangle is used when its height gets increased. I set it to 1 when it is active and set it back to 0 if not.

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls

Window {
    id: root
    width: 1024
    height: 768
    visible: true
    color: "#aaddff"

    ListModel {
        id: deviceSettings
        ListElement { name: "DİL SEÇİMİ" }
        ListElement { name: "WIFI AYARLARI" }
        ListElement { name: "GÜÇ KORUMASI" }
        ListElement { name: "TARİH AYARI" }
        ListElement { name: "KAYIT PERİYODU" }
        ListElement { name: "E-POSTA AYARLARI" }
        ListElement { name: "SAAT AYARI" }
        ListElement { name: "RAKIM" }
        ListElement { name: "SMS AYARLARI" }

    GridView {
        id: deviceGrid
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.leftMargin: 104
        anchors.topMargin: 152
        model: deviceSettings
        cellHeight: 75
        cellWidth: 205
        currentIndex: -1

        delegate: Rectangle {
            id: deviceRects
            width: 182
            height: 68
            gradient: Gradient {
                GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#f7f9f9" }
                GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#c5dcec" }
            radius: 20
            border.color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? "gray" : "#ffffff"
            border.width: 2

            Text {
                color: "#4A4A4A"
                text: name
                font.family: "SF Pro Text"
                font.weight: 400
                font.pixelSize: 14
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                anchors.top: parent.top
                anchors.topMargin: 25

            states: [
                State {
                    name: "default"
                    when: deviceGrid.currentIndex !== index
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: deviceRects
                        height: 68
                        z: 0
                State {
                    name: "active"
                    when: deviceGrid.currentIndex === index
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: deviceRects
                        height: 143
                        z: 1

            MouseArea {
                id: mouseArea
                anchors.fill: parent
                hoverEnabled: true
                onClicked: {
                    if (deviceGrid.currentIndex === index)
                        deviceGrid.currentIndex = -1
                        deviceGrid.currentIndex = index

Upvotes: 2

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