Reputation: 113
As a note beforehand, I think I should mention that I am working with highly sensitive medical data that is protected by HIPAA. I cannot share real data with dput- it would be illegal to do so. That is why I made a fake dataset and explained my processes to help reproduce the error. I have been trying to estimate an elastic net model in r using glmnet. However, I keep getting an error. I am not sure what is causing it. The error happens when I go to train the data. It sounds like it has something to do with the data type and matrix. I have provided a sample dataset. Then I set the outcomes and certain predictors to be factors. After setting certain variables to be factors, I label them. Next, I create an object with the column names of the predictors I want to use. That object is pred.names.min. Then I partition the data into the training and test data frames. 65% in the training, 35% in the test. With the train control function, I specify a few things I want to have happen with the model- random paraments for lambda and alpha, as well as the leave one out method. I also specify that it is a classification model (categorical outcome). In the last step, I specify the training model. I write my code to tell it to use all of the predictor variables in the pred.names.min object for the trainingset data frame.
#creating sample dataset
#setting variables as factors
df$L_TartaricacidArea<- as.factor(df$L_TartaricacidArea)
#labeling factor levels
df$hpresponse1 <- factor(df$hpresponse1, labels = c("group1.2", "group3.4"))
df$hpresponse2 <- factor(df$hpresponse2, labels = c("group1.2.3", "group4"))
df$L_TartaricacidArea <- factor(df$L_TartaricacidArea, labels =c ("No",
df$Hydroxymethyl_5_furancarboxylicacidArea_2 <-
factor(df$Hydroxymethyl_5_furancarboxylicacidArea_2, labels =c ("No",
df$BMIfactor <- factor(df$BMIfactor, labels = c("<40", ">=40and<50",
#creating list of predictor names
pred.start.min <- which(colnames(df) == "BMIfactor"); pred.start.min
pred.stop.min <- which(colnames(df) == "ErythritolArea"); pred.stop.min
pred.names.min <- colnames(df)[pred.start.min:pred.stop.min]
#partition data into training and test (65%/35%)
train_ind=sample(seq_len(nrow(df)), size = n)
#specifying that I want to use the leave one out cross-
#validation method and
use "random" as search for elasticnet
tcontrol <- trainControl(method = "LOOCV",
classProbs = TRUE)
#training model
elastic_model1 <- train(as.matrix(trainingset[,
data = trainingset,
method = "glmnet",
trControl = tcontrol)
After I run the last chunk of code, I end up with this error:
Error in { :
task 1 failed - "error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a
method for function 'as.matrix': object of invalid type "character" in
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first
I tried removing the "as.matrix" arguemtent:
elastic_model1 <- train((trainingset[, pred.names.min]),
data = trainingset,
method = "glmnet",
trControl = tcontrol)
It still produces a similar error.
Error in { :
task 1 failed - "error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method
for function 'as.matrix': object of invalid type "character" in
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first
When I tried to make none of the predictors factors (but keep outcome as factor), this is the error I get:
Error: At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name; This
will cause errors when class probabilities are generated because the
variables names will be converted to X0, X1 . Please use factor levels that
can be used as valid R variable names (see ?make.names for help).
How can I fix this? How can I use my predictors (both the numeric and categorical ones) without producing an error?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1322
Reputation: 1
I had an identical error message when using glmnet
while creating my x and y matrices manually (the values were already calculated not using the package they said would be streamlined into using glmnet functions).
I found out that at some point while using commands to convert my dataframe to array/matrix using something like:
x <-
The data was forced into all characters.
To get rid of the error, after converting it as written above, I used:
my_x_dataframe = apply(my_x_dataframe, 2, FUN = function(y){as.numeric(y)})
to convert it back to numeric. (I removed all my factor variables as reading through people's notes that glmnet cannot really handle them).
After this, I did it for my y dataset as well (I was running cox, so I had x and y datasets), and the error message disappeared.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 374
glmnet does not handle factors well. The recommendation currently is to dummy code and re-code to numeric where possible: Using LASSO in R with categorical variables
Upvotes: 0