Reputation: 228
I just recently implemented box/spout library replacing the phpspreadsheet library in favour of memory efficiency.
I am also able to produce the excel file using it.
But after opening the excel file using ms office 2019, I cannot edit the cells at all, it just seems all shown read-only.
But if I use phpspreadsheet to generate the same thing, I can edit the file.
Do any of you folks know anything that I am missing out here.
Following is my implementation of box/spout
use Box\Spout\Common\Type;
use Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Creator\Style\StyleBuilder;
use Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Creator\WriterEntityFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date;
function exprot_table($xmlObjectArray, $rows)
$head = (array) $rows[0];
$headArray = array_keys($head);
$writer = WriterEntityFactory::createWriter(Type::XLSX);
$rowFromValues = WriterEntityFactory::createRowFromArray($headArray);
$excelRows = array();
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
$row = (array) $row;
$cells = array();
foreach ($headArray as $keyc => $column) {
$fieldType = $xmlObjectArray[$column]['type'];
$col_name = $this->get_col_name($keyc);
// set date formate
if ($fieldType == "datetime") {
if (! empty($row[$column])) {
// Get server time zone offset in seconds and add or subtract from main value
$timeZoneOffset = date('Z', $row[$column]);
$date = $row[$column] + $timeZoneOffset;
$date = Date::PHPToExcel(trim($date));
$cellstyle = (new StyleBuilder())->setFormat('dd mmm yyyy')->build();
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($date, $cellstyle);
} else {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell('');
} elseif ($fieldType == "money") {
if (strlen($row[$column]) > 0) {
$cellstyle = (new StyleBuilder())->setFormat('#,##0.00;[Red]#,##0.00')->build();
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($row[$column], $cellstyle);
} else {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell('');
}elseif ($fieldType == "number") {
if (strlen($row[$column]) > 0) {
$cellstyle = (new StyleBuilder())->setFormat('#,##')->build();
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($row[$column], $cellstyle);
} else {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell('');
} elseif ($fieldType == "image") {
$value = $row[$column];
if (! empty($value)) {
$imageFolder = $this->config->item('img_upload_path');
$subDirectory = (string) $xmlObjectArray[$column]['sub_directory'];
if (isset($subDirectory) and ! empty($subDirectory)) {
$imageFolder .= $subDirectory . "/";
$filePath = $imageFolder . $value;
if (stripos($value, 'https://') !== false || stripos($value, 'http://') !== false) {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell('=HYPERLINK("'. $value .'","'. $value .'")');
} else {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($value);
} elseif ($fieldType == "file") {
$value = $row[$column];
$imageFolder = $this->config->item('img_upload_path');
if (! empty($value)) {
$value = CDN_URL . $imageFolder . $value;
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($value);
} else {
$cells[] = WriterEntityFactory::createCell($row[$column]);
$excelRows[] = WriterEntityFactory::createRow($cells);
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