Reputation: 3
I'm creating a job that checks the backup routines and send and e-mail whenever it stops (I hope that will become useful to others).
That's the way I'm doing:
1) I created a query that returns the db_name and the backup_type that had not been backed up within a certain period:
select name as "Nome da Base" , 'L' as Tipo from sys.sysdatabases a
where name not in ('master','tempdb','model'))
(select b.database_name, b.type from msdb..backupset b
where b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD (hour,-2, GETDATE())
and type='L')
union all
(select name as "Nome da Base", 'D' as Tipo from sys.sysdatabases a
where name not in ('tempdb','model'))
(select b.database_name, b.type from msdb..backupset b
where b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD (day,-1, GETDATE())
and type='D'
2) Created a table to record the returning rows of the query above:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp](
[Nome da Base] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Tipo] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
[Servidor] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[Hora Verificação] [datetime] NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Alerta_Log_Bkp_Servidor]
DEFAULT (N'Server_NAME') FOR [Servidor]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Alerta_Log_Bkp_Último Backup]
DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [Hora Verificação]
3) Created a job with an Insert Select:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp]
([Nome da Base],[Tipo])
(select name as "Nome da Base" , 'L' as Tipo from sys.sysdatabases a
where name not in ('master','tempdb','model','BA_CMA_OM'))
(select b.database_name, b.type from msdb..backupset b
where b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD (hour,-2, GETDATE())
and type='L')
union all
(select name as "Nome da Base", 'D' as Tipo from sys.sysdatabases a
where name not in ('tempdb','model'))
(select b.database_name, b.type from msdb..backupset b
where b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD (day,-1, GETDATE())
and type='D')
--> OK, till this point everything is fine.
My problem lies on the creation of a trigger on the "Alerta_Log_Bkp" table that fires an e-mail when a line is inserted on it. If I test the insert with only 1 row, everything works fine. But, if the insert has more than 1 row, I get the following error: "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery "
I know that's happening because I'm setting a variable as a select from inserted. But I cannot figure another way out.
Here's the trigger:
Create TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Alert_mail_BKP] ON [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp] AFTER INSERT AS
DECLARE @base varchar(50)
DECLARE @tipo varchar(50)
DECLARE @servidor varchar(50)
SET @base = (SELECT "Nome da Base" FROM inserted)
SET @tipo = (SELECT tipo FROM inserted)
SET @servidor = (SELECT Servidor FROM inserted)
create table #temp (base varchar(50),
tipo varchar(50),
servidor varchar(50))
insert into #temp values (@base,@tipo,@servidor)
SET @last_bkp = (Select MAX(backup_start_date) from msdb..backupset
Where database_name = (select base from #temp)
and type = (select tipo from #temp))
--SET @last_bkp = (Select MAX(backup_start_date) from msdb..backupset
-- Where database_name = @base and type = @tipo)
IF @tipo in ('D','L')
DECLARE @msg varchar(8000)
SET @msg = 'The "' +@tipo + '" from database "' + @base + '", of the server "'
+ @servidor + '", stoped at ' + CAST(@last_bkp as varchar(50)) +''
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients=N'[email protected]',
@body= @msg,
@subject = 'Problemas no Backup' ,
@profile_name = 'PROFILE'
Does anyone have a clue of another way to write that trigger, so I won't get the subquery error?
Thanks, Fabrício
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1170
Here is my suggestion. Drop the trigger. Add a column to the Alerta_Log_Bkp table:
UPDATE dbo.Alerta_Log_Bkp SET Alerted = 1; -- so that all past entries are marked as alerted
Create the following stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AlertOnBackupHistoryRuleViolation
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Alerta_Log_Bkp]([Nome da Base],[Tipo])
SELECT name, t = 'L' FROM sys.sysdatabases AS a
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','BA_CMA_OM')
EXCEPT SELECT b.database_name, b.type from msdb..backupset AS b
WHERE b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD(HOUR, -2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND type = 'L'
SELECT name, 'D' FROM sys.sysdatabases AS a
WHERE name NOT IN ('tempdb', 'model')
EXCEPT SELECT b.database_name, b.type FROM msdb..backupset AS b
WHERE b.backup_start_date >= DATEADD (day,-1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND type='D';
DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @body = N'';
SELECT @body = @body + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
+ 'The "' + a.Tipo + '" from database "' + a.[Nome da Base]
+ '", of the server "' + a.Servidor + '", stopped at '
+ COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(32), MAX(b.backup_start_date)), 'never')
FROM dbo.Alerta_Log_Bkp AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset AS b
ON a.[Nome da Base] = b.database_name AND a.Tipo = b.[type] WHERE a.Alerted = 0
GROUP BY a.Tipo, a.[Nome da Base], a.Servidor;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = N'[email protected]',
@body = @body,
@subject = N'Problemas no Backup' ,
@profile_name = N'PROFILE';
UPDATE dbo.Alerta_Log_Bkp SET Alerted = 1 WHERE Alerted = 0;
Now call the stored procedure from the job. No trigger, no muss, no fuss. And just one single e-mail even if there are 40 databases that violate the rule.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 96552
Anytime you write a query setting a value of a query from inserted or deleted to a scalar variable, the trigger is wrong and needs to be rewritten. Triggers operate on sets of data not one row at a time. So you need to use set-based logic. Do you want to send an email for every record inserted or every batch?
Further it is not a good idea to send emails from a trigger. It is better to send the data to another table and then have a job check that table at intervals and send the emails.
to help you thinking about set-based convert this
insert into #temp
values (@base,@tipo,@servidor)
insert into #temp
Select "Nome da Base", tipo,servidor from inserted
Upvotes: 1