Reputation: 11
I have got java bytecode by hotspot ./hotspot -XX:+TraceBytecodes -jar HelloWorld.jar
. Now I want to get the data reuse distance, but opcode does not give variable name. So I have to trace stack values to define variable. How to trace stack values of java bytecode?
The bytecode is like this:
[1435280] static void ZFArray.main(jobject)
[1435280] 4028364 0 iconst_3
[1435280] 4028365 1 newarray int
[1435280] 4028366 3 astore_1
[1435280] 4028367 4 iconst_0
[1435280] 4028368 5 istore_2
[1435280] 4028369 6 iload_2
[1435280] 4028370 7 aload_1
[1435280] 4028371 8 arraylength
[1435280] 4028372 9 if_icmpge 22
[1435280] 4028373 12 aload_1
[1435280] 4028374 13 iload_2
[1435280] 4028375 14 iconst_5
[1435280] 4028376 15 iastore
[1435280] 4028377 16 iinc #2 1
[1435280] 4028378 19 goto 6
[1435280] 4028379 6 iload_2
It seems like "ASM" can be used to manipulate java bytecode, but I don't know how to trace stack values for each bytecode instruction.
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