Reputation: 138417
Is it possible to pipe to/from the clipboard in Bash?
Whether it is piping to/from a device handle or using an auxiliary application, I can't find anything.
For example, if /dev/clip
was a device linking to the clipboard we could do:
cat /dev/clip # Dump the contents of the clipboard
cat foo > /dev/clip # Dump the contents of "foo" into the clipboard
Upvotes: 1321
Views: 850882
Reputation: 70912
usage.From man xclip
-i, -in read text into X selection from standard input or files (default) -o, -out print the selection to standard out (generally for piping to a file or program) ... -t, -target specify a particular data format using the given target atom. With -o the special target atom name "TARGETS" can be used to get a list of valid target atoms for this selection. For more information about tar‐ get atoms refer to ICCCM section 2.6.2 ... -selection specify which X selection to use, options are "primary" to use XA_PRI‐ MARY (default), "secondary" for XA_SECONDARY or "clipboard" for XA_CLIPBOARD
There are 3 differents clipboards:
for XA_PRIMARY, they could be abbreviated p
, this clipboard used for storing information copied by Ctrl+C or Ctrl+X.seconday
for XA_SECONDARY, they could be abbreviated s
(I'm not sure where this clipboard is used) andclipboard
for XA_CLIPBOARD which is used immediately when some text are selected (by left mouse button or any VIM or EMACS trapping method.) and could be pasted by simple click on middle mouse button.Well, for showing what are precisely stored, I wrote this:
clipDump () {
local tgts tgt clip errstr
local -i errfd
mapfile -t tgts < <(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -o -t TARGETS)
for tgt in "${tgts[@]}"; do
exec {errfd}<> <(:)
clip="$(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -t $tgt -o 2>&$errfd)"
IFS= read -ru $errfd -t .01 errstr
exec {errfd}>&-
printf '%-30s: %q\e[31m%q\e[0m\n' $'\e[44;30m'"$tgt"$'\e[0m' "$clip" "$errstr"
Note: I use printf %q
in order to prevent binary data to polute output. This will translate newlines into \n
and so on.
Immediately after pasted this, I'v tried:
clipDump c
TIMESTAMP : 1695759029''
MULTIPLE : ''Error:\ target\ MULTIPLE\ not\ available
text/html : \<meta\ http-equiv=\"content-type\"\ content=\"text/html\;\
charset=utf-8\"\>\<pre\ class=\"lang-bash\ s-code-block\"\>\<code\ data-highligh
ted=\"yes\"\ class=\"hljs\ language-bash\"\>xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
text/_moz_htmlcontext: \<html\ itemscope=\"\"\ itemtype=\"
age\"\ class=\"html__responsive\ \"\ lang=\"en\"\>\<body\ class=\"question-page\
unified-theme\ theme-dark\"\>\<div\ class=\"container\"\>\<div\ id=\"content\"\
class=\"snippet-hidden\"\>\<div\ itemprop=\"mainEntity\"\ itemscope=\"\"\ itemt
ype=\"\"\>\<div\ class=\"inner-content\ clearfix\"\>\
<div\ id=\"mainbar\"\ role=\"main\"\ aria-label=\"question\ and\ answers\"\>\<di
v\ class=\"question\ js-question\"\ data-questionid=\"79058411\"\ data-position-
on-page=\"0\"\ data-score=\"0\"\ id=\"question\"\>\<div\ class=\"post-layout\ \"
\>\<div\ class=\"postcell\ post-layout--right\"\>\<div\ class=\"s-prose\ js-post
-body\"\ itemprop=\"text\"\>\<pre\ class=\"lang-bash\ s-code-block\"\>\</pre\>\<
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
text/_moz_htmlinfo: 0\,0''
UTF8_STRING : xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
COMPOUND_TEXT : xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
TEXT : xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
STRING : xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
text/plain;charset=utf-8: xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
text/plain : xclip\ -sel\ clip\ -o\ -t\ TIMESTAMP''
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
But there are some errors! bash can't deal with null bytes
:Replacing 1st %q
by '%s'
and using od -A n -t a
for showing null bytes
clipDump () {
local tgts tgt clip errstr
local -i errfd
mapfile -t tgts < <(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -o -t TARGETS)
for tgt in "${tgts[@]}"; do
exec {errfd}<> <(:)
clip="$(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -t $tgt -o 2>&$errfd | od -t a -A n)"
IFS= read -ru $errfd -t .01 errstr
exec {errfd}>&-
printf "%-30s: '%s'\e[31m%q\e[0m\n" $'\e[44;30m'"$tgt"$'\e[0m' "$clip" "$errstr"
clipDump c
TIMESTAMP : ' 1 6 9 5 7 5 9 0 2 9 nl'''
TARGETS : ' T I M E S T A M P nl T A R G E T
S nl M U L T I P L E nl S A V E _
T A R G E T S nl t e x t / h t m
l nl t e x t / _ m o z _ h t m l
c o n t e x t nl t e x t / _ m o
z _ h t m l i n f o nl U T F 8 _
S T R I N G nl C O M P O U N D _
T E X T nl T E X T nl S T R I N G
nl t e x t / p l a i n ; c h a r
s e t = u t f - 8 nl t e x t / p
l a i n nl t e x t / x - m o z -
u r l - p r i v nl'''
MULTIPLE : ''Error:\ target\ MULTIPLE\ not\ available
text/html : ' < m e t a sp h t t p - e q u i v
= " c o n t e n t - t y p e " sp
c o n t e n t = " t e x t / h t
m l ; sp c h a r s e t = u t f -
8 " > < p r e sp c l a s s = " l
a n g - b a s h sp s - c o d e -
b l o c k " > < c o d e sp d a t
a - h i g h l i g h t e d = " y
e s " sp c l a s s = " h l j s sp
l a n g u a g e - b a s h " > x
c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp -
o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P < /
c o d e > < / p r e >'''
text/_moz_htmlcontext: ' < nul h nul t nul m nul l nul sp nul i nul t nul
e nul m nul s nul c nul o nul p nul e nul = nul
" nul " nul sp nul i nul t nul e nul m nul t nul
y nul p nul e nul = nul " nul h nul t nul t nul
p nul s nul : nul / nul / nul s nul c nul h nul
e nul m nul a nul . nul o nul r nul g nul / nul
Q nul A nul P nul a nul g nul e nul " nul sp nul
c nul l nul a nul s nul s nul = nul " nul h nul
t nul m nul l nul _ nul _ nul r nul e nul s nul
p nul o nul n nul s nul i nul v nul e nul sp nul
" nul sp nul l nul a nul n nul g nul = nul " nul
e nul n nul " nul > nul < nul b nul o nul d nul
y nul sp nul c nul l nul a nul s nul s nul = nul
" nul q nul u nul e nul s nul t nul i nul o nul
n nul - nul p nul a nul g nul e nul sp nul u nul
n nul i nul f nul i nul e nul d nul - nul t nul
h nul e nul m nul e nul sp nul t nul h nul e nul
m nul e nul - nul d nul a nul r nul k nul " nul
> nul < nul d nul i nul v nul sp nul c nul l nul
a nul s nul s nul = nul " nul c nul o nul n nul
i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul
> nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul
/ nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul
i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul
> nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul
/ nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul b nul
o nul d nul y nul > nul < nul / nul h nul t nul
m nul l nul > nul'''
text/_moz_htmlinfo: ' 0 nul , nul 0 nul'''
UTF8_STRING : ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
COMPOUND_TEXT : ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
TEXT : ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
STRING : ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
text/plain;charset=utf-8: ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
text/plain : ' x c l i p sp - s e l sp c l i p sp
- o sp - t sp T I M E S T A M P'''
text/x-moz-url-priv: ' h nul t nul t nul p nul s nul : nul / nul / nul
s nul t nul a nul c nul k nul o nul v nul e nul
r nul f nul l nul o nul w nul . nul c nul o nul
m nul / nul q nul u nul e nul s nul t nul i nul
o nul n nul s nul / nul 7 nul 9 nul 0 nul 5 nul
8 nul 4 nul 1 nul 1 nul / nul x nul c nul l nul
i nul p nul - nul t nul i nul m nul e nul s nul
t nul a nul m nul p nul - nul t nul i nul m nul
e nul - nul u nul n nul i nul t nul s nul'''
Well, then we can see: TARGETS text/_moz_htmlcontext
and text/x-moz-url-priv
output's are encoded in UTF-16!
For this you could use tr -d \\0
but you'd better use a conversion tool:
clip="$(xclip -sel c -o -t text/x-moz-url-priv | iconv -f utf16)"
echo "$clip"
clip="$(xclip -sel c -o -t text/x-moz-url-priv | recode -f u7..u8)"
echo "$clip"
For final version, I've replaced %q
by %s
in order to obtain a cleaner output, and added one switch: -b
for binary mode, where output are reformated by od -ta -An
, then newlines and exessive spaces are dropped.
clipDump() {
local _Targets _target _store _errMsg
local -i _errFD _binMode=0
[[ $1 == -b ]] && shift && _binMode=1
mapfile -t _Targets < <(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -o -t TARGETS)
for _target in "${_Targets[@]}"; do
exec {_errFD}<> <(:)
if ((_binMode)); then
xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -t $_target -o 2>&$_errFD |
od -ta -An |
tr -d \\n |
sed '
s/[[:space:]]\+/ /g;
_store="$(xclip -selection ${1:-primary} -t $_target -o 2>&$_errFD)"
IFS= read -ru $_errFD -t .01 _errMsg
exec {_errFD}>&-
printf "%-30s: %s\e[31m%s\e[0m\n" \
$'\e[44;30m'"$_target"$'\e[0m' "$_store" "$_errMsg"
TIMESTAMP : 2020839389
MULTIPLE : Error: target MULTIPLE not available
text/html : <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><pre class="lang-bash s-code-block"><code data-highlighted="yes" class="hljs language-bash">clipDump</code></pre>
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
text/_moz_htmlcontext: <html itemscope="" itemtype="" class="html__responsive " lang="en"><body class="question-page unified-theme theme-dark"><div class="container"><div id="content" class="snippet-hidden"><div itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope="" itemtype=""><div class="inner-content clearfix"><div id="mainbar" role="main" aria-label="question and answers"><div id="answers"><div id="answer-79059847" class="answer js-answer highlighted-post" data-answerid="79059847" data-parentid="749544" data-score="2" data-position-on-page="27" data-highest-scored="0" data-question-has-accepted-highest-score="0" itemprop="suggestedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype=""><div class="post-layout"><div class="answercell post-layout--right"><div class="inline-editor" style=""><form class="inline-post" action="/posts/79059847/edit-submit/29257632-6d0e-4ec5-a1f3-a71b7f11b79d" method="post" data-post-params="{"is_suggested_edit":false,"post_type":2,"owner":1,"PostId":79059847}"><div id="post-editor-79059847" class="post-editor js-post-editor d-flex fd-column g4"><div id="wmd-preview-79059847" class="s-prose mb16 wmd-preview js-wmd-preview"><pre class="lang-bash s-code-block"></pre></div></div></form></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
text/_moz_htmlinfo: 0,0
UTF8_STRING : clipDump
TEXT : clipDump
STRING : clipDump
text/plain;charset=utf-8: clipDump
text/plain : clipDump
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
clipDump -b
TIMESTAMP : 2 0 2 0 8 9 8 7 4 8 nl
TARGETS : T I M E S T A M P nl T A R G E T S nl M U L T I P L E nl t e x t / h t m l nl t e x t / _ m o z _ h t m l c o n t e x t nl t e x t / _ m o z _ h t m l i n f o nl U T F 8 _ S T R I N G nl C O M P O U N D _ T E X T nl T E X T nl S T R I N G nl t e x t / p l a i n ; c h a r s e t = u t f - 8 nl t e x t / p l a i n nl t e x t / x - m o z - u r l - p r i v nl
MULTIPLE : Error: target MULTIPLE not available
text/html : < m e t a sp h t t p - e q u i v = " c o n t e n t - t y p e " sp c o n t e n t = " t e x t / h t m l ; sp c h a r s e t = u t f - 8 " > < p r e sp c l a s s = " l a n g - b a s h sp s - c o d e - b l o c k " > < c o d e sp d a t a - h i g h l i g h t e d = " y e s " sp c l a s s = " h l j s sp l a n g u a g e - b a s h " > c l i p D u m p sp - b < / c o d e > < / p r e >
text/_moz_htmlcontext: < nul h nul t nul m nul l nul sp nul i nul t nul e nul m nul s nul c nul o nul p nul e nul = nul " nul " nul sp nul i nul t nul e nul m nul t nul y nul p nul e nul = nul " nul h nul t nul t nul p nul s nul : nul / nul / nul s nul c nul h nul e nul m nul a nul . nul o nul r nul g nul / nul Q nul A nul P ... = nul " nul l nul a nul n nul g nul - nul b nul a nul s nul h nul sp nul s nul - nul c nul o nul d nul e nul - nul b nul l nul o nul c nul k nul " nul > nul < nul / nul p nul r nul e nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul f nul o nul r nul m nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul d nul i nul v nul > nul < nul / nul b nul o nul d nul y nul > nul < nul / nul h nul t nul m nul l nul > nul
text/_moz_htmlinfo: 0 nul , nul 0 nul
UTF8_STRING : c l i p D u m p sp - b
COMPOUND_TEXT : c l i p D u m p sp - b
TEXT : c l i p D u m p sp - b
STRING : c l i p D u m p sp - b
text/plain;charset=utf-8: c l i p D u m p sp - b
text/plain : c l i p D u m p sp - b
text/x-moz-url-priv: h nul t nul t nul p nul s nul : nul / nul / nul s nul t nul a nul c nul k nul o nul v nul e nul r nul f nul l nul o nul w nul . nul c nul o nul m nul / nul q nul u nul e nul s nul t nul i nul o nul n nul s nul / nul 7 nul 4 nul 9 nul 5 nul 4 nul 4 nul / nul p nul i nul p nul e nul - nul t nul o nul - nul f nul r nul o nul m nul - nul t nul h nul e nul - nul c nul l nul i nul p nul b nul o nul a nul r nul d nul - nul i nul n nul - nul a nul - nul b nul a nul s nul h nul - nul s nul c nul r nul i nul p nul t nul / nul 7 nul 9 nul 0 nul 5 nul 9 nul 8 nul 4 nul 7 nul # nul 7 nul 9 nul 0 nul 5 nul 9 nul 8 nul 4 nul 7 nul
For posting on this site, for sample, I often use something like:
COLUMNS=88 man -Len -Pcat xclip |
sed '/^[[:space:]]*\(-[iot]\|-sel\)/,/^ *$/s/^/> /p;d' |
Then I could simply paste:
-i, -in read text into X selection from standard input or files (default) -o, -out print the selection to standard out (generally for piping to a file or program) -t, -target specify a particular data format using the given target atom. With -o the special target atom name "TARGETS" can be used to get a list of valid target atoms for this selection. For more information about tar‐ get atoms refer to ICCCM section 2.6.2 -selection specify which X selection to use, options are "primary" to use XA_PRI‐ MARY (default), "secondary" for XA_SECONDARY or "clipboard" for XA_CLIPBOARD
( There is no need to precise: xclip -i -sel p
. ;-)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4606
# Install using your package manager:
apt-get install wl-clipboard
pacman -S wl-clipboard
dnf install wl-clipboard
# Now, you can use:
$ echo foo | wl-copy
$ wl-paste
If you do not have access to apt-get
nor pacman
, nor dnf
, sources are
hosted on GitHub.
# Install using your package manager:
apt-get install xclip
pacman -S xclip
dnf install xclip
# Then, add aliases for Bash:
echo 'alias setclip="xclip -selection c"' >> ~/.bash_aliases
echo 'alias getclip="xclip -selection c -o"' >> ~/.bash_aliases
# Or, for fish shell:
echo 'abbr setclip "xclip -selection c"' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'abbr getclip "xclip -selection c -o"' >> ~/.config/fish/
# Now, you can use (don't forget to reload your configs!):
$ echo foo | setclip
$ getclip
If you do not have access to apt-get
nor pacman
, nor dnf
, the sources are
available on SourceForge.
Upvotes: 251
Reputation: 599
If you are using "Windows Terminal" to ssh into a Linux host, you can use the following little script to copy a file to the clipboard of the windows host:
# Clipfile
# - Sends a file into the Windows Terminal clipboard
printf $'\e]52;c;%s\a' "$(base64 ${1:?})"
I'm not sure if this works with other terminal and console programs???
Thanks to @MrCalvin answer at:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3396
On macOS, use the built-in pbcopy
and pbpaste
For example, if you run
cat ~/.bashrc | pbcopy
the contents of the ~/.bashrc
file will be available for pasting with the Cmd + V shortcut.
To save the current clipboard to a file, redirect the output pbpaste
to a file:
pbpaste > my_clipboard.txt
Upvotes: 194
Reputation: 19250
For mac you can use this function which uses pbcopy
and pbpaste
, but a little easier:
Add this to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
clp() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
# No input - act as paste
# Input exists - act as copy
echo "$1" | pbcopy;
To copy use clp "Content"
and to paste use clp
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5796
A way to paste from the clipboard to a file without any tools except echo
with '\''
and copy the result to clipboard.echo -n '
' > filename.txt
Basically you're doing this:
echo -n 'copied "text" with '\''single quotes'\'' escaped' > filename.txt
It works even if the copied text has new lines.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13556
xsel on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint
# append to clipboard:
cat 'the file with content' | xsel -ab
# or type in the happy face :) and ...
echo 'the happy face :) and content' | xsel -ib
# show clipboard
xsel -ob
# Get more info:
man xsel
sudo apt-get install xsel
Upvotes: 57
Reputation: 11643
The Ruby oneliner inspired me to try with Python.
Say we want a command that indents whatever is in the clipboard with four spaces. It is perfect for sharing snippets on Stack Overflow.
$ pbpaste | python -c "import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
print(f' {line}')" | pbcopy
That's not a typo. Python needs newlines to do a for loop. We want to alter the lines in one pass to avoid building up an extra array in memory.
If you don't mind building the extra array try:
$ pbpaste | python -c "import sys; print(''.join([f' {l}' for l in sys.stdin]))" | pbcopy
but honestly awk is better for this than python. I defined this alias in my ~/.bashrc
alias indent="pbpaste | awk '{print \" \"\$0}' | pbcopy"
Now when I run indent
, whatever is in my clipboard is indented.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 389
I just searched the same stuff in my KDE environment.
Feel free to use clipcopy
and clippaste
> echo "TEST CLIP FROM TERMINAL" | clipcopy
> clippaste
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 683
This function will test what clipboard exists and use it.
To verify copy paste into your shell, and then call the function clippaste
clippaste () {
if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]
elif [[ $OSTYPE == cygwin* ]]
cat /dev/clipboard
if command -v xclip &> /dev/null
xclip -out -selection clipboard
elif command -v xsel
xsel --clipboard --output
print "clipcopy: Platform $OSTYPE not supported or xclip/xsel not installed" >&2
return 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9816
On Wayland, xcopy doesn't seem to work. Use wl-clipboard instead.
E.g., on Fedora:
sudo dnf install wl-clipboard
tree | wl-copy
wl-paste > file
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 507
pbcopy is built into OS X:
Copying the content of file .bash_profile:
cat ~/.bash_profile | pbcopy
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11820
I have found a good reference: How to target multiple selections with xclip
In my case, I would like to paste content on the clipboard and also to see what is been pasted there, so I used also the tee
command with a file descriptor:
echo "just a test" | tee >(xclip -i -selection clipboard)
is a form of process substitution. Bash replaces each with the path to a file descriptor which is connected to the standard input of the program within the parentheses.
The tee
command forks your command allowing you to "pipe its content" and see the result on standard output "stdout".
You can also create aliases to get and write on the clipboard, allowing you to use "pbcopy" and "pbpaste" as if you where on Mac. In my case, as I use Z shell (zsh
), I have this in my aliases file:
(( $+commands[xclip] )) && {
alias pbpaste='xclip -i -selection clipboard -o'
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
The (( $+command[name] ))
in Z shell tests if the command "name" is installed on your system, and then both aliases are grouped with {}
. The &&
is a binary AND; if a then b, hence if you have xclip then the aliases will be set.
echo "another test" | tee >(pbcopy)
To get your clipboard content, just type:
pbpaste | "any-command-you-need-here"
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 898
On the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) you can copy to the clipboard with clip.exe:
cat file | clip.exe
Keep in mind to use the |
pipe command. And not a >
command, since that will not work.
Upvotes: 41
Reputation: 8998
There are a couple of ways. Some of the ways that have been mentioned include (I think) tmux, Screen, Vim, Emacs, and the shell. I don't know Emacs or Screen, so I'll go over the other three.
While not an X selection, tmux has a copy mode accessible via prefix-[
is Ctrl + B by default). The buffer used for this mode is separate and exclusive to tmux, which opens up quite a few possibilities and makes it more versatile than the X selections in the right situations.
To exit this mode, hit Q; to navigate, use your Vim or Emacs binding (default = Vim), so hjkl
for movement, v/V/C-v
for character/line/block selection, etc. When you have your selection, hit Enter to copy and exit the mode.
To paste from this buffer, use prefix-]
Any installation of X11
seems to come with two programs by default: xclip
and xsel
(kind of like how it also comes with both startx
and xinit
). Most of the other answers mention xclip
, and I really like xsel
for its brevity, so I'm going to cover xsel
From xsel(1x):
Input options \
-a, --append \
append standard input to the selection. Implies -i.
-f, --follow \
append to selection as standard input grows. Implies -i.
-i, --input \
read standard input into the selection.
Output options \
-o, --output \
write the selection to standard output.
Action options \
-c, --clear \
clear the selection. Overrides all input options.
-d, --delete \
Request that the current selection be deleted. This not only clears the selection, but also requests to the program in which the selection resides that the selected contents be deleted. Overrides all input options.
Selection options \
-p, --primary \
operate on the PRIMARY selection (default).
-s, --secondary \
operate on the SECONDARY selection.
-b, --clipboard \
operate on the CLIPBOARD selection.
And that's about all you need to know. p
(or nothing) for PRIMARY
, s
, b
, o
for output.
Example: say I want to copy the output of foo
from a TTY and paste it to a webpage for a bug report. To do this, it would be ideal to copy to/from the TTY/X session. So the question becomes how do I access the clipboard from the TTY?
For this example, we'll assume the X session is on display :1
$ foo -v
Error: not a real TTY
blah blah @ 0x0000000040abeaf4
blah blah @ 0x0000000040abeaf8
blah blah @ 0x0000000040abeafc
blah blah @ 0x0000000040abeb00
$ foo -v | DISPLAY=:1 xsel -b # copies it into clipboard of display :1
Then I can Ctrl + V it into the form as per usual.
Now say that someone on the support site gives me a command to run to fix the problem. It's complicated and long.
$ DISPLAY=:1 xsel -bo
sudo foo --update --clear-cache --source-list=""
$ $(DISPLAY=:1 xsel -bo)
Password for braden:
UPDATING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 100.00%
Clearing cache...
Fetching sources...
Reticulating splines...
Watering trees...
Climbing mountains...
Looking advanced...
$ foo
Thank you for your order. A pizza should arrive at your house in the next 20 minutes. Your total is $6.99
Pizza ordering seems like a productive use of the command line.
...moving on.
If compiled with +clipboard
(This is important! Check your vim --version
), Vim should have access to the X PRIMARY
selections. The two selections are accessible from the *
and +
registers, respectively, and may be written to and read from at your leisure the same as any other register.
For example:
:%y+ ; copy/yank (y) everything (%) into the CLIPBOARD selection (+)
"+p ; select (") the CLIPBOARD selection (+) and paste/put it
ggVG"+y ; Alternative version of the first example
If your copy of Vim doesn't directly support access to X selections, though, it's not the end of the world. You can just use the xsel
technique as described in the last section.
:r ! xsel -bo ; read (r) from the stdout of (!) `xsel -bo`
:w ! xsel -b ; write (w) to the stdin of (!) `xsel -b`
Bind a couple key combos and you should be good.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1670
Install the xcopy utility and when you're in the Terminal, input:
Thing_you_want_to_copy | xclip -selection c
myvariable=$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)
I noticed a lot of answers recommended pbpaste and pbcopy. If you're into those utilities, but for some reason they are not available in your repository, you can always make an alias for the xcopy commands and call them pbpaste and pbcopy.
alias pbcopy="xclip -selection c"
alias pbpaste="xclip -selection clipboard -o"
So then it would look like this:
Thing_you_want_to_copy | pbcopy
An answer located in one of the comments written by a user called doug work for me. Since I found it so helpful, I decided to restate in an answer.
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 1327164
From this thread, there is an option which does not require installing any gclip
third-party software.
A Perl script (since Perl is usually always installed)
use Win32::Clipboard;
print Win32::Clipboard::GetText();
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 552
Yesterday I found myself with the question: "How can I share the clipboard between different user sessions?". When switching between sessions with Ctrl + Alt + F7 - Ctrl + Alt + F8, in fact, you can't paste what you copied.
I came up with the following quick & dirty solution, based on a named pipe. It is surely quite bare and raw, but I found it functional:
user1@host:~$ mkfifo /tmp/sharedClip
then in the sending terminal
user1@host:~$ cat > /tmp/sharedClip
last, in the receiving terminal:
user2@host:~$ cat /tmp/sharedClip
Now, you type or paste anything in the first terminal, and (after hitting Return), it will appear immediately in the receiving terminal, from where you can copy and paste again anywhere you like.
Of course this doesn't just strictly take the content from user1's clipboard to make it available in user2's clipboard, but rather it requires an additional pair of Paste & Copy clicks.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 15576
Here is a ready-to-use Bash script for reading the clipboard which works on multiple platforms.
Please edit the script here if you add functionality (e.g., more platforms).
# WF 2013-10-04
# Multi-platform clipboard read access
# Supports
# Mac OS X
# Git shell / Cygwin (Windows)
# Linux (e.g., Ubuntu)
# Display an error
error() {
echo "error: $1" 1>&2
exit 1
# getClipboard
function getClipboard() {
case $os in
# Git Bash (Windows)
cat /dev/clipboard;;
# Mac OS X
# Linux
# Works only for the X clipboard - a check that X is running might be due
xclip -o;;
error "unsupported os $os";;
getClipboard >$tmp
cat $tmp
# Comment out for debugging
rm $tmp
Upvotes: 17
Reputation: 125476
There are a wealth of clipboards you could be dealing with. I expect you're probably a Linux user who wants to put stuff in the X Windows primary clipboard. Usually, the clipboard you want to talk to has a utility that lets you talk to it.
In the case of X, there's xclip
(and others). xclip -selection c
will send data to the clipboard that works with Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V in most applications.
If you're on Mac OS X, there's pbcopy
. E.g., cat example.txt | pbcopy
If you're in Linux terminal mode (no X) then look into gpm
or Screen which has a clipboard. Try the Screen command readreg
Under Windows 10+ or Cygwin, use /dev/clipboard
or clip
Upvotes: 1138
Reputation: 2262
On Windows (with Cygwin) try
cat /dev/clipboard
or echo "foo" > /dev/clipboard
as mentioned in this article.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 4060
Make sure you are using alias xclip="xclip -selection c"
or else you won't be able to paste using Ctrl+v.
After running echo -n test | xclip
, Ctrl+v will paste test
Upvotes: 366
Reputation: 4389
Use clipboard-cli. It works with macOS, Windows, Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Android without any real issues.
Install it with:
npm install -g clipboard-cli
Then you can do:
echo foo | clipboard
If you want, you can alias to cb
by putting the following in your .bashrc
, .bash_profile
, or .zshrc
alias cb=clipboard
Upvotes: 70
Reputation: 1130
If you're like me and run on a Linux server without root privileges and there isn't any xclip or GPM you could workaround this issue by just using a temporary file. For example:
$ echo "Hello, World!" > ~/clip
$ echo `cat ~/clip`
Hello, World!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 619
Copy and paste to clipboard in Windows (Cygwin):
$ clip.exe -?
Redirects output of command line tools to the Windows clipboard.
This text output can then be pasted into other programs.
Parameter List:
/? Displays this help message.
DIR | CLIP Places a copy of the current directory
listing into the Windows clipboard.
CLIP < README.TXT Places a copy of the text from readme.txt
on to the Windows clipboard.
Also getclip (it can be used instead of Shift + Ins!) and putclip (echo oaeuoa | putclip.exe to put it into clip) exist.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1531
In macOS, use pbpaste
For example:
Update the clipboard
pbpaste | ruby -ne ' puts "\|" + $_.split( )[1..4].join("\|") ' | pbcopy
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 59
xsel -b
Does the job for X Window, and it is mostly already installed. A look in the man page of xsel is worth the effort.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 79
This is a simple Python script that does just what you need:
import sys
# Clipboard storage
clipboard_file = '/tmp/clipboard.tmp'
if(sys.stdin.isatty()): # Should write clipboard contents out to stdout
with open(clipboard_file, 'r') as c:
elif(sys.stdout.isatty()): # Should save stdin to clipboard
with open(clipboard_file, 'w') as c:
Save this as an executable somewhere in your path (I saved it to /usr/local/bin/clip
. You can pipe in stuff to be saved to your clipboard...
echo "Hello World" | clip
And you can pipe what's in your clipboard to some other program...
clip | cowsay
< Hello World >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Running it by itself will simply output what's in the clipboard.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 21
A few Windows programs I wrote years ago. They allow you dump, push, append and print the clipboard. It works like this:
dumpclip | perl -pe "s/monkey/chimp/g;" | pushclip
It includes source code:
Upvotes: 2