Reputation: 1
I trained the FNN model for the Linear regression problem in PyTorch, saved that model, and now trying to check my model performance by applying with torch.no_grad():. Y_test size is [64000 2] and X_Test size is [64000 2]. Batch_size = 100. I am trying to check the accuracy of my model which is coming to zero every single time. Unable to understand the problem.
X_Test = torch.tensor(PA_DATA[:64000,0:2], dtype=torch.float32)
Y_Test =torch.tensor(PA_DATA[:64000,2:4], dtype=torch.float32)
test_dataset = Data.TensorDataset(X_Test, Y_Test)
testloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=100, shuffle=False)
loss_func1 = torch.nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
running_accuracy = 0.0
running_test_loss = 0.0
total = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for X_Test,T_Val in testloader:
pred = model(X_Test)
test_loss = loss_func1(pred,Y_Test)
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
running_test_loss += test_loss.item()
total += Y_Test.size(0)
running_accuracy += (predicted == Y_Test).sum().item()
Test_loss_value = running_test_loss/len(testloader)
accuracy = (100 * running_accuracy / total)
Sometimes it shows an error tensor of size a (100) did not match with tensor size b(2). I tried various things, but can't calculate the accuracy.
accuracy = 0.0
Test Loss: 0.001215781958308071
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (100) must match the size of tensor b (64000) at non-singleton dimension 0
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