Reputation: 13
I am trying to create a program that reads in a table of temperatures from a csv file and would like to access a a collection of temperatures based on the year and day.
the first column stands for the year the tempratures have been recorded. the second column stands for a specific day during each month . the rest of the column represent the temperatures each month.
For example, 2021 - 23 - 119 = 23rd June 2021 has a temperature of 119
Year Day Months from January to December
2018 18 | 45 54 -11 170 99 166 173 177 175 93 74 69
2021 23 | 13 87 75 85 85 119 190 172 156 104 39 53
2020 23 | 63 86 62 128 131 187 163 162 138 104 60 70
So far I have managed to load the data from a CSV File with
. this returns a sequence of vectors into the program
(defn Load_csv_file [filepath]
(with-open [reader (io/reader filepath)]
(.skip reader 1)
( let [data (csv/read-csv reader)]
(println data) )
(catch Exception ex (println (str "LOL Exception: " (.toString ex))))
I am currently trying to figure out how to implement this but my reasoning was to create three keys in a map which will take in the year, day and vector of temperatures, to then filter for a specific value.
Any advice on how i can implement this functionality.
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Views: 148
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I would create a map of data that looked something like this
{2020 {23 {:months [63 86 62 128 131 187 163 162 138 104 60 70]}}}
This way you can get the data out in a fairly easy way
(get-in data [2020 23 :months]
So something like this
(->> (Load_csv_file "file.csv")
(reduce (fn [acc [year day & months]] (assoc-in acc [year day] months)) {}))
This will result in the data structure I mentioned now you just need to figure out the location of the data you want
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Reputation: 17859
i would go with something like this:
(require '[ :refer [reader]]
'[clojure.string :refer [split blank?]]
'[clojure.edn :as edn])
(with-open [r (reader "data.txt")]
(doall (for [ln (rest (line-seq r))
:when (not (blank? ln))
:let [[y d & ms] (mapv edn/read-string (split ln #"\s+\|?\s+"))]]
{:year y :day d :months (vec ms)})))
;;({:year 2018,
;; :day 18,
;; :months [45 54 -11 170 99 166 173 177 175 93 74 69]}
;; {:year 2021,
;; :day 23,
;; :months [13 87 75 85 85 119 190 172 156 104 39 53]}
;; {:year 2020,
;; :day 23,
;; :months [63 86 62 128 131 187 163 162 138 104 60 70]})
by the way, i'm not sure csv format allows different separators (as you have in your example.. anyway this one would work for that)
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