Reputation: 809
I've been stuck for days trying to get this to work. I have a function to display geojson points based on their properties (i.e. "Type"). The geojson file is loaded with jQuery. However, I cannot manage to cluster them and at the same time preserve their custom icons.
I'm able to cluster in general by making some adjustments and leaving out the function geojsonType()
. That's not what I'm after, though. I'm caught in a vicious circle.
Thanks to this post I can display the points based on their properties.
// create function for pointToLayer when loading geojson
function geojsonType(feature, latlng) {
switch (["Type"]) {
case "bar":
var barIcon = new L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/pub.png', //assign PNG
iconSize: [42, 50], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [22, 22], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
popupAnchor: [-3, -26] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: barIcon });
case "recordclothingstore":
var venueIcon = new L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/venue.png', //assign PNG
iconSize: [42, 50], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [22, 22], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
popupAnchor: [-3, -26] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: storeIcon });
case "venueandbar":
var venueandbarIcon = new L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/pub.png', //assign PNG
iconSize: [42, 50], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [22, 22], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
popupAnchor: [-3, -26] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: venueandbarIcon });
// get geojson
var url = "points.geojson";
$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
// load geojson
var pointData = L.geoJson(null, {
pointToLayer: geojsonType,
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
layer.bindPopup("<a href='" + + "'>" + + "</a>" + "<br>" + + "<br>" +;
However, the following bit of code when added to the bottom has no effect. There are no errors in the console either.
var clusters = L.markerClusterGroup({
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: true,
showCoverageOnHover: false,
zoomToBoundsOnClick: true
Upvotes: 0
Views: 168
Reputation: 809
I was able to order all the code above to make it work. The variable and icon names may have changed, but it's the same bits of code, basically. I'm not sure where to put the pop-up, though. Edit I found a spot for the bindPopup
line. it can go here, for example:
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: pubandvenueIcon }).bindPopup("<a href='" + + "'>" + + "</a>" + "<br>" + + "<br>" +;
$.getJSON("points.geojson", function (data) {
var venueIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/venue.png',
iconSize: [60, 50]
var metallocations = L.geoJson(data, {
pointToLayer: function geojsonType(feature, latlng) {
switch (["Type"]) {
case "pub":
var pubIcon = new L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/pub.png', //assign PNG
iconSize: [42, 50], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [22, 22], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
popupAnchor: [-3, -26] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: pubIcon });
case "pubandvenue":
var pubandvenueIcon = new L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/search-icon.png', //assign PNG
iconSize: [42, 50], // size of the icon
iconAnchor: [22, 22], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
popupAnchor: [-3, -26] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
return L.marker(latlng, { icon: pubandvenueIcon });
var clusters = L.markerClusterGroup({
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: true,
showCoverageOnHover: false,
zoomToBoundsOnClick: true
Upvotes: 0