Reputation: 55273
I'm trying to highlight the text of HTML elements without removing their inner HTML. Here is an example:
const buttonEl = `<button>
document.body.innerHTML = buttonEl;
const foundButtonEl = document.querySelector("button");
const elements = [];
function addHighlight(elements, text) {
const regex = new RegExp(text);
elements.forEach((element, index) => {
element.innerHTML = element.textContent.replace(
addHighlight(elements, "T");
If you run this example, you'll notice that T
will be highlighted, but the <span>
tags will be removed.
How to highlight the text without affecting the inner HTML?
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Views: 273
Reputation: 8163
The .textContent
property returns (or set) the text content of all children and since the <button>
element may contain further nested elements, its strict content might be mixed with promiscuous content coming from other elements like your span icon.
Here in this demo I added a layer that will convert the button content so that every single text node found will be removed and changed to a span.textnode
so that later when you'll need to style the text content adding the <mark>
it will be strightforward to change ONLY the contents of inner span.textnode
To better show the concept I also added the fontawesome asset and style the icon inside the button.
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
function addHighlight(buttons, text){
buttons.forEach(button => {
highlightTextInButton(button, text);
function initButton(button){
//for each child node in button
for (var i = 0; i < button.childNodes.length; i++) {
const child = button.childNodes[i];
//if it's of type TEXT_NODE
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
//creates a new span.textnode
const span = document.createElement('span');
//with this same content
span.textContent = child.nodeValue;
//removes the text node
//adds the new span.textnode
function highlightTextInButton(button, text){
const regex = new RegExp(text);
button.querySelectorAll(':scope > .textnode')
const textContent = textnode.textContent;
textnode.innerHTML = textContent.replace(regex,`<mark>$&</mark>`);
addHighlight(buttons, "T");
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-MV7K8+y+gLIBoVD59lQIYicR65iaqukzvf/nwasF0nqhPay5w/9lJmVM2hMDcnK1OnMGCdVK+iQrJ7lzPJQd1w==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<i class="fa fa-star"></i>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 68
You change the inner HTML of button. So one way would be to put a span around your Text and use an id and then use document.getElementById("text") I guess. See for example
const buttonEl = `<button>
<span id="text">
document.body.innerHTML = buttonEl;
const foundButtonEl = document.getElementById("text");
const elements = [];
function addHighlight(elements, text) {
const regex = new RegExp(text);
elements.forEach((element, index) => {
element.innerHTML = element.textContent.replace(
addHighlight(elements, "T");
Upvotes: 1