Reputation: 83
Essentially this is a scenario evaluation, of a linear system of equations. I have two data tables.
Repro case below gives desired output format. But is far too slow for required use case, even on a cut-down problem. Numbers are junk, but I can't share actual data. Running on real-world data gives similar timing.
Circa 3sec for "lil" problem on my system (12 threads).
But "big" problem is 4000 times larger. So expect circa 3hours. Ouch!
Aim is to have the "big" problem run sub 5min (or ideally much faster!)
So, awesome clever people, how can this be made a lot faster?
(And what is the root cause of the slowdown?)
I'll happily accept base/tidyverse solutions too, if they meet the performance needs. I just assumed data.table was the best way to go for the size of the problem.
Run fun
on s_dt, grouping by o.
: Joins c_dt with each group data, to populate v, thus enabling calculation of r (the result of evaluating each of the polynomial equations).
In data.table
s_dt[, fun(.SD), keyby = .(o)]
, then runs to populate r for all scenarios.library(data.table)
# problem sizing ----
dims <- list(o = 50000, d = 50, b = 250, n = 200) # "big" problem - real-life size
dims <- list(o = 100, d = 50, b = 25, n = 200) # "lil" problem (make runtime shorter as example)
# build some test data tables ----
build_s <- function() {
o <- seq_len(dims$o)
d <- paste0("d",seq_len(dims$d))
v <- as.double(seq_len(dims$o * dims$d))/10000
CJ(o, d)[, `:=`(v = v)]
s_dt <- build_s()
build_c <- function() {
b <- paste0("c", seq_len(dims$b))
n <- seq_len(dims$n)
d <- c("c", paste0("d", seq_len(dims$d)))
t <- as.double(rep_len(0:6, dims$b * dims$n * (dims$d+1)))
dt <- CJ(d, b, n)[, `:=`(t = t)]
dt <- dt[t != 0]
c_dt <- build_c()
# define fun and evaluate ----
# (this is what needs optimising)
fun <- function(dt) {
# don't use chaining here, for more useful profvis output
dt <- dt[c_dt, on = .(d)]
dt <- dt[, r := fcase(d == "c", t,, 0,
rep(TRUE, .N), v^t)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = prod(r)), keyby = .(b, n)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = sum(r)), keyby = .(b)]
res <- s_dt[, fun(.SD), keyby = .(o)]
> res
o b r
1: 1 c1 0.000000e+00
2: 1 c10 0.000000e+00
3: 1 c11 0.000000e+00
4: 1 c12 0.000000e+00
5: 1 c13 0.000000e+00
2496: 100 c5 6.836792e-43
2497: 100 c6 6.629646e-43
2498: 100 c7 6.840915e-43
2499: 100 c8 6.624668e-43
2500: 100 c9 6.842608e-43
> s_dt
o d v
1: 1 d1 0.0001
2: 1 d10 0.0002
3: 1 d11 0.0003
4: 1 d12 0.0004
5: 1 d13 0.0005
4996: 100 d50 0.4996
4997: 100 d6 0.4997
4998: 100 d7 0.4998
4999: 100 d8 0.4999
5000: 100 d9 0.5000
> c_dt
d b n t
1: c c1 2 1
2: c c1 3 2
3: c c1 4 3
4: c c1 5 4
5: c c1 6 5
218567: d9 c9 195 5
218568: d9 c9 196 6
218569: d9 c9 198 1
218570: d9 c9 199 2
218571: d9 c9 200 3
Upvotes: 3
Views: 160
Reputation: 17011
This would be difficult to fully vectorize. The "big" problem requires so many operations that going parallel is probably the most straightforward way to get to ~5 minutes.
But first, we can get a ~3x speed boost by using RcppArmadillo
for the product and sum calculations instead of data.table's grouping operations.
"std::vector<double> sumprod(arma::cube& a) {
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < a.n_slices; i++) a.slice(0) %= a.slice(i);
return(as<std::vector<double>>(wrap(sum(a.slice(0), 0))));
depends = "RcppArmadillo",
plugins = "cpp11"
cl <- makeForkCluster(detectCores() - 1L)
The following approach requires extensive preprocessing. The upshot is that it makes it trivial to parallelize. However, it will work only if the values of s_dt$d
are the same for each o
as in the MRE:
identical(s_dt$d, rep(s_dt[o == 1]$d, length.out = nrow(s_dt)))
#> [1] TRUE
Now let's build the functions to accept s_dt
and c_dt
# slightly modified original function for comparison
fun1 <- function(dt, c_dt) {
# don't use chaining here, for more useful profvis output
dt <- dt[c_dt, on = .(d)]
dt <- dt[, r := fcase(d == "c", t,, 0,
rep(TRUE, .N), v^t)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = prod(r)), keyby = .(b, n)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = sum(r)), keyby = .(b)]
fun2 <- function(s_dt, c_dt, cl = NULL) {
s_dt <- copy(s_dt)
c_dt <- copy(c_dt)
# preprocess to get "a", "tt", "i", and "idxs"
i_dt <- s_dt[o == 1][, idxs := .I][c_dt, on = .(d)][, ic := .I][!]
ub <- unique(c_dt$b)
un <- unique(c_dt$n)
nb <- length(ub)
nn <- length(un)
c_dt[, `:=`(i = match(n, un) + nn*(match(b, ub) - 1L), r = 0)]
c_dt[, `:=`(i = i + (0:(.N - 1L))*nn*nb, ni = .N), i]
c_dt[d == "c", r := t]
a <- array(1, c(nn, nb, max(c_dt$ni)))
a[c_dt$i] <- c_dt$r # 3-d array to store v^t (updated for each unique "o")
i <- c_dt$i[i_dt$ic] # the indices of "a" to update (same for each unique "o")
tt <- c_dt$t[i_dt$ic] # c_dt$t ordered for "a" (same for each unique "o")
idxs <- i_dt$idxs # the indices to order s_dt$v (same for each unique "o")
uo <- unique(s_dt$o)
v <- collapse::gsplit(s_dt$v, s_dt$o)
if (is.null(cl)) {
# non-parallel solution
o = rep(uo, each = length(ub)),
b = rep(ub, length(v)),
r = unlist(
function(x) {
a[i] <- x[idxs]^tt
key = "o"
} else {
# parallel solution
clusterExport(cl, c("a", "tt", "i", "idxs"), environment())
o = rep(uo, each = length(ub)),
b = rep(ub, length(v)),
r = unlist(
function(x) {
a[i] <- x[idxs]^tt
key = "o"
Now the data:
# problem sizing ----
bigdims <- list(o = 50000, d = 50, b = 250, n = 200) # "big" problem - real-life size
lildims <- list(o = 100, d = 50, b = 25, n = 200) # "lil" problem (make runtime shorter as example)
# build some test data tables ----
build_s <- function(dims) {
o <- seq_len(dims$o)
d <- paste0("d",seq_len(dims$d))
v <- as.double(seq_len(dims$o * dims$d))/10000
CJ(o, d)[, `:=`(v = v)]
build_c <- function(dims) {
b <- paste0("c", seq_len(dims$b))
n <- seq_len(dims$n)
d <- c("c", paste0("d", seq_len(dims$d)))
t <- as.double(rep_len(0:6, dims$b * dims$n * (dims$d+1)))
dt <- CJ(d, b, n)[, `:=`(t = t)]
dt <- dt[t != 0]
Timing the lil problem, which is so small that parallelization doesn't help:
s_dt <- build_s(lildims)
c_dt <- build_c(lildims)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(fun1 = s_dt[, fun1(.SD, c_dt), o],
fun2 = fun2(s_dt, c_dt),
times = 10,
check = "equal")
#> Unit: seconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> fun1 3.204402 3.237741 3.383257 3.315450 3.404692 3.888289 10
#> fun2 1.134680 1.138761 1.179907 1.179872 1.210293 1.259249 10
Now the big problem:
s_dt <- build_s(bigdims)
c_dt <- build_c(bigdims)
system.time(dt2p <- fun2(s_dt, c_dt, cl))
#> user system elapsed
#> 24.937 9.386 330.600
A bit longer than 5 minutes with 31 cores.
Upvotes: 2