Reputation: 145
I am currently using firebase push notifications for notifications. I need to customize the default sound.
I tried by "sound": "alert.mp3", instead of "sound": "default", but the sound I have given didn't trigger.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 18665
Reputation: 2793
Firstly create an extra notification channel with
// channel for default notifications
const AndroidNotificationChannel channel = AndroidNotificationChannel(
'wave_remote_notifications', // id
'Wave messages and updates', // title
description: 'Primary channel for notifications and messages in wave app',
importance: Importance.max,
// channel for custom sound
const AndroidNotificationChannel channelAudio = AndroidNotificationChannel(
'wave_remote_notifications_priority', // id
'Wave messages and updates on priority', // title
description: 'Primary channel for notifications and messages in wave app',
sound: RawResourceAndroidNotificationSound('mario'),
importance: Importance.max,
// if you use flutter_local_notification
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
you can see we have added RawResourceAndroidNotificationSound('mario')
Now add mp3/wav file into res/raw/yourmp3files.mp3
now notification will work but only for debug mode as this file you added will not be included in release mode
So after that you need to add keep.xml inside res/raw/keep.xml
to include yourmp3files.mp3 into build keep.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools=""
You have to add the sound into XCode. You can just drag and drop the audio file (in .caf or .wav supported format ) into the root directory (usually called Runner for Flutter) in XCode
That's all
final step
"to": "f31vmSf8Qy2N57_33C9cf3:APA91bHBaz7yyRrKQTr_25mLNK2OVlBjdMqM8ux8kQwaeQcsXE6XnOhio7Tp5-CABTFTSbV1vBqqfIVj9Qd9eUdqNi9oojq8FdOWI-l1CU9Xw16-Xb4ZHVTycOM7nIRudIAmMkU6fjbm",
// "collapse_key": "type_a",
"priority": "high",
"notification": {
"title": "New visitor request",
"body": "Answer to accept",
"sound": "mario.wav",
"android_channel_id": "wave_remote_notifications_priority"
"data": {
"title": "New visitor request",
"body": "Answer to accept ",
"sound": "mario",
"content_available": true,
"apns": {
"payload": {
"aps": {
"mutable-content": 1,
"content-available": 1
All set now all should work
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
For this, you have two approaches. Both approaches require that you have a file with any name ("notification.wav" for this example) in your assets folder and that you have declared this file/folder in your pubspec.yaml file.
Approach 1 : First, open the android part of the project in Android Studio and create a raw resource that specifies "notification.wav" as a resource. Then, when specifying AndroidNotificationDetails for firebase notifications, declare the 'playsound' and 'sound' parameter as follows :
AndroidNotificationDetails androidNotificationDetails = AndroidNotificationDetails(
"notification channel name",
channelDescription: "notification channel description",
icon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher",
playSound: true,
sound: RawResourceAndroidNotificationSound("notification.wav"),
actions: [
The 'sound' parameter must be sent from backend in case of background notifications.
Approach 2 : This approach uses the AudioPlayer class to play the asset audio when the notification is shown. This is implemented as a media audio rather than as a notification audio, so it will depend on the media volume of the device. I'll provide a sample that rings only when the phone is not in silent or vibrate, and forces the media volume to be maxed out using the volume_controller plugin.
void audio_player_start() async {
var ringer_mode = await SoundMode.ringerModeStatus;
if("normal") {
VolumeController().maxVolume(showSystemUI: false);
AudioPlayer player = AudioPlayer(playerId: "customNotificationPlayer");
await player.setVolume(1.0);"notification.wav"));
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));
await player.stop();
await player.release();
await player.dispose();
This function can be declared inside the FireBase class to use for foreground notification, but to use in the background, it must either be defined outside the class as a root function with the @pragma tag, or the content code must be used within the background handler function that's declared with the @pragma tag. If you wish to stop this alert when the notification is clicked instead of running for entire 5 seconds, you can assign the audio player to a global variable and then user the global variable to stop, release and dispose the player when notification is clicked.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 342
check out the solution here to know how to specify a custom sound for both android and iOS
Upvotes: 2