Reputation: 363
I have the following xml structure:
<sender_MarketParticipant.mRID codingScheme="A01">10X1001A1001A450</sender_MarketParticipant.mRID>
<receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID codingScheme="A01">10X1001A1001A450</receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID>
<inBiddingZone_Domain.mRID codingScheme="A01">10Y1001A1001A46L</inBiddingZone_Domain.mRID>
<inBiddingZone_Domain.mRID codingScheme="A01">10Y1001A1001A46L</inBiddingZone_Domain.mRID>
I am able to get the the tags separately using this:
response = requests.get(base_url)
root = ET.fromstring(response.content) #get the xml content as text
#Manage namespaces
text = root.tag #get the namespace from root tag
get_ns = text[text.index('{')+len('{'):text.index('}')] #grab the text between the curly brackets
#Register the name space
ET.register_namespace("", get_ns)
#Save the namespace/S in a dict so we dont have to specify them in the loop
ns = {"": get_ns}
#for child in root.iter(): print(child.tag, child.attrib) #iterate through all the nodes
#find all the tags
psc_type = root.findall(".//TimeSeries/MktPSRType/psrType", ns)
pos = root.findall(".//TimeSeries/Period/Point/position", ns)
qty = root.findall(".//TimeSeries/Period/Point/quantity", ns)
#nitiate a list for rows and define column names for pandas
df_cols = ["Type", "TimeOfDay", "Quantity"]
rows1 = []
rows = []
for psc in psc_type:
p_type = psc.text
for hour, qt in zip( pos, qty):
hour = hour.text,
qty = qt.text
period = [hour[0], qty]
#hour comes out as a tuple, so we need to get first value out hour[0]
x = [rows1, rows]
that returns two lists, that I guess I can put together in pandas:
['B04', 'B12', 'B14', 'B20', 'B16', 'B19']
[['1', '0'], ['2', '0'], ['3', '0'], ['4', '0'], ['5', '0'], ['6', '0'], ['7', '0'], ['8', '0'], ['9', '0'], ['10', '0'], ['11', '0'], ['12', '0'], ['1', '841'], ['2', '821'], ['3', '809'], ['4', '803'], ['5', '800'], ['6', '799'], ['7', '884'], ['8', '963'], ['9', '1012'], ['10', '1021'], ['11', '1006'], ['12', '1011'], ['1', '5793'], ['2', '5794'], ['3', '5795'], ['4', '5794'], ['5', '5794'], ['6', '5794'], ['7', '5794'], ['8', '5795'], ['9', '5792'], ['10', '5790'], ['11', '5791'], ['12', '5794'], ['1', '667'], ['2', '657'], ['3', '651'], ['4', '666'], ['5', '675'], ['6', '706'], ['7', '743'], ['8', '775'], ['9', '784'], ['10', '792'], ['11', '837'], ['12', '856'], ['1', '0'], ['2', '0'], ['3', '0'], ['4', '0'], ['5', '0'], ['6', '0'], ['7', '0'], ['8', '0'], ['9', '0'], ['10', '0'], ['11', '2'], ['12', '3'], ['1', '1984'], ['2', '2164'], ['3', '2310'], ['4', '2497'], ['5', '2669'], ['6', '2786'], ['7', '2884'], ['8', '2927'], ['9', '2913'], ['10', '2873'], ['11', '2813'], ['12', '2740']]
But it seems too complicated. My guess is that ElementTree can parse that and maybe even pandas with the new XML read but I just cant figure it out.
Where am I going wrong?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 175
Reputation: 363
I managed to solve it, so in case it helps others:
Basically I needed to loop from the root of both nodes and then append on a list.
root = ET.fromstring(response.content) #get the xml content as text
#Manage namespaces
text = root.tag #get the namespace from root tag
get_ns = text[text.index('{')+len('{'):text.index('}')] #grab the text between the curly brackets
#Register the name space
ET.register_namespace("", get_ns)
#Save the namespace/S in a dict so we dont have to specify them in the loop
ns = {"": get_ns}
#for child in root.iter(): print(child.tag, child.attrib) #iterate through all the nodes
get_values = []
rows = []
for parent in root.findall(".//TimeSeries" , ns):
psr_type = parent.find("MktPSRType/psrType", ns)
for pos, qty in zip(parent.findall("Period/Point/position", ns), parent.findall("Period/Point/quantity", ns)):
position = pos.text
quantity = qty.text
get_values = [psr_type.text,position, quantity]
xml_todf = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['Source','TimeOfDay', 'Quantity'])
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 24930
While it's possible to do what you want using ElementTree, I personally prefer lxml, because of its better xpath support - which is what you need here.
This assumes that response.content
is exactly like the xml you have in the question, except with a closing </GL_MarketDocument>
tag (which you ommitted in the question) added back.
So all together:
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
root = etree.XML(response.content)
rows = []
columns = ['psrTYpe','Position','Quantity']
ns = {'xx': 'urn:iec62325.351:tc57wg16:451-6:generationloaddocument:3:0'}
per = doc.xpath('//xx:Period',namespaces=ns)
for p in per:
mkt = p.xpath('.//preceding-sibling::xx:MktPSRType/xx:psrType/text()',namespaces=ns)[0]
pt = p.xpath('.//xx:Point/xx:position/text()',namespaces=ns)
qn = p.xpath('.//xx:Point/xx:quantity/text()',namespaces=ns)
for position, quantity in zip(pt,qn):
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
The output should be your expected output.
Upvotes: 2