
Reputation: 837

Are algorithms with high time complexity ever used in the real world for small inputs?

Let's say we have a problem where a certain algorithm, let's call it algorithm_1, solves it in time complexity of O(n^2) and another algorithm, let's call it algorithm_2, solves it in time complexity O(n), but in reality we see that for n < 1000 algorithm_1 is faster and otherwise algorithm_2 is faster.

Why can't we just write code like this:

if ( n < 1000)
  do algorithm_1
  do algorithm_2

Is this a real thing programmers do or are there downsides for this?

On a smaller program this seems to be a good idea.

Upvotes: 67

Views: 6519

Answers (9)


Reputation: 6140

The other answers here have given plenty of examples, but I wanted to expand on them with one major reason high time complexity algorithms are sometimes used.

When talking about the space/time complexity of an algorithm, it's generally implied that we mean the worst-case, or perhaps average-case of the algorithm. However, real world datasets and problems often have exploitable patterns in them, where they might be closer to the best-case for an algorithm than its worst-case.

Consider a couple of specific examples:

  • Timsort is a hybrid sort that primarily uses merge sort which is relatively performant with a time complexity of O(n log n), but it also intentionally utilizes several much worse performance algorithms. The reason it is designed this way is that it acts like a state machine, observing whether any of the data being sorted is already somewhat ordered, and if so picks an appropriate algorithm that performs well in the presence of that kind of order. (See also adaptive sorting.)

  • Compression algorithms generally produce larger compressed sizes in their worst cases, but the data people actually want to compress isn't random; video, audio, text all have patterns that can be exploited that mean compression yields large space savings.

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 13481

In formal verification, we solve NP-complete, exponential and undecidable problems all the time (all of these using algorithms much worse than O(n²) (provided a potentially neverending search can be considered an algorithm)).

The compiler for the Ethereum smart contract language, Solidity, interfaces with the SMT solver Z3 in order to try to formally prove the asserts in the code will always hold, and that problem is undecidable.

The computer algebra algorithm F5 is exponential and was used to break HFE cryptosystems.

There are many more examples. It is less about the size of the input, and more about luck and the input having the kind of structure where the algorithm will not hit its worst case complexity (E.g., bubble sort is O(n²) in the worst case, but if the array is almost sorted in a certain way, it can run in linear time).

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 51873

Yes, this is common. For example, bignums multiplication can be done in several ways:

  • naive O(N^2)
  • Karatsuba O((N^1.585)
  • Schönhage–Strassen O(N*log(N)*(log(log(N))))
  • and there are also more advanced slightly faster algorithms now

So based on input variables used, the bitwidth fastest version is used (I use this for performance-critical "low-level" math operations on bignums all the time, because they are used as a building block for higher operations and without it it would not work with optimal speed on "whole/practical" number ranges).

However, the thresholds depends on computing hardware architecture, used compiler and sometimes even code usage, so they might differ on a per computer basis, so to ensure best performance, the thresholds are sometimes measured at program startup or configuration phase instead of using hardcoded values.

This is usually used on functions that has a huge variety of input sizes and also not on trivial functions, because the initial if statements that selects between algorithms is also performance hit (branch). In some "rare" cases I think you can do this branchlessly. For example, if the input size is also the input parameter of a template or maybe even a macro, for example, like in here (C++):

Gaussian elimination without result for acceleration

double matrix<1>::det() { return a[0][0]; }
double matrix<2>::det() { return (a[0][0]*a[1][1])-(a[0][1]*a[1][0]); }
template <DWORD N> double matrix<N>::det()
        double d=0.0; int j;
        matrix<N-1> m;
        for (j=0;j<N;j++)
            if (int(j&1)==0) d+=a[0][j]*m.det();
             else            d-=a[0][j]*m.det();
        return d;

As you can see, there are three different methods for the determinant based on input size, but no branches for the selection. However, only hardcoded thresholds can be used.

You can also achieve this with function pointers, for example, (C++):

int algoritm1(int x){ return 10; }
int algoritm2(int x){ return 20; }
int algoritm3(int x){ return 30; }
int (*functions[4])(int x)={ algoritm1,algoritm2,algoritm3,algoritm3 };
int function(int x)
   return functions[(x>>10)&3](x);

So for x up to 1024 using algoritm1, up to 2048 using algorithm2 and for the rest, algorithm3 without any branches too. Here you can have dynamic thresholds (not that flexible, but still usable), so you can sample your x range by some power of 2 (like I did 2^10=1024) and just use duplicates. So, for example, if rounded thresholds are 3*1024 and 5*1024, you can do this:

int algoritm1(int x){ return 10; }
int algoritm2(int x){ return 20; }
int algoritm3(int x){ return 30; }
int (*functions[8])(int x)=
int function(int x)
   return functions[(x>>10)&7](x);

So you can create the function pointers array based on measured threshold at runtime too with this approach...

Upvotes: 34



In most of NP-type problems, you have to use approximation algorithms or brute-force/inefficient algorithms which have high time complexities.

There are lots of divide and conquer algorithms that depend on input and the complexity may vary based on type of the input that are given like in sorting, searching, arithmetics, etc.

Most algorithms take inputs and inputs do vary indeed, so basically every real-world algorithm that are being used are made of smaller algorithms that do well on specific type of inputs. And there are going to be research and evolvements on those specific algorithms that improves the complexity those algorithms, but you also have to realize that time complexity is not always a good way of measuring the speed of your algorithm since it’s just putting a limit and a relation on the growth of it when going to infinity (not counting smaller constants or the way those O(1) instruction are made).

Older implementations of quicksort use insertion sort, because it’s efficient for small data sets which is better than most other simple quadratic algorithms, such as selection sort or bubble sort.

There is another use cases which are hard to compute by design choices such as cryptocurrency mining algorithms and CPU cycle measuring...

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 41

This answer doesn't fully answer the question in that it is a ways away from software development. However, it describes cases beyond almost trivial sorting algorithm optimizations already described in other answers.

In competitive programming, there are problems involving combining two algorithms that go beyond constant factor optimizations, and result in a better time complexity, usually from O(N^2) to O(N^1.5).

This material (Chapter 27, section 2) describes one such simplified case very well in which one has a grid with a number of colors on it and the question being for each color how far is the minimum distance between two cells of the same color. A naive approach involves running a BFS for each color with a time complexity of O(number of colors * N) which reduces to O(N * N) (in the case that the grid contains colors only once).

Another involves for each pair of cells of a color finding their distance and taking the minimum with a time complexity of the sum of (k * k) across all colors which can be shown to reduce to O(N * N) in the worst case (the entire grid is the same color). A clever method of selecting only some colors to run the first algorithm on and using the second on others is described in the text to reach a complexity of O(N*sqrt(N)).

For those who want to challenge themselves, here is a problem that uses a similar idea to the one described in the material with a more complex data structure. The solution can be found here.

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 878

One reason for not writing code like if (n < 1000) alg_1 else alg_2 is that you need to develop and test two algorithms and also need to check that they perform exactly the same under all circumstances.

Since the question states that algorithm time is a critical factor, testing might be a very time-consuming matter. It might be a good choice to just take the algorithm that gives you the best overall performance. It is also a trade-off between developer efficiency and algorithm efficiency.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 8010

Yes, using multiple algorithms can even increase speed even for large n

Other answers mention many advanced algorithms that combine many primitive algorithms to create a more efficient advanced algorithm, including:

  • Combining insertion sort and merge sort (in the case of Timsort)
  • Combining naive and Strassen's algorithms for matrix multiplication
  • Combining naive and Schönhage-Strassen algorithms for multiplying big numbers

Note that the better complexity, the worse runtime algorithms used here are recursive. That means they will call themselves on smaller bits of the data. That means that even if the size of the data structure is enough to make the better complexity algorithm faster, it will eventually reduce to one or more problems of a small size, even if n is initially big.

This means that even for large n where the recursive algorithm is initially used, a large performance benefit can be gained by switching to a faster algorithm once the problem size has been reduced enough to make it viable.

Upvotes: 17


Reputation: 6661

This does happen in the real world! For example, a famous sorting algorithm is Timsort:


Details of the below implementation:

We consider the size of the run as 32 and the input array is divided into sub-array.

We one-by-one sort pieces of size equal to run with a simple insertion sort. After sorting individual pieces, we merge them one by one with the merge sort.

We double the size of merged subarrays after every iteration.

Insertion sort has complexity O(N^2) but is faster for tiny lists, Merge Sort has complexity O(N logN) so it is better for longer lists.


Another example is introsort, the sort used in the C++ standard library:

Introsort or introspective sort is a hybrid sorting algorithm that provides both fast average performance and (asymptotically) optimal worst-case performance. It begins with quicksort, it switches to heapsort when the recursion depth exceeds a level based on (the logarithm of) the number of elements being sorted and it switches to insertion sort when the number of elements is below some threshold. This combines the good parts of the three algorithms, with practical performance comparable to quicksort on typical data sets and worst-case O(n log n) runtime due to the heap sort. Since the three algorithms it uses are comparison sorts, it is also a comparison sort.

More complexity downside

The downside of using more algorithms for a single task is clearly increased complexity. It is worth it if you are writing standard library code for a programming language that will be re-used millions or even billions of times. For smaller projects focusing on saving developer time over machine time by implementing only one algorithm is often the better choice.


Upvotes: 75


Reputation: 6626

As the other answer have said: yes!

Another example is Java's HashMap class. This class resolves collisions using separate chaining. Initially, each bucket contains a linked list, but if the length of this list growth past some threshold (8 in Java 8), it is converted into a TreeNode (a TreeNode is implemented as a red-black tree). Finding an item in a bucket through a linked list has a O(n) time complexity, while the TreeNode have a O(log n) time complexity.

Interestingly, the use of the linked list instead of the TreeNode is not (mainly) to save time, but rather to save space. A comment in the source code says:

Because TreeNodes are about twice the size of regular nodes, we use them only when bins contain enough nodes to warrant use

Upvotes: 19

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