Reputation: 174
I am using the jsPDF library for converting a table into a PDF file. The current code that I have used is giving off an error, that autoTable is not a function. Here is the code.
function (Controller, JSONModel, Export, ExportTypeCSV) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("c.g.modalproject1.controller.Root", {
onInit: function () {
var oModel1 = new JSONModel("./model/vegetableDataJSON.json");
this.getView().setModel(oModel1, "veg");
console.log("data : ", oModel1);
openDialog1: function () {
if (!this.pdialog1) {
this.pdialog1 = this.loadFragment({
name: "c.g.modalproject1.fragments.mTables"
this.pdialog1.then(function (oDialog) {;
new"Table Loaded");
closeDialog: function () {
this.byId("newDialog1").close();"Table closed ! ");
// var vegTable = this.getView().byId("vegiesMTable");
// vegTable.setGrowing(false);
// vegTable.setGrowingScrollToLoad(false);
downloadCSV: function () {
// Show a toast message to indicate that the file is downloading"Downloading Excel..");
// Create a new Export object with the specified export type and options
var oExport = new Export({
exportType: new ExportTypeCSV({
separatorChar: ","
models: this.getView().getModel("veg"),
rows: {
path: "/vegetablesRootNode"
columns: [{
name: "Title",
template: {
content: "{title}"
name: "Type",
template: {
content: "{type}"
name: "Description",
template: {
content: "{description}"
name: "Price",
template: {
content: "{price}"
name: "Rating",
template: {
content: "{rating}"
// Save the file and handle any errors that may occur
oExport.saveFile().catch(function (oError) {"Error when downloading data. Browser might not be supported!\n\n" + oError);
}).then(function () {
// Destroy the export object
{"Downloading into PDF started !");
var oModel2 = this.getView().getModel("veg");
console.log("check data = ", oModel2);
var oColumns = ["Title","Type","Description","Price","Rating"];
var oRows = [];
oRows = oModel2.oData.vegetablesRootNode;
//var pdfDoc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
var pdfDoc = new jsPDF();
pdfDoc.text(20, 20, "Vegetables Table");
pdfDoc.autoTable(oRows, oColumns);"test.pdf");
The last function is the code that runs to save the table data into PDF. Can you please help.
These are the files that are included in my project folder.
Adding just text, and most of the functionality that is available (via methods) from jsPDF works fine. I have created PDFs with just text from this app as well. It works fine for adding text and downloads fine. But for Table data, it doesnt work.
I tried various ways but didn't get to solve it at all.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 825
Reputation: 145
I tried to make a POC with this library and it works :-)
Configure the framework so that it can load the libraries
// activate real async loading and module definitions
async: true,
// load thirparty from e.g. CDN
paths: {
"my/project/thirdparty/jsPDF": "[email protected]/dist/jspdf.umd.min",
"my/project/thirdparty/jsPDFautoTable": "[email protected]/dist/jspdf.plugin.autotable"
// provide dependency and export metadata for non-UI5 modules
shim: {
"my/project/thirdparty/jsPDF": {
amd: true,
exports: "jspdf" // name of the global variable under which jsPDF exports its module value
"my/project/thirdparty/jsPDFautoTable": {
amd: true,
exports: "jspdf",
deps: [ "my/project/thirdparty/jsPDF" ]
You can put that code on top on your my.project.Component
Idea is to configure the framework to load libraries from CDN as AMD module with dependencies.
: see section "Third Party Modules" at sap.ui.define
.Loads and consumes libraries:
sap.ui.define([ // or sap.ui.require
// ...
], function (/*...,*/jsPDFautoTable) {
// ...
var doc = new jsPDFautoTable.jsPDF();
doc.autoTable({ html: "#my-table" });"table.pdf");
// ...
Either with sap.ui.define
or sap.ui.require
to load the library on the fly when needed.
Upvotes: 2