Reputation: 11
I've created a multiplayer game with websockets in nodejs (using the ws lib), which works just fine. For debugging, I connected to the websocket server with my client webpage by just opening the html file via file:// protocol.
I wanted to have the page hosted on my web-server which uses https. This web-server also uses nodejs, but because the webpage is served via https, it cannot create a connection via ws and needs wss. Security downgrading and so on.
My problem is that I've got two separate programs: the https webserver and the websocket "game" server.
When i try connecting to the ws server i get:
Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure.
I only found instructions on how to set up wss by creating a https server, but i already have one.
Do i need to combine the two programs?
Could i maybe just serve the single page for the game with http?
Is there some other technology, which doesn't have these security restrictions? (i don't care about encryption for the websockets)
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Views: 989
Reputation: 11
I was able to make it work:
Instead of wanting to use the https server from the web-server, i "upgraded" my http-server for the "gameserver" to https.
I didn't want to "create" another https server, because i thought it would cause errors, but i already made a http server indirectly anyways, with new WebSocketServer.Server({ port: PORT });
To create the https server and use it for the WebSocketServer i used this code:
let cert = fs.readFileSync(pathtocertkey, "utf8");
let key = fs.readFileSync(pathtopublickey, "utf8");
let options = {key: key, cert: cert};
let server = require("https").createServer(options);
const wss = new WebSocketServer.Server({ server: server});
After that i could listen to any port with server.listen(PORT,callback)
I also wasn't sure how or if i could get the cert i got with greenlock. But I found it undergreenlock.d/live/[yourdomain]/
With greenlock.d being the configDir specified in greenlock.init(options)
For the client i need to connect like this :
ws = new WebSocket("wss://mydomain:"+PORT);
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