Reputation: 3
The objective is to get a list of primes that skips every other prime number. An example would be primeskip 10 --> [2,5,11,17,23,31,41,47,59,67]. I am pretty sure my prime function works but I am doing something wrong in the skip.
This is the code that I have.
isPrime n = ip n [2..(n `div` 2)]
ip _ [] = True
ip n (x:xs)
| n `mod` x == 0 = False
| otherwise = ip n xs
primeskip :: Int -> [Int]
primeskip n = take n [x | x <- [2,5..], isPrime x]
I tried to mess around with the filter command but I don't know what I am doing. I am very new to Haskall and functional languages. I got the result of [2,5,11,17,23,29,41,47,53,59] when entering primeskip 10 which doesn't skip properly at 23 to 29.
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Views: 567
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A possibility consists in developing separately:
and then combine these two things in our very last step. This is consistent with the commonly held piece of engineering philosophy:
“Do just one thing but do it well.”
As for the first step, we can use recursion:
everyOther :: [a] -> [a]
everyOther (x:y:zs) = x : everyOther zs
everyOther [x] = [x]
everyOther [] = []
Regarding the computation of the list of all prime numbers, the Haskell wiki displays a large number of possibilities.
We have to note that the approach of testing primality separately for every single number is massively inefficient. One gains a lot by leveraging the list of previous prime numbers. It is for example redundant to divide a candidate prime by non-prime numbers. A possible code which avoids these drawbacks goes for example like this:
-- limit the search to possible prime factors, below the square root of
-- the candidate:
getBound :: Int -> Int -> Int
getBound n b = let b1 = b+1
in if (b1*b1 > n) then b else getBound n b1
findNextPrime :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNextPrime k b = if (all (\p -> mod k p /= 0) $ takeWhile (<= b) allPrimes)
then k
else findNextPrime (k+1) (getBound (k+1) b)
genPrimes :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
genPrimes k bound =
let np = findNextPrime k (getBound k bound)
in np : genPrimes (np+1) (getBound (np+1) bound)
allPrimes :: [Int]
allPrimes = 2 : (genPrimes 3 1)
Finally, we can combine the two above functionalities:
primeSkip :: Int -> [Int]
primeSkip n = take n $ everyOther allPrimes
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Reputation: 531430
You want to generate the odd integers, since even numbers are by definition not prime, while odd integers may or may not be prime. You could could prepend 2
to the list of candidates
primeskip n = take n [x | x <- (2:[3,5..]), isPrime x]
but it might be simpler to just prepend it to the result to avoid testing it, as you consider because you know already know it is prime.
primeskip n = 2 : (take (n-1) [x | x <- [3,5..], isPrime x])
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