Reputation: 1422
I am trying to remap the opening square bracket ([
) to a lower case u-umlaut (ü
) and the opening curly bracket ({
/ Shift+[
) to the upper case U-umlaut (Ü
) on a US keyboard layout using a AutoHotkey script.
The following works very well with ;
to ö
and :
to Ö
but the Variantes for ü
and Ü
don't. I suspect it's because a square bracket has a special meaning but there is no error about Syntax and AutoHotkey's escape Syntax with `
does not apply here.
I believe that the problem is the trigger $[::
because the first block with KeyWait
alone without the second Up
part does not prevent me typing [
while it does when I try that with ;
Please explain what I am doing wrong.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
LongPressDelay := 220
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; O-Umlaut | ; => ö und : => Ö
KeyWait ";"
$; Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$;" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send ";"
Send "ö"
KeyWait ";"
$+; Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+;" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send ":"
Send "Ö"
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; U-Umlaut| [ => ü und { => Ü
KeyWait "["
$[ Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$[" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "["
Send "ü"
KeyWait "["
$+[ Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+[" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "{"
Send "Ü"
; EDIT: My working solution per user3419297's answer
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; U-Umlaut| [ => ü und { => Ü
KeyWait "SC01A"
$SC01A Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$SC01A" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "["
Send "ü"
KeyWait "SC01A"
$+SC01A Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+SC01A" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
SendText "{"
Send "Ü"
Script based on
As a Developer it's super helpful to code using the US keyboard layout because all the special characters are within easy reach. As a native German speaker I'd like to access our beloved Umlauts at their traditional spots because I'm used to it.
On MacOS I solved this with Karabiner and Umlauts on long press. I want to replicate this on Windows.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1315
Reputation: 10636
In the rare case where a key has no name or the standard code doesn't work, Hotkeys can be triggered by using the 3-digit hexadecimal scan code (SC) of a key.
The scan code of a key can be determined by following the steps at Special Keys:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
Trying the same right here, using a different code though.
I managed to migrate it to V2 and changed the keys to match the German Keyboard layout.
[ = ü
' = ä
; = ö
- = ß
Please feel free to try:
umlaut_pairs := Map("$[" , "ü", "$'" , "ä", "$;" , "ö", "$-" , "ß", "$+[" , "Ü", "$+'" , "Ä", "$+;" , "Ö")
umlaut := umlaut_pairs[A_ThisHotkey]
Send SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2) ; input the letter first, otherwise input order might be wrong
KeyWait Substr(A_ThisHotkey,-1), "T0.2" ; call only the specific character without "$" or "+" and show input of the pressed key
if(A_TimeSinceThisHotkey>200) ; if pressed more than 200ms
Send "{BackSpace}" ; backspace previous letter
Send umlaut_pairs[A_ThisHotkey] ; Replace acc. to the map
KeyWait Substr(A_ThisHotkey,-1), "T0.2"
; }
Upvotes: 1