
Reputation: 173

Why parallelizing this code yields almost no performance improvement on six core machine?

I am learning parallel programming in Haskell using Simon Marlow's book. In the chapter about parallelizing Sudoku solvers, I decided to write my own solver using backtracking algorithm. The problem is that there is almost no performance gain when I try to distribute 6 cases among 6 cores. When I try to do examples with more cases, I get more significant performance gains yet still far from theoretical maximum which should be between 5 and 6. I understand that some cases may run far slower, but the threadscope diagram shows no excuse for such little gain. Can someone explain me what I am doing wrong. Maybe there is something about ST threads which I am not understanding?

Here is the code:


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}

module Sudoku (getSudokus, solve) where

import Data.Vector(Vector, (!), generate, thaw, freeze)
import Data.List ( nub )
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Text.Trifecta
import Control.Monad ( replicateM, when )
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

data Cell = Given Int
        | Filled Int
        | Empty
        deriving (Generic, NFData)

newtype Sudoku = Sudoku (Vector Cell)
    deriving (Generic, NFData)

instance Show Cell where
    show Empty = "   "
    show (Filled x) = " " ++ show x ++ " " 
    show (Given x) = "[" ++ show x ++ "]"

instance Show Sudoku where
    show (Sudoku vc) = "\n" ++
                    "+ -  -  - + -  -  - + -  -  - +" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 0 ++ i 1 ++ i 2 ++ "|" ++ i 3 ++ i 4 ++ i 5 ++ "|" ++ i 6 ++ i 7 ++ i 8 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 9 ++ i 10 ++ i 11 ++ "|" ++ i 12 ++ i 13 ++ i 14 ++ "|" ++ i 15 ++ i 16 ++ i 17 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 18 ++ i 19 ++ i 20 ++ "|" ++ i 21 ++ i 22 ++ i 23 ++ "|" ++ i 24 ++ i 25 ++ i 26 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "+ -  -  - + -  -  - + -  -  - +" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 27 ++ i 28 ++ i 29 ++ "|" ++ i 30 ++ i 31 ++ i 32 ++ "|" ++ i 33 ++ i 34 ++ i 35 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 36 ++ i 37 ++ i 38 ++ "|" ++ i 39 ++ i 40 ++ i 41 ++ "|" ++ i 42 ++ i 43 ++ i 44 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 45 ++ i 46 ++ i 47 ++ "|" ++ i 48 ++ i 49 ++ i 50 ++ "|" ++ i 51 ++ i 52 ++ i 53 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "+ -  -  - + -  -  - + -  -  - +" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 54 ++ i 55 ++ i 56 ++ "|" ++ i 57 ++ i 58 ++ i 59 ++ "|" ++ i 60 ++ i 61 ++ i 62 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 63 ++ i 64 ++ i 65 ++ "|" ++ i 66 ++ i 67 ++ i 68 ++ "|" ++ i 69 ++ i 70 ++ i 71 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "|" ++ i 72 ++ i 73 ++ i 74 ++ "|" ++ i 75 ++ i 76 ++ i 77 ++ "|" ++ i 78 ++ i 79 ++ i 80 ++ "|" ++ "\n" ++
                    "+ -  -  - + -  -  - + -  -  - +" ++ "\n"
                    where i x = show (vc ! x)

parseSudoku :: Parser Sudoku
parseSudoku = do
            lst <- replicateM 81 field
            (newline *> return ()) <|> eof
            return $ Sudoku $ generate 81 (lst !!)
        where field = (char '.' >> return Empty) <|> (Given . read . return <$> digit)

getSudokus :: String -> Maybe [Sudoku]
getSudokus raw = case parseString (some parseSudoku) mempty raw of
                    Success ss -> Just ss
                    Failure _ -> Nothing

data Direction = Back | Forward

solve :: Sudoku -> Maybe Sudoku
solve sudoku@(Sudoku puzzle) =  if isValid sudoku then
                                Just $ runST $ do
                                    puzzle' <- thaw puzzle
                                    go puzzle' 0 Forward
                                    Sudoku <$> freeze puzzle'
                                else Nothing
                                where go _ 81 _ = return ()
                                    go vector position direction = do
                                        cell <- vector position
                                        case (cell, direction) of
                                            (Empty, Back) -> error "Calling back Empty cell, this should not ever occur"
                                            (Empty, Forward) -> MV.write vector position (Filled 1) >> go vector position Forward
                                            (Given _, Back) -> go vector (position-1) Back
                                            (Given _, Forward) -> go vector (position+1) Forward
                                            (Filled 10, Back) -> MV.write vector position Empty >> go vector (position-1) Back
                                            (Filled 10, Forward) -> go vector position Back
                                            (Filled x, Forward) -> do
                                                let (r, c, s) = calculatePositions position
                                                row <- getRowMV r vector
                                                col <- getColumnMV c vector
                                                sqr <- getSquareMV s vector
                                                if isUnique row && isUnique col && isUnique sqr
                                                    then go vector (position+1) Forward
                                                    else MV.write vector position (Filled (x+1)) >> go vector position Forward
                                            (Filled x, Back) -> MV.write vector position (Filled (x+1)) >> go vector position Forward 

calculatePositions :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int)
calculatePositions i = let (row, col) = divMod i 9
                        sqr = (row `div` 3)*3 + (col `div` 3)
                        in (row, col, sqr)

isValid :: Sudoku -> Bool
isValid sudoku = go 0
            where go 9 = True
                go i = isUnique (getRow i sudoku) && isUnique (getColumn i sudoku) && isUnique (getSquare i sudoku) && go (i+1)

getRow :: Int -> Sudoku -> [Cell]
getRow l (Sudoku vector) = go 0
            where go 9 = []
                go c = vector ! (l*9 + c) : go (c+1)

getRowMV :: MV.PrimMonad m => Int -> MV.MVector (MV.PrimState m) Cell -> m [Cell]
getRowMV l mv = go 0
            where go 9 = return []
                go c = do
                    n <- mv (l*9 + c)
                    rl <- go (c+1)
                    return (n:rl)

getColumn :: Int -> Sudoku -> [Cell]
getColumn c (Sudoku vector) = go 0
            where go 9 = []
                go i = vector ! (c + i*9) : go (i+1)

getColumnMV :: MV.PrimMonad m => Int -> MV.MVector (MV.PrimState m) Cell -> m [Cell]
getColumnMV c mv = go 0
            where go 9 = return []
                go i = do
                    n <- mv (c + i*9)
                    rl <- go (i+1)
                    return (n:rl)

getSquare :: Int -> Sudoku -> [Cell]
getSquare q (Sudoku vector) = let (y, x) = quotRem q 3
                                start = x*3 + y*3*9
                            in [ vector ! start, vector ! (start + 1), vector ! (start + 2)
                                , vector ! (start + 9), vector ! (start + 10), vector ! (start + 11)
                                , vector ! (start + 18), vector ! (start + 19), vector ! (start + 20)]

getSquareMV :: MV.PrimMonad m => Int -> MV.MVector (MV.PrimState m) a -> m [a]
getSquareMV q mv = let (y, x) = quotRem q 3
                    start = x*3 + y*3*9
                    in do
                        a1 <- mv start
                        a2 <- mv (start +  1)
                        a3 <- mv (start +  2)
                        b1 <- mv (start +  9)
                        b2 <- mv (start + 10)
                        b3 <- mv (start + 11)
                        c1 <- mv (start + 18)
                        c2 <- mv (start + 19)
                        c3 <- mv (start + 20)
                        return [a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3]

isUnique :: [Cell] -> Bool
isUnique xs =  let sv = strip xs
                in length sv == length (nub sv)
            where strip (Empty:xs) = strip xs
                strip ((Given x):xs) = x : strip xs
                strip ((Filled x):xs) = x : strip xs
                strip [] = []


module Main where

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq ( force )
import Sudoku
import System.Environment (getArgs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    filename <- head <$> getArgs
    contents <- readFile filename
    case getSudokus contents of
        Just sudokus -> print $ runEval $ do
            start <- forM sudokus (rpar . force . solve)
            forM start rseq
        Nothing -> putStrLn "Error during parsing"

I am compiling it with following flags:

ghc-options: -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -eventlog

Execution with following flags:

cabal exec sudoku -- sudoku17.6.txt +RTS -N1 -s -l

Gives following performance report and threadscope diagram:

950,178,477,200 bytes allocated in the heap

181,465,696 bytes copied during GC

121,832 bytes maximum residency (7 sample(s))

30,144 bytes maximum slop

7 MiB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause

Gen 0 227776 colls, 0 par 1.454s 1.633s 0.0000s 0.0011s

Gen 1 7 colls, 0 par 0.001s 0.001s 0.0001s 0.0002s

TASKS: 4 (1 bound, 3 peak workers (3 total), using -N1)

SPARKS: 6 (0 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 6 fizzled)

INIT time 0.001s ( 0.001s elapsed)

MUT time 220.452s (220.037s elapsed)

GC time 1.455s ( 1.634s elapsed)

EXIT time 0.000s ( 0.008s elapsed)

Total time 221.908s (221.681s elapsed)

Alloc rate 4,310,140,685 bytes per MUT second

Productivity 99.3% of total user, 99.3% of total elapsed

Threadscope diagram non parallelized

Execution with parallelization:

cabal exec sudoku -- sudoku17.6.txt +RTS -N6 -s -l

950,178,549,616 bytes allocated in the heap

325,450,104 bytes copied during GC

142,704 bytes maximum residency (7 sample(s))

82,088 bytes maximum slop

32 MiB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause

Gen 0 128677 colls, 128677 par 37.697s 30.612s 0.0002s 0.0035s

Gen 1 7 colls, 6 par 0.005s 0.004s 0.0006s 0.0012s

Parallel GC work balance: 11.66% (serial 0%, perfect 100%)

TASKS: 14 (1 bound, 13 peak workers (13 total), using -N6)

SPARKS: 6 (5 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 1 fizzled)

INIT time 0.010s ( 0.009s elapsed)

MUT time 355.227s (184.035s elapsed)

GC time 37.702s ( 30.616s elapsed)

EXIT time 0.001s ( 0.007s elapsed)

Total time 392.940s (214.667s elapsed)

Alloc rate 2,674,847,755 bytes per MUT second

Productivity 90.4% of total user, 85.7% of total elapsed

enter image description here

Here are the contents of sudoku17.6.txt:







Upvotes: 5

Views: 263

Answers (1)


Reputation: 9767

Believe it or not, but your problem potentially had nothing to do with parallelization. In the future I'd recommend you first look at the input to the function you are trying to parallelized. It turned out you always tried a single puzzle.

Edit - @Noughtmare pointed out that according to Threadscope results posted in the question there is some parallelization going on. Which is true and it makes me believe that the file posted in question doesn't exactly match the one used for creating the results. If that's the case, then you can skip to Parallelization section for the answer about: "Why parallelizing this code yields almost no performance improvement on six core machine?"


Long story short there is a bug in your parser. If you ask my true opinion, it is actually a bug in trifecta package documentation, because it promises to fully consume the input parseString:

Fully parse a String to a Result.

but instead it consumes the first line only and successfully returns the result. However, honestly, I've never used it before, so maybe it is the expected bahavior.

Lets take a look at your parser:

parseSudoku :: Parser Sudoku
parseSudoku = do
  lst <- replicateM 81 field
  (newline *> return ()) <|> eof
  return $ Sudoku $ generate 81 (lst !!)
    field = (char '.' >> return Empty) <|> (Given . read . return <$> digit)

At first glance it looks just fine, until input is closely examined. Every empty line between the lines with data also contain a newline character, but your parser expects one at most:

<this is also a newline>

So you parser should instead be:

  many (newline *> return ()) <|> eof

Side note. If it was up to me this is how I would write the parser:

parseSudoku :: Parser Sudoku
parseSudoku = do
  (Sudoku <$> V.replicateM 81 field) <* ((() <$ many newline) <|> eof)
    field = (Empty <$ char '.') <|> (Given . Data.Char.digitToInt <$> digit)


When it comes to implementation of parallelization it seems to work fine, but the problem is the work load is really unbalanced. That's why there is only about x2 speed up when using 6 cores. In other words not all puzzles are created equally hard. For that reason solving 6 puzzles using 6 cores in parallel will always get the performance of the longest solution at best. Therefore to gain more from parallelization you either need more puzzles or less CPU cores ;)

EDIT: Here are some benchmarks to support my explanation above.

These are the results for solving each individual puzzle:

enter image description here

And these two are the sequential and parallelized solvers using one core and six cores respectfully.

enter image description here

As you can see solving the second puzzle with index 1 took the longest time, which on my computer took a little over a 100 seconds. This is also the time it took for the parallelized algorithm to solve all puzzles. Which makes sense, since all other 5 puzzles were solved much quicker and those cores that were freed up had no other work to do.

Also as a sanity check if you sum up the individual times it took for puzzles to be solved it will match up pretty good with the total time it took to solve all of them sequentially.

Upvotes: 4

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