Reputation: 45
I have created an npm package in react js typescript and I'm trying to add local fonts to the package but I keep getting "Cannot find module" error.
my package.json:
"name": "question",
"version": "1.0.41",
"description": "description",
"main": "./dist/cjs/index.js",
"module": "./dist/esm/index.js",
"types": "./dist/esm/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run build:esm && npm run build:cjs",
"build:esm": "tsc",
"build:cjs": "tsc --module commonjs --outDir dist/cjs",
"lint": "eslint \"{**/*,*}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\"",
"prettier": "prettier --write \"{src,tests,example/src}/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\"",
"test": "jest --config jestconfig.json",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"prepublishOnly": "npm test && npm run prettier && npm run lint"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "*****************************************************************"
"author": "author.",
"license": "ISC",
"bugs": {
"url": "*****************************************************************"
"homepage": "*****************************************************************",
"dependencies": {
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^6.2.1",
"@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^6.2.1",
"@fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "^0.2.0",
"@types/react": "^18.0.26",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.48.2",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.48.2",
"axios": "^1.2.2",
"eslint": "^8.32.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.32.1",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.0",
"mobx": "^6.7.0",
"prettier": "^2.8.3",
"react": ">=16",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-loading": "^2.0.3",
"reactjs-popup": "^2.0.5",
"styled-components": "^5.3.6",
"typescript": "^4.9.4"
"devDependencies": {
"@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0",
"@types/jest": "^29.2.6",
"@types/styled-components": "^5.1.26",
"jest": "^29.3.1",
"jest-canvas-mock": "^2.4.0",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.3.1",
"ts-jest": "^29.0.5",
"typescript-plugin-css-modules": "^4.1.1"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": ">=16"
"files": [
"include": ["src", "src/types/*"],
"exclude": [
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "esnext",
"lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
"importHelpers": true,
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": false,
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist/esm",
"strict": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"allowJs": true,
"jsx": "react",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"plugins": [{ "name": "typescript-plugin-css-modules" }],
"typeRoots" : ["node_modules/@types", "src/types"],
fonts.tsx file:
import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components'
import Poppins_400 from '/src/assets/fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf'
const FontStyles = createGlobalStyle`
@font-face {
font-family: "Poppins_400";
src: local("Poppins_400"),
url(${Poppins_400}) format("truetype");
font-weight: 400;
export default FontStyles
App.tsx file:
import React from 'react'
import { Container, Body } from './styles'
import FontStyles from '../assets/fonts/fonts'
const App = () => {
return (
<FontStyles />
<Body />
export default App
I've tried adding fonts.d.ts file with "declare module '*.tff'" but the error persist
The full message is: Cannot find module '/src/assets/fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf' from 'src/assets/fonts/fonts.tsx'
Would much appreciate any help in order to add the fonts to my package. Thanks!
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Views: 914
Reputation: 363
import Poppins_400 from '/src/assets/fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf'
url(${Poppins_400}) format("truetype");
You're importing the .ttf file as though it's a module, but the Styled Components 'createGlobalStyle' function is expecting a string.
Place your ttf file in the public directory of your project and remove the import statement. Then you can just do this:
url("/assets/fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf") format("truetype");
Upvotes: 1