Reputation: 38
Well, There is an application called QRCP which can share files through LAN by Qr Code. It uses a command in cmd to share the file:
I want to add this to SendTo dropdown menu, but the problem is I can't pass it the file that I want to share.
I need something like this:
Which I could pass the file location with %1
and the final command should be like
qrcp send "D:\Program Files\file.exe"
But it seems it's not how it works!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 122
Reputation: 18827
Here is an example that I tried on my side.
This batch file can create a shortcut on SendTo
Folder and may be can do the trick for you too , just change the path of QRCP on your side :
@echo off
Title QRCP Batch File
REM Create a shortcut on SendTo Folder
REM "Call :CreateShortcut_SendTo" - This command calls the CreateShortcut_SendTo subroutine,
REM which creates a shortcut in the SendTo folder that can be used to easily execute the script.
Call :CreateShortcut_SendTo
REM This command sets the QRCP_Path variable to the location of the QRCP.exe file in the same directory as the batch file.
Set QRCP_Path="%~dp0QRCP.exe"
Set FilePath=%1
If "%FilePath%" == "" (
Color 0C & echo No File was passed throw this Program, Exiting ... & Timeout /T 5 /NoBreak>nul & Exit
%QRCP_Path% %1
echo File %1 passed to QRCP
Exit /B
Powershell -Command "If (Test-Path '%Appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\%~n0.lnk') { Remove-Item '%Appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\%~n0.lnk' }"
Powershell ^
"$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%Appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\%~n0.lnk'); ^
$s.TargetPath='%~dpnx0'; ^
$s.WorkingDirectory='%~dp0'; ^
$s.IconLocation='%QRCP_Path%,0'; ^
Exit /B
Upvotes: 0